Jamie Leigh Hansen-Interview with the Author
The Reading Cafe would like to introduce paranormal romance author Jamie Leigh Hansen.
“I love dramatic, heart-felt stories. I love mixing the magic and wonder of an anything-can-happen kind of world with the daily lives we all struggle with. It adds a sense of hope and adventure to whatever we’re dealing with, be it health, financial or personal problems. Taking a break from the everyday grind to think positively and see a possibility that something will good happen to you soon is what keeps people going even in times of great struggle.”
Website LinkJamie Leigh Hansen
TRC: Hi Jamie. Welcome to The Reading Café.We would like to thank you for responding to our request for an interview. We are always happy to know about the authors we have read and what they
are doing.
Jamie: Thank you for finding me on the web, Sandy. The Reading Cafe looks wonderful and there is so much to read and see here! You’ve set up an incredible site.
TRC: Thank you. We would like to start with some biographical background. Would you tell us something about yourself?
Jamie: I am very fortunate in that I married my high school sweetheart and we will soon celebrate 18 years together. I believe in love, the good, the bad and the ugly and I hope to keep my novels realistic while showing the HEA can really happen.
TRC: When did you start writing? Have you always been interested in writing?
Jamie: I’ve always had a fascination with reading and with books, but my love of writing didn’t develop until later in my teen years. Looking back at some of the assignments I wrote for class, and some of the stories I wrote on my own, I see I’ve always loved heart-touching, dramatic stories. One of the most memorable would be of a girl whose brother was in a coma as she comes face-to-face with the kid who put him there. Then there’s the photo journalist who disappears into a rainforest and is captured by cannibals. My imagination took me into some crazy places. LOL
TRC: How involved in the writing process is your family?
Jamie: My husband and daughters read what I have written and support me through each step of the story. My youngest daughter, however, will sit and analyze each detail of the story and characters. She definitely has a writer’s mind and a passion for my stories that keeps me encouraged even when I am convinced the entire story is falling apart.
TRC: You are interested in the fund raising and research in Ataxia.
Would you explain about Ataxia and how you became involved
with their cause?
Jamie: I have Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA), which is a hereditary recessive neurological disease. Recessive means it stays hidden in the genes as long as there is a more dominant trait to take the forefront. But, as this one is passed down from both the mother and father, if a child gets a recessive Freidreich’s gene from each of them, then they have it. No one in my family had it or showed signs of it. But when my clumsiness became a bit excessive in my teen years, several trips to the doctor and lots of tests discovered I had this disease no one in my family had ever heard of.
Jamie: For those who’ve read this series already, thank you! It is not dead and I do plan more. 🙂


Do you have a release date?
Jamie: Today, I am working on a short story for The Mammoth Book of Futuristic Romance – release date TBA.
FAVORITE FOOD: Steak fajitas with lots of guacamole.
LAST BOOK YOU READ: I have never made it to Acheron before I got busy, so I am now re-reading all of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark-Hunter series. So far, I am on Seize the Night with Valerius. I truly love this series.
TRC: *hands Jamie a box of tissues and the 1-800 hotline number for support*–you will need it for Acheron
FAVORITE TV SHOW: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It has to mean something when you can watch the entire series more than a dozen times and still find something new to enjoy
FAVORITE MOVIE: The Cutting Edge with D.B. Sweeney and Moira Kelly. It’s a long-time favorite.
LAST MOVIE YOU SAW: Bridesmaids. It was a nice surprise to see there was more to the story than the trailer showed, but all the humor was in the trailer.
RED OR PINK ROSES: Red, Orange, Black, Purple, Peach, Yellow and every other shade. I love roses.
DARK OR MILK CHOCOLATE: Definitely milk chocolate.
questions. Stay in touch and let us know about all of your upcoming
Jamie Leigh Hansen has graciously offered an e-copy of THE MURDER KING’S WOMAN & THE MURDER KING’S SUMMONS to 2 of our eligible members
1. You must be a registered member at The Reading Cafe. If you are not a member, please register using the log-in tab at the top or one of our social log-ins.
2. The giveaway is open internationally.
3. Please drop by and say hello to Jamie.
Amazon Kindle Link:The Murder King’s Woman
KOBO Link: The Murder King’s Woman
B&N Nook Link:The Murder King’s Woman