The Confidence Games by Tess Amy – a Review

The Confidence Games by Tess Amy – a Review


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Two female con artists must pull off the ultimate heist in this rollicking caper from a dazzling new voice.

Emma Oxley and Nellie Yarrow have been inseparable their whole lives. Ever since they reinvented themselves, changing their names and wiping clean their digital footprints, they have made a game of following wherever the next adventure leads and challenging themselves to thefts, street cons, and mind games.

Adhering to only two rules—they will only swindle men, and only ones who deserve it—Emma and Nellie are secure in their reputation as the most trustworthy swindlers on the European black market. Until suddenly, they must play to save their own lives.

Blackmailed into stealing a priceless bracelet from a high-security exhibit, Emma will reexamine everything she believed to be true. This heist takes her far beyond her comfort zone…and she and Nellie will need allies among the glitzy bejeweled gathering in London in order to survive. Will they be able to do the right thing before it’s too late?




The Confidence Games by Tess Amy is a fun standalone novel about two best friends who are con artists. We meet Emma Oxley and Nellie Yarrow, who have been best friends forever.  When Emma lost her job, as well as her fiancée, she is despondent, but when Nellie shows up, everything is about to change.  

They reinvent themselves, changing their names, and cleaning digital prints, with them becoming very successful con artists over a 5-year period; making a name for themselves in the European Black Market.  They develop many cons travelling the world, to swindle men, operating under fake personas, stealing valuable things and reselling to them to highest bidders. I really loved their wonderful inspiring friendship and how successful they were. 

But when Nellie is kidnapped, Emma is forced make a plan on stealing a very expensive bracelet (worth millions), The Heart of Envy from a London high-security exhibit. The difficulty of the heist, is because of so much high-tech security, as well as people all over. Nellie is released to help Emma steal the bracelet, with death threats holding against them; they have to race against time to save their own lives. Dax is a member of their team, being a tech and hacking expert. Sophia was a young girl, who was locked up, as Nellie and Emma helped keep the girl save with Dax.  As the day arrives, and plans are put into place, they discover surprising reveals and a family that stays together to fight the battle. To say too much more would ruin it for you, and the last quarter of the books was very exciting.

 I have to say I actually loved this book, as it was so much fun and very enjoyable.  I loved both Emma and Nellie, as well as Dax and Sophia.  The Confidence Games was very well written by Tess Amy, whom I have never read before but I will check out her next book.  The Confidence Games was a fun, delightful, action-filled, suspenseful, exciting story, with wonderful characters, and an amazing heist. I suggest you read this book, as it was so much fun.

Reviewed by Barb

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