SIREN’S SALVATION (Reaper’s Rejects MC: Nevada) by Elizabeth Knox

SIREN’S SALVATION (Reaper’s Rejects MC; Second Generation 4: Nevada) by Elizabeth Knox / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 21, 2025

I had one rule: don’t be with anyone in the club. And, I broke it.


It was lust at first sight. The first moment I saw him, I wanted to drag my acrylic nails down his chest and scream his name. I’ve never felt like that for anyone, but Shiver lived up to his name. He was only in Montana because Damon needed him to handle something. He was passing through and I knew better than to get attached.

One month.

That’s all we had and I was going to make the most of it. Even knowing he was leaving didn’t prepare me for the ache in my heart as he rode off into the sunset. After a week I did the unthinkable. I went to my President and asked for a transfer to Las Vegas. I wanted to see if this could work between the two of us, and I had faith we could.

I never thought I’d be transferring to Las Vegas in the middle of their war, but they needed all hands on deck I just hoped Shiver would be happy to see me.


REIVEW: SIREN’S SALVATION is the fourth instalment and novella in Elizabeth Knox’s contemporary, adult REAPER’S REJECTS MC: SECOND GENERATION : NEVADA dark, erotic, MC romance series-a spin off set in the author’s REAPER’S REJECTS MC world. This is the start of Shiver and Siren’s relationship.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, including MFM sexual scenarios, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Shiver and Siren) SIREN’S SALVATION follows the building but questionable relationship between Reaper’s Rejects MC: Montana member Siren, and Shiver from the Nevada, LV chapter. Shiver is in town to do a job for the president of the Montana chapter but his focus begins to centre on our story line heroine. Siren doesn’t do relationships, and in the wake of their latest assignment to locate the MC betrayer, Siren finds herself at a disadvantage with Shiver’s demands and his need to claim Siren as his own in the face of jealousy when someone else set’s his sights on our story line heroine.

The world building follows several paths including the hunt for someone who betrayed the MC but in their search they come upon someone else, another person determined to avenge someone else. As Siren struggles to keep her distance, Shiver is determined to claim Siren as his own.

The relationship between Shiver and Siren is one of mutual attraction but Shiver is only in Montana for a few weeks, and Siren refuses to fall for a man who will move on when his time in Montana comes to an end. The $ex scenes are erotic and provocative including an MFM menage situation.

There is a large ensemble cast of familiar secondary and supporting characters including several of the previous story line characters from the original Reaper’s Rejects MC.

SIREN’S SALVATION is a fast paced story of betrayal and vengeance, obsession and madness, friendships and relationships. The premise is intriguing; the romance is intense; the characters are determined and controlling. SIREN’S SALVATION does not end on a happily ever after ..but ends rather abruptly when Shiver must return to the Nevada Chapter. The story line feels unfinished-there is much more story to tell.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Spark’s Inferno
Turmoil’s Target
Doc’s Decision

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy
