An Interview with Tracy Wolff
The Reading Cafe is happy to welcome Tracy Wolff as our guest today.
Tracy is here today to answer our questions, as well as discuss her newest releases. Soulbound, a wonderful new series, written under the pen name of Tessa Adams, was released February 5th. Doomed, written under the pen name of Tracy Deebs, was released in January.
Let’s meet Tracy.
TRC: Hi Tracy. Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions today.We are always looking forward to reading about the author behind the book.
Tracy: Thanks so much for having me. I really appreciate it 🙂
TRC: Would you please tell us about yourself?
Tracy: Sure. I’m an English professor, mom of three crazy, rambunctious boys and wife of my very own Alpha-male bad boy. I’m crazy about reading, love to dance and spend waaaaay too much money on make-up. I also play a mean Wii Sports, LOL.
TRC: When and how did you become interested in writing? Have you always liked to write?
Tracy: Actually, I have. I usually say that I’ve been writing since I first understood that letters made words and that’s pretty much the truth. I remember the first story I wrote on my own was in second grade. It was ten pages long and written in aqua marker while my parents were in the bank getting a car loan, LOL. It was about a princess, a rainbow and—of course—a prince. Happily ever after was my thing even back then.
I always knew I wanted to do this when I grew up, so I got a Bachelor’s degree in English, then followed it up with an M.A. and Ph.D in American lit and an MFA in fiction writing. So yes, reading and writing has always been in my blood.
TRC: What is your writing process? Do you have a favorite spot or time you like to write?
Tracy: I can write anywhere, which is a good thing since I have three loud boys who are always thinking up some kind of trouble to get into. But I do prefer to write in the morning. I’ll start as early as 4 a.m. then write until I have to get the boys to school, come home and write until I have to leave for class, then try to do a little more in the afternoon after homework is done. The only time I really don’t like to write is at night—my brain doesn’t function very well on the writing front after ten or eleven p.m. That’s when I try to answer email or write blogs, etc.
TRC: What was your first book published, and how did you feel when you saw your book on the shelves?
Tracy: My first book was called A Christmas Wedding by Tracy Wolff. It was a Harlequin Superromance and I can not actually describe how I felt the first time I saw it on the shelves. I’m pretty sure I cried. I know I carried pictures of it around in my phone for months.
TRC: You write as Tracy Wolff, and under a few pen names: Tessa Adams, Tracy Deebs, and Ivy Adams. Do you find it difficult switching your writing hats?
Tracy: It’s not hard, per se, but it’s difficult sometimes to go from one book directly into another. For example, Tessa Adams writes really dark paranormal romance and urban fantasy and trying to switch from that to my light Ivy Adams contemporary romance takes a writing adjustment, especially in voice content. I’m naturally a dark writer, as evinced by most of my books, so when I try to do light and flirty it’s a lot more work.
TRC: Along the same line, is it hard to write and switch to different genres? Do you have a preference?
Tracy Wolff – Super Romance & Erotic Romance/Suspense
Tracy Deebs/Ivy Adams – Young Adult
Tessa Adams – Paranormal Romance
Tracy: Honestly, my favorite are the paranormal of all types. Whether it’s witch urban fantasy and dragon paranormal romance as Tessa Adams or mermaids and sci-fi as Tracy Deebs, I really enjoy the challenge of world-building and dealing with fantastical creatures and situations.
TRC: In January, as Tracy Deebs, you released Doomed a YA novel. Can you please tell us about this book? Is this part of a series, if so how many books are planned?
Tracy: Yay! Thanks for asking—I love to talk about Doomed. Doomed is a modern-day retelling of the Pandora myth, except instead of opening a box, she opens an attachment and hearkens technological Armageddon. There’s an MMO, a real-life scavenger hunt, a multi-state manhunt for my three main characters, a countdown to nuclear annihilation and a sexy little romance all wrapped up into one explosive package.
Doomed is actually the hardest book I’ve ever had to write and it’s also one I am incredibly proud of. At the moment, I have three books planned for the Pandora trilogy and am working on the second one right now.
TRC: Soulbound is your newest release this month, as Tessa Adams. It is the first book in your Lone Star Witch series. Please tell us the premise of the series, and a brief description of Soulbound?
Tracy: Soulbound is the story of witch Xandra Morgan, the daughter of one of the most powerful Heka covens in the world (Heka is Egyptian magic and is considered by experts to be the oldest magical force on earth). She was born with the promise of great power, but through the years that power never developed. She’s totally latent, and while she’s okay with this state of affairs, her mother certainly isn’t and tries everything she can to awaken Xandra’s magic. But it’s not that Xandra is latent, it’s that she’s soulbound to a very dark, very powerful warlock and once Declan comes into the picture, her powers wake up with a vengeance. The only problem—her powers are awful. She sees dead people. Not ghosts, but actual bodies of people who have died violently. She has a compulsion to find these bodies and when she does, she relives much of their suffering.
Soulbound follows Xandra as she comes into her powers, falls in love with Declan despite a lot of warning signs to the contrary and also strives to find a serial killer who is murdering women who look a lot like Xandra and marking them with the symbol she was given by the goddess Isis at her birth. It’s got a smoking hot hero, a tempestuous romance, and a zany cast of supporting characters who will move from book to book with her. I’m about to get to work on Deathbound, the second book in the series, which centers around Declan and Xandra on the trail of a murderer who is killing members of the Witch, Wizard and Warlock council.
TRC: Besides the above new novels, do you want to tell us about any other new releases you have planned in 2013? What are you currently working on?
Tracy: Doomed and Soulbound are my winter 2013 releases. They will be followed in June by Tempest Revealed, the final book in my dark mermaid paranormal trilogy and in November by Deathbound, the second book in the Xandra Morgan series.
I’m also currently working on a new adult series about snowboarders which will be out in about a year, a series for Entangled’s Brazen line that centers around a rock band and will be out later this year, and a duet for Harlequin that doesn’t have a publication date. Oh, and a trilogy of really fun, flirty, zany contemporary single title romances that a good friend and I are writing together. The first one is called Lyric and Lingerie. Oh, and I’m also working on Doomed 2 (which is currently titleless) and a new YA series as well.
TRC: Who is your favorite Female Character in your books?
Tracy: Oooh, this is hard, especially since so many of my books are series and I have ongoing heroines that I see from book to book. I really like Xandra from Soulbound—she’s kickass but has a sense of humor about her that I really enjoy. And Tempest, from my mermaid trilogy is pretty awesome in my opinion.
TRC: Who is your favorite Male Character in your books?
Tracy: Honestly, I don’t know. I’m totally in love with Declan Chumomisto from Soulbound (like seriously, in LOVE with him). I’m also crazy about Theo from Doomed (he’s my modern day representation of Prometheus as part of the Pandora myth) and Z in Shredding the Edge, the new adult romance I’m in the middle of writing. They’re all badasses, which is something I have a real weakness for. Oh, and there’s also Quinn, from Hidden Embers, the second book in my dragon series. He’s dark and dangerous and sexy as hell too.
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Tracy: Just to say thanks so much for having me. I really appreciate it.
Favorite Food: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Favorite Dessert: Dulce de Leche ice cream
Favorite Book: Oh, no. That’s an awful question. There are so many. Okay, I can do this. Literary: Catcher in the Rye. Romance: Nalini Singh’s Kiss of Snow (told you I like the badasses)
Favorite Movie: Good Will Hunting
Favorite TV Show: Firefly or Friday Night Lights
Last Movie that you saw: The Avengers (with my boys the other night. I love Iron Man)
Thank you, Tracy for answering our questions. We look forward to continuing to read your books, and to work with you in the future.
If you would like to learn more about Tracy, you can visit her at the following links:
Tracy Wolff Website:
Tessa Adams Goodreads:
Tessa Adams Website:
Tracy Deebs Website:
Soulbound (#1 – A Lone Star Witch Novel) – by Tessa Adams

About the Book: Released February 5, 2013
As the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter—and a member of Ipswitch’s Royal family—Xandra Morgan should be a witch of incredible power. But things don’t always turn out like you expect…
While she hasn’t lived up to her family’s expectations, Xandra has come to terms with her latent magic and made a life for herself in Austin, Texas, running a coffee shop where she makes potions of a non-magical nature. While things aren’t perfect, Xandra is happy—until she runs into powerful warlock Declan Chumomisto.
Xandra hasn’t seen Declan in years, and though she’s still overwhelmed by his power, she doesn’t trust him. And when her own powers awaken one night and lead her to the body of a woman in the woods bearing the symbol of Isis—the same one that has marked Xandra since the day she met Declan—she’s filled with a terrible suspicion, soon confirmed: the woman is connected to him.
Xandra doesn’t want to believe that Declan is capable of murder, but as the body count mounts, and Xandra’s own powers spiral out of control, she’s not sure she can trust her own instincts…
Links to order Soulbound: Amazon/ Barnes & Noble/ Kobo/ The Book Depository
Doomed ( #1 Pandora Trilogy) by Tracy Deebs

About the Book: Released January, 2013
Pandora’s just your average teen-glued to her cell phone and laptop, surfing Facebook and e-mailing with her friends-until the day her long-lost father sends her a link to a mysterious site featuring twelve photos of her as a child. Unable to contain her curiosity, Pandora enters the site, where she is prompted to play her favorite virtual-reality game, Zero Day. This unleashes a global computer virus that plunges the whole world into panic: suddenly, there is no Internet. No cell phones. No utilities, traffic lights, hospitals, law enforcement. Pandora teams up with handsome stepbrothers Eli and Theo to enter the virtual world of Zero Day. Simultaneously, she continues to follow the photographs from her childhood in an attempt to beat the game and track down her father-her one key to saving the world as we know it. Part The Matrix, part retelling of the Pandora myth, Doomed has something for gaming fans, dystopian fans, and romance fans alike.
Links to order Doomed: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository

Tracy is graciously offering 4 of her books, Soulbound, Doomed, Hidden Embers, Full Exposure, to ONE lucky member at The Reading Cafe.
1. Please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.
2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment as Twitter and Facebook etc do not allow for email contact.
3. Giveaway run from February 8th to 11th, 2013
4. Giveaway is open to US only.