THE DEVIL HIMSELF (The Devil of Dublin 2) by BB Easton-review

THE DEVIL HIMSELF (The Devil of Dublin 2) by BB Easton-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 29, 2024

Growing up, I spent every night tucked under my mother’s arm, dreamily listening to tales from her favorite book series—Legend Has It by Darby Donovan, a collection of spooky folklore about a town called Glenshire and the lonely, gray-eyed fairy prince who haunted the woods there. I knew they were just stories, but when my mother died and left me in the care of my cold, abusive father, that fictional fairy prince suddenly became very, very real to me. It was as if he was always there, hiding in the shadows, offering me his silent comfort. I turned him into an imaginary friend when I needed one most.

And thirteen years later, I’m doing it again.

When my coastal Irish town is bombed by the new Russian president, a Bratva leader seeking revenge on the United Irish Brotherhood, those missiles destroy everything I’ve ever known—my home, my family, and evidently my sanity—because when I pull an injured Russian Navy officer out of the sea, a man who led the charge against my town, I can’t bring myself to let him die.

Secluded together in my secret hiding spot, we’re safe from the Mafia war raging outside, but the overwhelming connection I feel to this stranger is a battle I fight every single day. I hate him with everything that I am, but when he looks at me with those smoky gray eyes, all I see is my friend. When he touches me, all I feel is desire. And when he wraps his lips around the sustenance I offer him, all I want is to feel them pressed against mine, loving me, putting me back together.

But no one can live in a fantasy world forever, and when reality finally finds us, the truth about him is worse than anything I could have imagined.

The man I rescued is no fairy prince.

He’s the goddamn Devil himself.


REVIEW: THE DEVIL HIMSELF is the second instalment in BB Easton’s contemporary, adult THE DEVIL OF DUBLIN dark, erotic, Mafia, slight fantasy/slight lyparanormal, romance series. This is Damien Hughes, and Clover Doyle’s story line. THE DEVIL HIMSELF should not be read as a stand alone as much of the current time line is a direct result of book one DEVIL OF DUBLIN.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Clover and Damien) THE DEVIL HIMSELF follows several years after the end of book one DEVIL OF DUBLIN. The head of the Russian Bratva turned Russian President Alexi Abramov is determined to seek revenge against the United Irish Brotherhood of Ireland for sins of the past but one Russian sailor was seeking a passage home, a home he would find on the shores of Ireland. Rescued by Clover Doyle amongst a barrage of gunfire and bombings, Damien Hughes would discover a familiarity and family with our story line heroine but all was not as it appeared to be, and Damien would surrender in an effort to take down the man in charge. What ensues is the building relationship between Damien and Clover, and the fall-out as the invading Russian military takes aim at our story line hero.

The world building focuses on both the present and the past, a past that was all too familiar to our story line couple. As the Russian invasion of Ireland was met with little resistance, Damien and Clover would find help from the ghosts of the past.

The relationship between Clover and Damien is one of second chances, of a sorts. Clover would rescue and help heal an injured soldier, and Damien would come face to face with his future in the guise of our story line heroine but their time together would reveal a familiarity and mutual recognition, one that the locals recognized from afar. The $ex scenes are intimate and provocative.

There is a large ensemble cast of interesting and dangerous secondary and supporting characters including Russian President Alexi Abramov, several military personnel, and any number of Irish people our couple meets along the way.

THE DEVIL HIMSELF is a dark, dramatic, heart breaking and emotional story set within a fictionalized war between Russia and Ireland; between the Russian Bratva and the UIB; between the past and the present. The slightly paranormal premise is intriguing and entertaining; the romance is fated; the characters are desperate, determined and interesting.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one THE DEVIL OF DUBLIN.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

->Haven’t started the series? Book one-THE DEVIL OF DUBLIN is only 99¢ for a limited time

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BB Easton is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of 44 CHAPTERS ABOUT 4 MEN, the hilarious, steamy, tell-all memoir that inspired the Netflix Original Series, SEX/LIFE. Within the first month, SEX/LIFE was viewed by 67 million households worldwide, making it the 3rd Most-Watched Netflix Original Series of all time.

BB was a stressed-out school psychologist and mother of two when the inspiration to write 44 CHAPTERS ABOUT 4 MEN struck. Through that process, she rediscovered her passion for writing, became dangerously sleep-deprived, and finally mustered enough courage to quit her job and become a full-time author.

BB went on to publish four more wickedly funny, shockingly steamy, and heartwarmingly autobiographical books in the 44 CHAPTERS series: SKIN, SPEED, STAR, and SUIT. Since then, she’s been hard at work writing fictional stories that appeal to her love for us-against-the-world romance, including a dystopian trilogy (PRAYING FOR RAIN), a psychologist-client romantic comedy (GROUP THERAPY), and a dark mafia romance (DEVIL OF DUBLIN).
