Shifting and Shenanigans by Elizabeth Pantley

Shifting and Shenanigans by Elizabeth Pantley – a Review



Paige and her adventurous Aunt Glo inherit a country inn from eccentric GeeGee. They pack up and hit the road, arriving at the charming place they both loved since childhood. Finally! They can get into the secret room in the basement that GeeGee kept locked! They discover it’s a wonderful library filled to the brim with mystery books. But more than the room was a secret – it’s a magical place that houses enchanted books. Paige and Glo find themselves smack-dab in the middle of a murder mystery, along with a motley group of book club friends. The club will need to work together to solve the case in order to get out of the book and back to their home.




Shifting and Shenanigans by Elizabeth Pantley is the first book in her Magical Mystery Book Club series. We meet our heroine, Paige, who is celebrating her birthday, as well as her finalizing her divorce. Paige receives a call from her aunt Glo, who tells her that her grandmother passed away, and they both are inheriting the country inn, which was always their favorite place to go.  They pack up all their belongings, and proceed to The Snapdragon Inn, in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, for a new life, that was filled with wonderful memories. 

After each chooses the room they wanted, they are shocked to meet the resident cat, Frank, who actually talks.  This was cute, though I wasn’t crazy about the name for a cat. Lol   With Frank’s assistance, they find the key that allows them to enter a secret room that was never allowed for them to enter.  Paige and Glo, are surprised to discover a wonderful library filled to the brim with mystery enchanted books. Both will learn that they will need to continue the existing book club, and they need 6 more members to make the required 8. Zell is the first person to meet up with Paige and Glo, and explains that she has always been a member (with Frank) and will help them set things up. The new group that eventually joins is a mix of different characters.

The fun begins when the club chooses its first book, and realize that they have been transported to a small town, where they are literally in the story; which they will need to solve the case before they can go back to their homes.  The story was fun, with all of the members in the middle of this mystery, as they find a dead body (they need to know who killed the victim), and spend lots of time in the town, meeting other wonderful characters; and trying to find clues.  Each of the book club members were unique, and together they slowly developed friendships. 

Shifting and Shenanigans was a fun and enjoyable story, that was totally different and unusual.  There were a number of surprises throughout, and discovered an amazing secret the town had. I loved the taking cat, Frank. Shifting and Shenanigans was very well written by Elizabeth Pantley.  I enjoyed the lighthearted mystery and look forward to the next book.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for Review

