Sweetest Awareness (Cruelest Oblivion 2) by MA Heard-Review Tour

Sweetest Awareness (Cruelest Oblivion 2) by MA Heard-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 19, 2022

Over the past four decades, the dome over our Ecocity has protected us from the deviants living in the forbidden territory. Since the great war ended, our lives have consisted of virtue and order.

Once a year, seven people are sent out to the forbidden lands to see if there are any deviants worth saving. None have returned, only increasing people’s fear of what lies beyond the safe border of the dome.

When I’m chosen as a crusader, the world, as I know it, is ripped from under my feet. In the forbidden territory, I learn things I never dreamed existed – a world I’ve been totally oblivious to. I meet people who freely show emotion and affection. People who dare make their own choices.

It’s frightening and the opposite of everything I’ve ever known.

Suddenly, I have to fight for my life. I’m thrown into chaos where time is running out to become a skilled fighter who will be an asset for the coming war. But my mind’s bombarded with questions – who’s right and who’s wrong? Which side should I fight on?
I don’t belong in this world filled with cruelty and depravity.

Then there’s Chance, my reluctant trainer. The man is the definition of deadly and so attractive I struggle to think straight around him. I’m also pretty sure he would love nothing more than to snap my neck. Cruel, impatient, and harsh, he’s a brute who seems annoyed by my existence.

Honestly, I’m not sure I will survive living with the deviants, never mind fighting in a war. Unless I find my courage and learn to fight for myself, I fear this new world will crush me.


REVIEW: Sweetest Awareness is book two in the dystopian romance series by M.A. Heard.

Book one left us on the edge of our seats with an amazing cliff-hanger.

This book continues the story of Chance Daniels and Jasper “Jai” Matthias.

In book one Jai was cast out into the forbidden territory where she met Chance. Chance became the one person she could trust and the one person that protected her. This story continues with Jai and Chance entering the main ward. Their purpose of going there was to continue their training for war. But the war comes to them. The ward falls under attack by the insensates (a person who has been genetically modified not to feel any emotions and obey the commands of the emissaries) sent to kill them all. The loss and devastation of the attack is too much for Jai to handle and she decides to leave the ward and the love of her life, to return to the ecocity and take down the emissaries. This is the only way she knows that she can protect the ones she has come to love within her ward. On her way back to the ecocity she realizes her ally Kenzo has followed her. There is no way Kenzo will allow her to take on the ecocity by herself. They enter the ecocity under the darkness of night and head straight to Jai’s old house. After a quick shower and change of clothes she soon realizes that Chance and all she has come to care for has followed them and they decide that this is the time to take on the emissaries. To declare war.

Jai heads straight to the lab where her father works creating the insensates, she hopes to kidnap him and take him with her back to the forbidden territory.And they seize the opportunity to take down the ecocity, They retrieve Jai’s father, who in turn shuts down all the insensates. After that they decide to take on the emissaries. Once the war is over, they all must decide how to rebuild the ecocity as they know it. No longer will there be the virtuous and the deviants. They must come together to create a new world, a better world. One where women have a voice and say.
One where they can all live in harmony. Will they be able to rebuild their lives in a new world?
I loved how quickly this story progressed. I could not put it down.

I had to know if they were able to defeat the emissaries and bring about a one nation of those who remain. The bonds of friendship ran deep in this book, making me truly care for the characters. The book ended too quickly, I wasn’t ready to leave. I hope somewhere down the line there will be more books in this dystopian world. Wonderful storytelling and world building. Highly recommend it.

Click HERE for Erin’s review of book one CRUELEST OBLIVION

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Erin K

Michelle Heard is a Bestselling Romance Author who loves creating stories her readers can get lost in. She might have a slight obsession with alpha heroes who are not afraid to fight for their women.

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