The Ghost Camper’s Tall Tales by Elizabeth Pantley – a Review

The Ghost Camper’s Tall Tales by Elizabeth Pantley – a Review



A magic mirror. An enchanted world. A mysterious story-telling ghost. A hilarious, perpetually annoyed witch. A smart, sassy cat. A mystery of finding a dead body . . . of someone who was already dead. Visit Destiny Falls and escape to a great time.

A mysterious old man keeps popping up to tell Hayden a series of tall tales. Who is he? And is he actually glowing? Are his stories fiction, or is he telling her the history of her family, the enchanted islands, and the witch? And why did a dead body show up . . . of someone who was already dead? Can Hayden and her quirky sidekick, Latifa unscramble this mystery?

Hayden’s adventures in the magical world of Destiny Falls continue in this gripping story that answers your questions about the mysterious world she entered through a mirror in book one, Falling into Magic. We learn more about her missing mother, whose story begins in book two, The Disappearance of Emily.




The Ghost Camper’s Tall Tales by Elizabeth Pantley is the 3rd book in her fun Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series.  Refresher: Hayden, who lived with her grandmother, great grandmother and works with her best friend, Lulu, and her cat, Sassy. One day while outside with her cat, a man pushes her through a portal.  When Hayden woke up, she sees the brother she never knew, and learns all about the alternate and magical world of Destiny Falls.  Hayden gets to meet her father, brother and the Caldwell family that welcomed her into their world; the caveat- she can never leave the realm of Destiny Falls

In the last book, Hayden was happy to let her grandmother, great grandmother and Lulu learn the truth about her living in Destiny Falls, and managed to bring her there for a short stay.  Hayden is very happy and thrilled to be part of the wonderful magically enchanted Destiny Falls, especially when her cat, Latifia (formerly sassy) can talk to her telepathically.  This is the fun part, with their bantering, and the other cute cats.

Hayden, having already been in the middle of a mysterious murder in the previous book, begins to investigate what is known as the evil half of this realm, Gladstone.  She gets a letter from her mom, who left her immediately after her birth, and finds out she is living in Gladstone, unable to leave.   Is this letter truly from her mom, or is this a plot to get to her to Gladstone?   Hayden works closely with her brother Axel, friend Han and the sheriff, Jaxson to solve more murders, and the rumors about the dark and evil Gladstone.

Hayden also finds herself meeting a mysterious old man, whom she called Gaspar, who would tell her stories from the past; this man is a ghost, but his stories reveal the truth about those days, with his daughters and witches.  Hayden is also successfully running the town newsletter, detailing the murders. 

The Ghost Camper’s Tall Tales is a lighthearted mystery, in a magical and charming enchanted realm, Destiny Falls; this a cozy murder fantasy whodunit, that was intriguing and kept our attention from start to finish. To say too much more would be spoilers, and you should read it from start to finish.  Once again, I absolutely loved Latifa, which was fun and delightful, as well as the hopeful romance between Hayden and Han.  I look forward to the next book, as this ended with a cliffhanger that promises possible danger. Another fun cozy book by Elizabeth Pantley, that was well written.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for review



