Sweet Life (Sugar Rush #5) by Nina Lane-Review & Excerpt Tour

SWEET LIFE (Sugar Rush #5) by Nina Lane-Review and Excerpt Tour

Sweet Life Banner

Sugar Rush #5
by Nina Lane
Release Date: December 12, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance

Sweet Life

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / iBooks /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 12, 2017

He knows if she’s been bad or good.

Amidst the sugarplums and mistletoe, fashion stylist Julia Bennett is every inch a scrooge. Known for her ice-queen ways, she’s having a meltdown over a botched business deal and an upcoming milestone birthday. Add the pressure of forced holiday cheer, and she’s ready to dive into the spiked eggnog and not come out until summer.

Warren Stone, president and owner of the Sugar Rush Candy Company, is determined to make Julia slow down and enjoy the holidays. As her friend and confidante for thirteen years, he knows her better than anyone. But when decking the halls leads them to an explosive, sexy night, everything suddenly changes.

When Warren decides Julia is all he wants for Christmas, will she risk their longtime friendship for the gift of love?


REVIEW: SWEET LIFE is the fifth instalment in Nina Lane’s contemporary, adult SUGAR RUSH erotic romance series focusing on the Stone family and the Sugar Rush Candy company. This is patriarch and Sugar Rush president Warren Stone, and fashion stylist Julie Bennett’s story line. SWEET LIFE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Warren and Julia) SWEET LIFE focuses on the friends to lovers relationship between fifty-four year old widower, father of seven, and President of the Sugar Rush Candy Company Warren Stone, and his forty-nine year old, sister in-law Julia Bennett. Fourteen years earlier Warren lost his beloved wife Rebecca to a tragic accident that also saw our heroine lose the sister she would never forget. Throughout the years Julia has been the family’s rock, helping to take care of her sister’s seven children but in the ensuing time our heroine’s personal life took a backseat to the fulfilment of her career, and the support of her extended family. Fast forward to present day wherein Julia’s attraction to Warren is met with an equally aggressive reaction by her late sister’s husband-a man she has lusted over for close to thirty-five years. What ensues is the building romance between Julia and Warren, and the potential fall out as their secret romance becomes fodder for the family, and Julia is unable to let go of the past.

Throughout the story line the ghost of Warren’s late wife Rebecca is a major stumbling block for our story line couple. Unable to get past the breakdown of her relationship with Rebecca, prior to the death of the sister she loved, Julia struggles with the memories of what happened, and the revelations about her feelings for the man she would grow to love. As Warren prepares for retirement, the family must come to terms with their father’s decision, and the change in direction for the Sugar Rush company.

The relationship between Julia and Warren is a friends to lovers, older couple romance; a brother in law / sister in law attraction that has continued to flourish, building towards something more than friendship and mutual loss. Secrets are revealed that could potentially destroy Julia’s relationship with the family she loves. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense-it is wonderful to see an ‘older couple’ enjoying an active sex life not deferring to questionable age-related ability.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting cast including many of the previous story line characters: Luke and Polly (Sweet Dreams #1), Evan (Sweet Escape #2), Tyler (Sweet Surrender #3), Gavin an Mia (Sweet Time #4) Adam, Spencer, and Hailey Stone; Julia’s assistants Anisa and Marco, as well as several local residents of Indigo Bay, California who are participating in the local Christmas pageant.

The world building focuses on family; on Warren’s upcoming retirement plans; and Julia’s inability to love and be loved. The premise is captivating and inspiring; the romance is passionate and seductive; the characters are charismatic, energetic and lively. Nina Lane is a go –to author for me for her ability to pull me in, suck me under, make me cry, and never let go.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Sweet Dreams
Sweet Escape
Sweet Surrender
Sweet Time
Sweet Life

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


“Now step into my office.”
Julia blinked at his hard tone, her gaze shifting to his closed office door. “I beg your pardon?”
Warren opened the door. “In. Now.”
Her features tightened with resistance just as the elevator doors opened and several employees emerged, their voices rising in chatter. Julia crossed the hallway in front of them, her shoulders rigid. He caught a whiff of Chanel No. 5 as she passed him.
He entered the office behind her and closed the door, flicking the lock shut.
“You are not to take out personal crap on my employees,” he said. “That’s not how I run this company.”
Julia’s lips compressed. “Odd that you’ve never before questioned my treatment of your employees. And it wasn’t personal. She needed to know she’d screwed up.”
“Announcing the holiday party early is not screwing up,” Warren replied evenly. “You’re pissed off because you’ve had a shitty week, you have too much on your plate, an old bucket list has thrown you off your game, and you don’t know what to do with the fact that we fucked the other night.”
Two spots of color appeared on her cheeks. “I seem to recall that what I did with that fact was tell you it wasn’t going to happen again. After which you informed me in excellent caveman style that I was wrong. You seem to forget I’m never wrong.”
About this, you are.
He bit back the words. He hadn’t become the president of Sugar Rush by throwing his weight around. He knew how to bide his time, work his way into getting what he wanted. And damned if he didn’t want her more with every passing second.
“Well?” Julia put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Are we done here?”
Under her make-up, purplish smudges shadowed her eyes. Brackets of tension lined her mouth. His jaw tightened.
“You had a migraine yesterday,” he said.
“What the fuck do you care?” Julia snapped.
Warren’s hands flexed. He was used to her quick-fire cursing, all the more effective when delivered by a woman who looked like royalty, but he didn’t like being the recipient of her wrath.
“I’m putting Mia Donovan in charge of the Sugar Rush holiday party,” he said.
“You’re firing me?” Julia stared at him, her eyes widening. “Are you serious?”
“Yes.” He steeled himself against her shock and the knowledge that he was hurting her. “You’ve planned it for the past ten years, and it’s time to hand it over to someone else.”
“You don’t get to decide that.”
“Yes, I do. Sugar Rush is my company. This is also the event where I’ll be announcing my retirement. You’re not going to plan it.”
“Because I have too much on my plate?” Julia stopped in front of the windows, her arms crossed and her fiery gaze fixed on him. “Thanks for your concern, Daddy, but I assure you I can handle everything I take on.”
“That’s why you’re such a success. It’s also why your headaches are getting worse.”
“You are not my fucking doctor.”
“Stop swearing.”
She barked out a laugh. “You need to rethink this retirement thing, Warren. It’s making you soft.”
Given the state of his dick, he was anything but soft.
“If you won’t delegate your projects, I will,” he said.
“Because you can’t stop being the boss, even if you think otherwise.” Julia paced angrily to the desk, her eyes flaring with blue ice. “Why are you retiring, Warren? Everyone knows you’re the power behind the throne, much as you’ve let the boys take all the glory. Three months—hell, one month from now when you have nothing to do and no one to order around, you’re going to wonder why you made such a bad decision.”
Warren’s jaw clenched. He was sick of getting pushback from all sides. “I’ve been in business my entire life. I know what I’m doing.”
“So do I, dammit,” Julia retorted. “I don’t need you looking out for me.”
“I will always look out for you.”
She came to a halt, her whole body stilling. By contrast, Warren’s heartbeat kicked up, sudden heat flooding his veins. Their gazes met across the room, a crackling electric current firing through the air.
Julia took a breath, her breasts heaving beneath her jacket.
“Goddamn you, Warren Stone,” she whispered.
“I told you to stop swearing.” He advanced, his own breath increasing, his hands fisting and unfisting at his sides.
Rebellion tightened her features. “And if I don’t?”
“You sure you want to find out?”
He closed the distance between them, his lust flaring like a match to dry leaves.
What the fuck was going on with them?
The question flared like a comet through his mind and died just as fast—because he didn’t care about the answer. His mind was consumed with the thought of tasting her red lips again, sweet like cherries, spicy like peppers. Her mouth could deliver an insult as sharp and searing as a blade, but he knew—had always known, even if he’d smothered the knowledge—that the sounds issuing from Julia Bennett’s mouth could also be smooth, hot murmurs of lust that rushed straight to his blood. Weakening him of all thought, all control, inciting him with the urge to—
He grabbed her shoulders, hauling her soft, slender body against him. He’d always loved the contrast of Julia, the sharp-tongued, acidic queen and the relentlessly devoted aunt. The rigorous boss who shot orders like arrows, and the loyal friend who bought Hailey’s favorite peanut butter, sent care packages to Gavin Knight when he was deployed in Iraq, spent hours on end with Evan at the hospital.
He stared down at her fine features, pale skin, and wide blue eyes that he’d seen almost every day of his life for the past thirteen years—and suddenly now it felt as if he were looking at her for the first time. Had he never noticed that tiny birthmark right beneath her left eye? Or the silver flecks in her irises, like falling snow? Or the perfect curve in her upper lip, tempting him to put his tongue there and—
Oh, he’d noticed all right. He’d just tried to pretend he hadn’t.
“What the hell am I going to do with you, Julia?” he muttered.
“Fire me, apparently.” Her tone was bitter, her eyes blue fire.
Her gaze flickered involuntarily to his mouth, her lips parting. He slipped his hand beneath her chin, lifting her face to his. His heart jackhammered. Her breath brushed against his mouth, the familiar scent of her—Chanel No. 5, lavender soap, pure Julia—suddenly exotic and tantalizing.
“I’m going to let you go,” he said slowly, “and take two steps back. I want you to reach under your skirt and take your underwear off… if you’re wearing any.”

About The Author

Nina LaneNew York Times & USA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances about professors, bad boys, candy makers, and protective alpha males who find themselves consumed with love for one woman alone. Originally from California, Nina holds a PhD in Art History and an MA in Library and Information Studies, which means she loves both research and organization. She also enjoys traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Although Nina would go back to college for another degree because she’s that much of a bookworm and a perpetual student, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer. 

Connect with Nina: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest
Newsletter: http://ninalane.com/newsletter

Inkslinger 2


Sweet Time (Sugar Rush #4) by Nina Lane-Review & Excerpt Tour

SWEET TIME (Sugar Rush #4) by Nina Lane-Review and Excerpt Tour

Sweet Time Banner

Sugar Rush #4
by Nina Lane
Release Date: October 10, 2017
Genre: adult,contemporary, erotic, romance

Sweet Time

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / ibooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 10, 2017

Stuck in a boring insurance job, vivacious Mia Donovan has spent the last few years searching for her life’s true path. She fills her time helping plan the wedding of her best friend to the CEO of the Sugar Rush Candy Company.

Mia has also been trying to attract the impossibly rigid Sugar Rush security chief Gavin Knight. But for well over a year, the unyielding Mr. Knight has ignored her, despite her short skirts, tight sweaters, and patently obvious flirting. And when he finally approaches her, it’s only to assess the wedding plans for potential security risks.

A former soldier, Gavin has intercepted hostile anonymous letters threatening the high-profile wedding. Determined to keep everyone safe, he’s forced to work with the maddeningly sexy Miss Donovan of the thousand-watt charm and irresistible body.

Irked by Gavin’s many months of disregard, Mia takes her teasing flirtations to a whole new level. But her coquettish ways are no match for the edgy, lust-fueled dominant he conceals behind his impassive exterior. And when Gavin exerts his full control, Mia discovers he can protect everything except her heart.


REVIEW: SWEET TIME is the fourth installment in Nina Lane’s contemporary, adult SUGAR RUSH erotic, romance series focusing on the owners and operators of the Sugar Rush Candy Company. This is Sugar Rush head of security and former Marine Gavin Knight, and Mia Donovan’s story line. SWEET TIME can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Mia and Gavin’s story line has been building since book one-our heroine is Polly Lockhart’s (SWEET DREAMS) best friend.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Mia and Gavin) SWEET TIME focuses on the building relationship between security specialist Gavin Knight, and Polly Lockhart’s best friend Mia Donovan. Mia and Gavin have been dancing around one another for close to a year. Every day Gavin Knight comes into Polly’s bakery THE WILD CHILD, and every time Mia struggles to attract the attention of the stoic and impassive former Marine. With the approach of Polly and Luke Stone’s wedding, Mia has offered her services as the wedding coordinator which will force her to work together with Gavin Knight whose team at Knight Security has been tasked with ensuring the wedding ceremony and party go according to plans. A threat has been issued against the Sugar Rush CEO Luke Stone, and Gavin struggles with the identity and source of the increasing intimidation and danger. What ensues is the building love between Gavin and Mia, and the potential fall out as Gavin has yet to come to terms with his time in the Middle East, and the ongoing PTSD that continues to affect his life.

Mia Donovan’s attraction to Gavin Knight is immediate and intense but Gavin appears to be oblivious to all of Mia’s attempts at flirting and seduction. Gavin battles his attraction to, and need for our story line heroine, and places all of his energies into protecting the man he once called friend and brother. Mia and Gavin’s short lived romance begins to fall apart when the threats against Luke Stone come to fruition placing Mia Donovan in the direct line of fire. The $ex scenes are intimate, seductive and intense.

There are six Stone siblings with stories to tell-Luke, Evan, Adam, Hailey, Spencer and baby brother Tyler. All of the previous story line couples and character including Tyler and Kate, Hannah and Evan, Luke’s father Warren, and their meddling Aunt Julia play secondary and supporting characters.

The world building takes the focus away from the Sugar Rush company and places the emphasis on the threats against its’ CEO. Gavin knows that to act on his feelings towards Polly’s best friend may threaten his friendship with Lucas Stone but his attraction to Mia is immediate and intense.

SWEET TIME is a sexy and edgy read. The premise is entertaining and encouraging; the characters are colorful, dynamic and energetic; the romance is intimate and passionate. Nina Lane’s SUGAR RUSH is a decadent series of heartbreak, love and happily ever afters.

Reading Order and previous Reviews

Sweet Dreams
Sweet Escape
Sweet Surrender
Sweet Time

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Sweet Time Teaser


A smile curved her mouth. She stretched one leg over him and straddled his waist. With her nipples poking out of her bra, her skin flushed and her hair a waterfall of gold, he could have stared at her for hours if he weren’t about to implode with lust. He pinched her rosy nipples and twisted the strap of her bra.
“Take this off,” he ordered. “I want you naked.”
She shed her bra, revealing her perfect round breasts. She braced her hands on the mattress and leaned in to kiss him deeply, her tongue tracing the line of his lips. He slid his hands down to grasp her ass, working one finger between her cheeks. She inhaled sharply, but didn’t protest, arching her back like she wanted more.
He’d give her more. And despite her willingness, it might be more than she could handle. More than she could take.
“Wait,” she whispered, wiggling back so she was straddling his thighs. “Where are the condoms?”
“Drawer in the nightstand.”
She reached over to retrieve one and took her sweet time sheathing his dick. By the time she was done, his teeth were clenched from the light, tickling touch of her fingers.
He grasped her hips. “Ride me.”
Mia bit her lip, a flush rising to her cheekbones. For a second he thought she’d decline, but she lifted herself up, her hand circling the base of his cock as she positioned herself.
Then she sank onto him, and the world exploded into the hot, tight clench of her pussy, the sound of her low groan, the clench of her knees around his hips. A flash of pain crossed her face before it was replaced with heavy lust. Heat sizzled through the air. She curled her fingers into his chest and started to move.
“Oh my God.” Her breath grew fast, her astonished gaze still holding his. “I feel you so deep, all the way up here.”
She pressed one hand to her belly and shifted again, working her gorgeous body up and down on his cock. He dug his fingers into her hips. His jaw clenched to the point of pain. He fought the urge to thrust, to drive them both to the edge. She was a fucking goddess, her tits bouncing, her body flexing and writhing, sweat glistening on her skin.
“Faster.” He bit out the order, his blood on fire.
She leaned forward, her hair falling in curtains on either side of her face, her little panting breaths puffing against his neck. Her eyes darkened with hunger and urgency.
“I need it, Gavin,” she whispered, her teeth capturing her lower lip again. “I need to come with you inside me, hard and deep and… oh God…”
“That’s right.” He grabbed her waist and thrust upward, needing to be inside her as far as he could. “Get yourself off… Christ, you’re incredible, all soft tight heat… you’re going to jerk me off, cover your little pussy with my come…”
A shudder rocked through her. She braced her hands on his chest and moved faster. Breathy cries came from her parted lips.
“I want you to do it first,” she gasped, sliding up and down his cock like a well-oiled piston. “Mark me.”
She moved off him before he could stop her, her chest heaving as she slid back to sit on his thighs. She rolled the condom off his erection and stroked, her tapered fingers moving up and down his aching shaft, her thumb caressing the swollen crown.
“Do it, Gavin.” Her voice was husky and threaded with anticipation. “Come on my pussy. Give me everything you have.”
“Ah, shit.” Every part of him tensed. Fiery pressure built. He gripped her smooth thighs and thrust into her fist. “So goddamned close… harder… now… .fuck.”
Heat exploded through him, jets of come splashing over her belly. She gasped, her fist still working his dick until the sensations ebbed. He groaned, sinking against the pillows.
“That’s so fucking sexy,” she whispered, releasing him only to slide her fingers through the mess coating her skin. “I love how you feel on me.”
“Get yourself off for me.” He stroked his hands up and down her smooth, damp thighs. “I want to watch you.”
Shivering, she slipped one hand between her legs and brought the other to her breasts. She twisted her pink nipple and worked her fingers on her clit. Much as he wanted to delve his fingers into her slippery heat again, he restrained himself from reaching for her.
He couldn’t take his eyes off the sight of her touching herself, her body sleek and soft. She threw her head back, her hair spilling over her shoulders. Moaning, she moved her fingers more frantically, her body tensing with need.
“Gavin,” she gasped. “I feel it… I still feel you… oh God, I’m going to… ah!”
A high, keening cry broke from her throat as her body shook, her hand still rubbing her clit. Fucking gorgeous sight, spearing him with fresh lust.
“Oh fuck.” She groaned, collapsing on top of him in a hot, sweet bundle of softness. “That was amazing. My ass is still sore from your hand, and I swear that made me come even harder.”
He gave a short laugh. Yeah, he’d lost the battle all right. He was about to lose the whole fucking war. And never before had he wanted to surrender.

About the author

Nina LaneNew York Times & USA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances about professors, bad boys, candy makers, and protective alpha males who find themselves consumed with love for one woman alone. Originally from California, Nina holds a PhD in Art History and an MA in Library and Information Studies, which means she loves both research and organization. She also enjoys traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Although Nina would go back to college for another degree because she’s that much of a bookworm and a perpetual student, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer. 

Connect with Nina: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest
Newsletter: http://ninalane.com/newsletter

Inkslinger 2


Sweet Escape (Sugar Rush #2) by Nina Lane-Review and Book Tour

SWEET ESCAPE (Sugar Rush #2) by Nina Lane-Review and Book Tour

Sweet Escape Banner

Sugar Rush #2
by Nina Lane
Release Date : December 6, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance

Sweet Escape

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / ibooks /

Add to your GOODREADS shelf.

Cover design by Perfect Pear Creative Covers http://www.ppccovers.com/

Photography by Wander Aguiar http://wanderaguiar.com/

Model: Andrew Biernatt
ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 6, 2016

When dessert goes wrong…

Hannah Lockhart travels the world and blogs about love. At least she used to before she promised to look after her sister’s bakery. Now, stuck in small town California for the next six months, Hannah is desperate to find romantic content for her blog or risk losing both readers and income.

Then a whipped cream disaster sends her into the arms of sexy, charming Evan Stone, heir to the Sugar Rush Candy Company.

Since childhood, Evan has been trying to overcome family concerns about his defective heart. Known as “The Heartbreaker,” he’s found an outlet with women. And when bad news strikes him, he seeks a diversion by offering to show Hannah the romance of the Bay Area.

Hannah jumps at the chance…as long as they keep things platonic. But soon Evan’s hot combination of charm, perfect kisses, and a serious sweet tooth melts her defenses.

As Hannah and Evan surrender to their delicious attraction, they are forced to confront the reality of her wanderlust and his heart condition. When love and hearts collide, can Hannah and Evan find their sweet ending?


REVIEW: SWEET ESCAPE is the second installment in Nina Lane’s contemporary, adult SUGAR RUSH romance series focusing on the Stone family who own and operate the Sugar Rush Candy Company. This is heir to the Sugar Rush company and current head of operations Evan Stone, and bakery shop co-owner/ blogger Hannah Lockhart’s story line. SWEET ESCAPE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. We were first introduced to Hannah and Evan in book one-Sweet Dreams.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Hannah and Evan) SWEET ESCAPE focuses on the building relationship between Hannah Lockhart and Evan Stone. Hannah is Evan’s brother Luke’s fiance’s sister (say that again five times), and a woman whose presence in Rainsville, California has caught the attention of Evan Stone. Hannah is working at the family owned Wild Child bakery while her sister Polly attends an exclusive baking school in Paris, France but Hannah’s need to be on the move is increasing our heroine’s anxiety. Never one to stay in one place for very long, Hannah isn’t ready to set down roots especially in Rainsville, California where memories of the past continue to haunt our heroine’s life. At a local bachelor auction for charity, Hannah bids fifty thousand dollars to protect Evan Stone from his former fling, and in doing so steps into a relationship that changes her perspective about travel, being on the move, and the man with whom she will fall in love. What ensues is the building love between Evan and Hannah, and Evan’s need to push Hannah away when his heart condition threatens once again.

The relationship between Evan and Hannah is a friends to lovers trope full of fun, romance, and very relatable interactions and emotions. Evan struggles with the knowledge that his heart condition threatens any possibility of a long term relationship but Hannah is a woman determined to prove that nothing will stand in the way of happiness and love. The $ex scenes are intimate and intense.

There are six Stone siblings with stories to tell-Luke, Evan, Adam, Hailey, Spencer and baby brother Tyler. We are reintroduced to several members of the Stone family including Aunt Julia and their father Warren, as well as Hannah and Polly’s co-workers and friends at Wild Child- Ramona and Mia. Gavin Knight of Knight security silently sits to the side while Mia tries her best to attract the quiet man’s attention.

The world building focuses on the relationship between Hannah and Evan; Hannah’s need to run when life becomes overwhelming; the Fair Trade Foundation (aka Cocoa Bean Team) –where Evan and Adam Stone will lead in the sustainability of cocoa bean crops; and Evan’s health issues that threaten his relationship with the woman he loves.

SWEET ESCAPE is a romantic journey; a provocative tale of heartbreak and love. The premise is encouraging and real; the romance is passionate and inspiring; the characters are dynamic and heartwarming. SWEET ESCAPE is a sweet, sultry and intense story where fates intervenes to bring two lonely hearts together for a lifetime.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Sweet Escape Teaser

series spotlight

Sugar Rush #1
by Nina Lane
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance
Release Date: September 20, 2016

Sweet Dreams

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of SWEET DREAMS

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / ibooks /


He may own a candy company, but this wealthy bachelor is no Willy Wonka.

Sugar Rush Candy Company CEO Luke Stone is a devoted businessman who doesn’t do relationships. He does short-term affairs with clearly defined rules. But when a sexy bohemian angel propositions him in a bar, Luke is tempted to want more.

Polly Lockhart is horrified when she wakes the morning after her twenty-third birthday to realize she made a fool of herself with a sinfully delicious man. She tells herself she doesn’t have time for romance anyway, as she’s fighting to keep her mother’s beloved bakery afloat and finish her culinary studies. That all changes when her class tours the famed Sugar Rush headquarters, and Polly collides with her dream man again.

As she succumbs to their hot attraction, Polly soon realizes her bakery isn’t the only thing that needs saving. Luke, driven and unyielding, will burn out unless someone convinces him to taste the sweetness of life. But can Polly remember this sugar rush is only temporary?

about the author

\Connect with Nina: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest

New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances and spicy erotica. Originally from California, she holds a PhD in Art History and an MA in Library and Information Studies, which means she loves both research and organization. She also enjoys traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Although Nina would go back to college for another degree because she’s that much of a bookworm and a perpetual student, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer.

Did you know newsletter subscribers have access to ARRIVE, a free novella written by Nina Lane? Find out more and subscribe to NEWSLETTER on her website!

Inkslinger 2


Sweet Dreams (Sugar Rush #1) by Nina Lane-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

SWEET DREAMS (Sugar Rush #1) by Nina Lane- Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

Sweet Dreams Banner

Sugar Rush #1
by Nina Lane
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance
Release Date: September 20, 2016

Sweet Dreams

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / ibooks /


He may own a candy company, but this wealthy bachelor is no Willy Wonka.

Sugar Rush Candy Company CEO Luke Stone is a devoted businessman who doesn’t do relationships. He does short-term affairs with clearly defined rules. But when a sexy bohemian angel propositions him in a bar, Luke is tempted to want more.

Polly Lockhart is horrified when she wakes the morning after her twenty-third birthday to realize she made a fool of herself with a sinfully delicious man. She tells herself she doesn’t have time for romance anyway, as she’s fighting to keep her mother’s beloved bakery afloat and finish her culinary studies. That all changes when her class tours the famed Sugar Rush headquarters, and Polly collides with her dream man again.

As she succumbs to their hot attraction, Polly soon realizes her bakery isn’t the only thing that needs saving. Luke, driven and unyielding, will burn out unless someone convinces him to taste the sweetness of life. But can Polly remember this sugar rush is only temporary?


REVIEW: SWEET DREAMS is the first installment in Nina Lane’s contemporary adult SUGAR RUSH romance series focusing on the Stone family who own and operate the Sugar Rush Candy Company. This is Sugar Rush CEO Luke Stone, and twenty three year old bakery shop owner/ college student Polly Lockhart’s story line.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Luke and Polly) SWEET DREAMS follows the building relationship between the CEO of the Sugar Rush Candy Company Luke Stone, and bakery owner Polly Lockhart. On her twenty third birthday Polly was pushed by her best friend Mia to seduce the hottie at the local bar but too many drinks, a heartbreaking but humorous rejection, and a lasting impression found our heroine alone the next morning with nothing but a hangover, some unfortunate memories, and a scheduled tour of the Sugar Rush Candy Company along with her college classmates. Enter CEO Luke Stone, and the last person our heroine was hoping to meet-Luke is the hottie from the evening before, and the man who had featured in our heroine’s dreams. What ensues is Luke’s pursuit of Polly Lockhart, and his attempts to turn around Polly’s floundering bakery known as the Wild Child.

Luke Stone is a workaholic with no time for relationships, vacations or fun. His Aunt Julia continues to try and fix up our story line hero with any number of women with exquisite pedigrees and social graces that seem to be absent in our story line heroine. Polly is a struggling independent business woman who is trying to turn around her late-mother’s bakery-a bakery that started to fail when her mother was diagnosed with cancer and eventually died. Luke, a man whose own business has wavered on the financial markets in the past, takes Polly under his wing and attempts to fix up her business both inside and out. When Polly is offered a nine-month culinary scholarship to Paris, France, Luke knows that he will not be the one to destroy her dreams, but instead allows the woman he loves to walk away and destroy his heart. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive. The sexual chemistry is palpable.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Polly’s best friend Mia, her sister Hannah, co-worker Clementine, and friend Ramona. We are also introduced to Luke’s brother Evan, his father Warren, and his meddling Aunt Julia. There are six Stone brothers- Evan and Hannah’s story will be told next in SWEET ESCAPE.

Nina Lane’s SWEET DREAMS is a sexy Cinderella-esque romantic fairy tale. Luke has issues of control and is unable to walk away and let go of the business he has worked so hard to be a success; Polly is a woman determined to help Luke relax and take some time for himself. The premise is heartwarming, emotional and playful; the characters are passionate and spirited; the romance is provocative and alive. There is no outside conflict brought into the relationship except that which the couple brings themself.

Copy supplied by the tour promoter

Reviewed by Sandy

Sweet Dreams teaser


About The Author Black and White

Connect with Nina: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest

New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances and spicy erotica. Originally from California, she holds a PhD in Art History and an MA in Library and Information Studies, which means she loves both research and organization. She also enjoys traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Although Nina would go back to college for another degree because she’s that much of a bookworm and a perpetual student, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer.

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Sugar Rush (Sugar Bowl #2) by Sawyer Bennett-Review and Book Tour

SUGAR RUSH (Sugar Bowl #2) by Sawyer Bennett-Review and Book Tour

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Sugar Bowl #2
by Sawyer Bennett
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: August 16, 2016

Sugar Rush

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM / ibooks / Google Play

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 16, 2016

After posing as an escort for the Sugar Bowl online dating service, Sela Halstead is looking for one thing: payback. She’s closing in on the site’s heartless founder, Jonathon Townsend, and she needs Beckett North, Townsend’s business partner and her lover, by her side. She’d thought that their intimate nights together had forged an unbreakable bond, but after a shocking betrayal, Sela begins to doubt the brilliant bad boy. When push comes to shove, can she trust Beck to do the right thing?

Now that he understands the truth, Beck will stop at nothing to secure the reckoning Sela deserves. But between his desire for her and his disgust for JT, Beck doesn’t exactly have a lot of control over his emotional state. Left with no other choice, he must summon all his discipline to maintain JT’s trust and pretend that they’re still friends. But how far will Beck go to prove his loyalty to Sela? He nearly lost her once. To keep her, Beck might have to kill for her.

Note: Sugar Rush ends on a cliffhanger. Sela and Beck’s story concludes in Sugar Free!


REVIEW: 4.5 stars—SUGAR RUSH is the second installment in Sawyer Bennett’s contemporary, adult SUGAR BOWL erotic romance trilogy focusing on college student Sela Halstead, and IT guru and co-owner of The Sugar Bowl dating website Beckett North. SUGAR RUSH should not be read as a stand alone as the events follow immediately upon the cliff hanger of book one Sugar Daddy.

SOME BACKGROUND: Approximately nine years earlier, at the age of sixteen, Sela Halsted was drugged and brutally raped by several college boys leaving our heroine emotionally, mentally and physically battered with PTSD, flashbacks and depression. The Sugar Bowl series follows our heroine as she sets out seeking vengeance against those who all but destroyed her life.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Sela and Beck) SUGAR RUSH focuses on the ultimate revenge for sins of the past. Following Sela’s betrayal of Beckett North’s trust, our duo come together in forgiveness and misunderstanding. When the truth about Sela’s past is finally revealed, Beck will stop at nothing to seek retribution against the man he calls partner, in the hopes of destroying JT Townsend once and for all. What ensues is the carefully planned and calculated take down that goes off track when our heroine finds herself caught between the devil and her past.

SUGAR RUSH is an emotional and revealing story. There are moments of vengeance and betrayal; romance and love; hope and moving forward. The premise is startling and intriguing; the characters are tragic, dramatic and inspiring; the romance must traverse a path of emotional highs and lows. SUGAR RUSH is a provocative read with passionate and colorful characters, where fated lovers must deal with the abhorrent truth about a brother and a friend. Sawyer Bennett’s impassioned words will captivate more than your imagination but your heart and soul, as well.

Read Sandy’s review of Sugar Daddy (Sugar Bowl #1) HERE

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

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About The Author


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Sawyer BennettBest-Selling author, Sawyer Bennett, is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn’t have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.


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