Theirs Ever After (The Thalanian Dynasty #3) by Katee Robert-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

THEIRS EVER AFTER (The Thalanian Dynasty #3) by Katee Robert-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 3, 2018

Sometimes happily ever after isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…

Theo Fitzcharles thought he’d put the worst behind him when he became King of Thalania and named his two lovers, Meg Sanders and Galen Mikos, as his Consorts. Unfortunately, the realities of running a country have worn on all of them, individually and as a triad. Theo has every intention of making things right, but first he has to deal with an old enemy who’s closer than anyone could have dreamed.

Meg Sanders never wanted to be a princess. Now that she’s one of two Consorts to the King of Thalania, she knows why—it’s hard work. Every time she turns around, she’s misstepping and fighting not to screw up the careful political maneuvering required for her new position. But her struggles with the new position are the least of her worries she’s attacked in the palace.

Theo, Galen, and Meg must race to identify her attacker and neutralize them before they can make another attempt to hurt her. There’s plenty of people who want Meg out of the palace—and at least one isn’t picky about whether she’s breathing or not when she goes


REVIEW: THEIRS EVER AFTER is the third instalment in Katee Robert’s contemporary, adult THE THALANIAN DYNASTY, erotic, MMF romance series focusing on twenty-three year old American and former bar waitress Meg Sanders, bodyguard and protector Galen Mikos, and former crown prince of Thalania Theo Fitzcharles III. THEIRS EVER AFTER should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up six months after the events of book two-Forever Theirs.

NOTE: THEIRS EVER AFTER and the Thalanian Dynasty series contain graphic ménage scenarios of M/M, MMF, MFM sexual situations that may not be suitable for all readers.

Told from several third person perspectives THEIRS EVER AFTER focuses on the struggling relationship between twenty-three year old, former bar waitress / university student Meg Sanders, bodyguard and protector Galen Mikos, and former crown prince of Thalania Theo Fitzcharles III. Upon the death of his father, the once exiled crown prince of Thalania, Theo Fitzcharles III returns to his home country to ascend to the throne but Theo turns the kingdom upside down by naming his body guard and best friend Galen Mikos, and the woman they love Meg Sanders, as dual consorts. Not everyone is happy with Theo’s return or the idea of an American living in the palace, and steps are taken to destroy their love, and break the relationship between them. What ensues is the building but struggling relationship between Theo, Galen and Meg, and the potential fall-out as Meg is targeted on more than one occasion, as Theo and Galen set a plan into motion to take down the guilty party.

Meg and Galen struggle with their newly designated position as consorts to the king. Galen, the once vibrant head of security battles his need to protect the man that he loves; and Meg needs something more than mundane life of drinking tea and scheduling meetings. Theo, oblivious to his consorts’ emotional fall-out endeavors to pull the noble Families together, Families that would rather see someone else ascend to the throne.

The relationship between Theo, Galen and Meg is passionate and sexual but struggles in the face of Theo’s current schedule, and his overwhelming battle to keep peace at home. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense with MM, MMF, MFM, and FM sexual situations.

We are reintroduced to Theo’s sister Princess Camilla (aka Cami); Theo’s new head of security Isaac Kozlov; Meg’s new assistant Alys; and Noemi Huxley, a member of the noble Huxley family. The requisite evil has many faces. Noemi and Isaac’s story is next in THEIR SECOND CHANCE.

The world building continues to look at Theo’s struggle for a smooth ascension to the Thalanian throne. An American as consort does nothing to win Theo’s approval from the reigning noble Families, as Galen must face his past when threats to the people he loves become personal and deadly.

THEIRS EVER AFTER is a story of betrayal and lies; secrets and sins; power and struggle; romance and love. The premise is engaging, intriguing and spicy; the characters are dynamic, spirited and colorful; the romance is provocative and intimate. THEIRS EVER AFTER is an impassioned look at a new hope for the future of Thalania.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Theirs For the Night
Forever Theirs
Theirs Ever After

FREE ebook for a limited time THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT #1 / / B&N / KOBO / iTunes

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Meg knew what she should do. She should tell Theo that the best way to take care of her and Galen was to talk to them. But with the candlelight playing across Theo’s skin and his skillful hands working at the knots in her shoulders, she couldn’t work up the energy to fight with him. “I’m not happy with you.”
“I know.” He dug into a particularly tight knot, working it with his thumb. “What do you need from me tonight, princess?”
She let her eyes close, let him keep working his magic on her body. Six months into their relationship, and Meg knew that Theo would give her anything she asked for. If she wanted him and Galen to dress up like Vikings and roleplay one of her favorite scenes in a romance novel she was reading, he’d do it without question. He had done it without question last month. Theo might be fucking up on communication and overworked to the point where she barely saw him, but she never doubted for a second that he loved her and wanted her happy.
She slipped beneath the surface of the water. Free of his touch, clarity didn’t suddenly strike her like lightning. If there was an answer, she didn’t have it. Meg slowly stood and let herself drink in the way Theo watched her. As if she was some kind of Aphrodite rising out of the ocean instead of standing here in their tub. “I just want you tonight, Theo. None of the bullshit. Just you.”
He nodded and grabbed one of the ridiculously large towels they kept stocked in here. “Let me take care of you tonight,” he repeated.
Easy enough to read in between the lines of what he wanted. A reprieve in a long line of reprieves. Theo was trying to hold off the inevitable conversation all three of them had to have until he could iron out the mess Thalania had become in his absence. Or maybe the backbiting politics and squabbling seven Families had always been like this. Either way, Theo wanted time to get it handled.
She just wished he’d lean on her and Galen a little bit in the meantime.
Meg stepped out of the tub and let him wrap her in the towel. “Like I’m going to say no.”
Theo dried her gently, thoroughly, making quick work of it. He had a face built for candlelight, all sharp angles and a beauty that was damn near painful to witness. The passing time should have inoculated her to the sight of him, but then he would turn just so or look at her with those big blue eyes, and she’d forget to breathe.
“You could.”
She blinked. “What?”
“You could say no.”
Meg laughed. She couldn’t help it. “Theo, have you looked in the mirror lately?”
He glanced over, and she followed his gaze to the large mirror situated on the other side of the bath. They painted quite the picture, him large and towering over her, his shock of near-black hair several shades darker than hers, his big hands holding the towel against her skin. For once, he wasn’t wearing his usual clothing of suits that cost enough to give Meg hives. In the workout shorts, he looked… Not normal. Theo would never be anything as mundane as normal.
He looked touchable.
So that was exactly what she did. Meg ran her hands up his stomach to his chest and stepped to him. “I know I could say no. I’ve said no to you more times than I can count since we’ve met.” She cupped his strong jaw with her palm. “Theo, are you okay?”
“No.” He pulled her slowly, inexorably closer, until her breasts pressed against his bare chest. “Just… Let me take care of you tonight, princess.”
The rare vulnerability he let her see in that moment seduced her as thoroughly as his body ever had. She nodded. “Yes.”
Theo swept her off her feet and carried her out of the bathroom. Normally, she’d give him shit for such a caveman move, but Meg didn’t want to poke at him tonight. She was tired and heartsore, and both her men were obviously feeling the same. They couldn’t fix the mess waiting for them outside those doors, but they could strengthen their foundations tonight.
She just hoped it would be enough.
Galen waited for them on the bed, clothed in only his skin. Her heart skipped a beat. As much as Theo’s beauty seduced her, Galen’s raw sex appeal knocked her right in the stomach. His dusky skin was crisscrossed with lighter scars, a testament to the abuse his father had leveled at him as a child. His dark hair had grown longer, losing the military-like cut. She liked it. There was a lot to like about Galen.
He watched Theo carry her toward him with a predatory look that sent a bolt of desire through her. Only good things came from Galen getting that expression on his face.
Theo set her on the bed just out of reach and pressed a hand to her shoulder. “Don’t move.” He was only gone a moment, disappearing back into the bathroom and reappearing with a hairbrush. He took up a position against the headboard and urged her to sit between his legs with her back to him.
Theo began carefully combing her wet hair.
Meg closed her eyes and let the gentle tug of the brush soothe her. The fluffy towel and Theo’s proximity kept her cozy, but Galen’s attention pricked along her skin, a promise of things to come. On and on it went. Theo was never one to do things halfway, but he seemed to enjoy the slow slide of the brush through her drying hair as much as she did.
Finally, he set the brush aside and eased her back against his chest. Her hair was almost dry at this point, but Theo moved its soft weight off her neck and pressed a kiss to her throat. He pulled the towel away from her body and tossed it off the bed, leaving them skin to skin. It felt good to be wrapped up in him like this. Even better than his combing her hair.
The mattress dipped and Meg opened her eyes to find Galen had moved to a point just past their feet for a better view. He arched a dark eyebrow at her, but something soft and intimate marred the arrogance of the expression. He needed this reaffirming as much as she did.
For once, no one colored the air around them with filthy words and dirty talk. Theo stroked his hands over her body, the rough slide of his palms across her skin sending her nerves sparking in response. She writhed a little, but he wouldn’t be guided. He paid equal attention to her arms, her shoulders, her stomach and her hips, avoiding her breasts and pussy.
The damn tease.
Finally, a small eternity later, he cupped her breasts, giving them the same slow exploration delivered to the rest of her body. Meg couldn’t stop herself from arching up to press herself more firmly into his hands.
“Impatient,” he murmured against her skin.
“Can you blame her?” Galen’s rough tone made Meg shiver. He reached down and palmed his own cock. “She’s shaking with need.”
Meg grabbed Theo’s hand. She spread her legs wide, hooking them on either side of Theo’s, making sure to give Galen a good show. “Take care of me, baby.” She pressed his hand to her pussy. “You promised.”
“I did, didn’t I?” Theo cupped her there roughly, possessively, the touch lighting a spark beneath Meg’s skin. He pushed a single finger into her, still teasing, not offering nearly enough of what she craved. His voice curled around her, just as intimate as their current position. “I’m feeling generous tonight, princess, so I’ll let you choose how we give it to you.

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her 2015 title, The Marriage Contract, was a RITA finalist, and RT Book Reviews named it ‘a compulsively readable book with just the right amount of suspense and tension.”  When not writing sexy contemporary and romantic suspense, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her children, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Connect with Katee at: Website | Facebook | Twitter| GoodReads | Instagram  | BookBub

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is Not responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour operator.


Forever Theirs / Theirs for The Night (The Thalanian Dynasty .5 & 1) by Katee Robert-Review, Except & Giveaway Tour

Forever Theirs /Theirs For The Night ( The Thalanian Dynasty .5 & 1) by Katee Robert-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

(The Thalanian Dynasty #1)
by Katee Robert
Release Date: September 10, 2018
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, menage romance

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 10, 2018 / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / iTunes

Meg Sanders enjoyed her wild night with a prince and his bodyguard—but now she’s moving on. She has enough problems without borrowing the kind of trouble Theo brings just by being who he is. But no matter how determined she is to leave that night a fond memory, she hasn’t seen the last of Theo and Galen…

Galen Mikos’s life boils down to one goal. Keep Theo alive. But as long as Theo draws breath, he’s a threat to the powers that have taken over Thalania—and anyone they associate with runs the risk of becoming a target, too. Galen will never forgive himself if they let their selfish desire for Meg puts her in danger. But it might already be too late…

Theo Fitzcharles might be an exiled prince, but he doesn’t intend to stay that way. He’s only concerned with one thing—clearing his mother’s name and reinstating himself as Crown Prince of Thalania. There’s no room in that plan for distraction, especially when it makes him forget himself the way Meg does. But after spending one perfect night with her and his best friend, Theo has no intention of leaving her alone.

Even if it damns all three of them in the process.


REVIEW: FOREVER THEIRS is the first full length, and second instalment in Katee Robert’s contemporary, adult THE THALANIAN DYNASTY, erotic, MMF romance duet focusing on twenty-three year old bar waitress Meg Sanders, bodyguard and protector Galen Mikos, and former crown prince of Thalania Theo Fitzcharles III. FOREVER THEIRS can be read as a stand alone but for cohesion and backstory I recommend reading the prequel novella THEIRS FOR ONE NIGHT (see below) where the reader is first introduced to our story line trio.

NOTE: FOREVER THEIRS and the Thalanian Dynasty series contains graphic menage scenarios of M/M, MMF, MFM sexual situations that may not be suitable for all readers.

Told from three third person perspectives (Meg, Galen, and Theo) FOREVER THEIRS focusing on the rekindling romance between twenty-three year old college student and bar waitress Meg Sanders, bodyguard and protector Galen Mikos, and former crown prince of the fictional country/principality/kingdom of Thalania Theo Fitzcharles III. Three months earlier, our heroine Meg Sanders, spent a sexually charged and erotic night of passion with crown prince Theo Fitzcharles, and his best friend/guardian Galen Mikos. Knowing there was no probability for a future, but hoping for a future second chance, Meg walked away. Fast forward to present day wherein Theo returns hoping to rekindle their relationship, a relationship that places Meg in the direct line of fire. What ensues is the second chance romance and relationship between Meg, Galen and Theo, and the potential fall-out as all three are targeted for the ultimate prize.

Theo Fitzcharles III, former crown prince of the Thalania, along with his best friend and protector Galen Mikos have been exiled in a coup to usurp the crown. As Theo’s younger half-brother Edward sits waiting to ascend to the throne, the monarchy now lies in the hands of Theo’s meddling uncle Phillip. Hoping to reveal the secrets and lies, Theo and Galen hunt for the truth, as all three are targeted in a game of cat and mouse. Theo and Galen knew that to claim Meg as their own, placed our heroine in the direct line of fire.

The relationship between Meg, Theo and Galen is one of immediate attraction; a highly sexual and passionate romance between three people whose lives changed six months earlier but lives now threatened by Theo’s quest for the truth. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense with MM, MMF, and MFM sexual situations.

The world building follows our trio from New York to Germany, to Greece and Thalania, as Galen and Theo endeavor to prove Theo is the legitimate heir to the throne. Galen’s return to Thalania is met with an offer he refuses to acknowledge; and Meg struggles with former heart break and an uncertain future.

FOREVER THEIRS is an intensely erotic, and sexual story line of family, friendship, power and betrayal. The premise is imaginative, spicy and inviting; the romance is passionate and seductive; the characters are energetic and impassioned. My only complaint is the quick resolution to the story line conflict but saying that FOREVER THEIRS ends not on a happily ever after but a happily ever after for now, with more story to come.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


(The Thalanian Dynasty .5)
by Katee Robert
Release Date: July 31, 2018
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, menage, romance

FREE ebook for a limited time: / / B&N / KOBO / iTunes

About the book: Release Date July 31, 2018

Meg Sanders has spent her life playing by the rules—until tonight. It’s her birthday and she’s determined to be a little wild and a whole lot carefree, at least until she has to get back to reality tomorrow. But the last thing she expects is to be seduced on the dance floor by two gorgeous men.

Theo and Galen are each incredibly sexy on their own, and potentially devastating as a pair—and they want her. Meg isn’t down for anything resembling complicated when her life is such a mess, but the two of them win her over with the promise of a night out of her deepest, darkest fantasy—and that they walk the next morning with no strings attached.

After all, anything goes when it’s only for one night


REVIEW: THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT is the prequel novella to Katee Robert’s contemporary, adult THE THALANIAN DYNASTY erotic, romance series focusing on twenty-three year old bar waitress and college student Meg Sanders, bodyguard and protector Galen Mikos, and former crown prince of Thalania Theo Fitzcharles III.

NOTE: THEIRS FOR THE NIGHTand the Thalanian Dynasty series contains graphic scenarios of MFM menage, sexual situations that may not be suitable for all readers.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Meg and Theo) THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT follows the one-night stand between twenty-three year old bar waitress and college student Meg Sanders, bodyguard and protector Galen Mikos, and former crown prince of Thalania Theo Fitzcharles III. It’s Meg Sanders’ twenty-third birthday but all Meg wants is a night of peace and quiet. Her best friend Cara insists on a night on the town so Meg sets out for a couple hours of rest and relaxation until our heroine meets two alpha males who invite Meg for one night of sex and fun. Enter Galen and Theo, two men whose secrets are about to unfold, as Meg finds herself falling for an exiled prince and his personal guard.

THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT is a very quick read; a novella length, highly sexualized introduction to Katee Robert’s THALANIAN DYNASTY series focusing on an embattled, exiled crown prince, the man that he loves, and the woman for whom they will risk everything and more. The premise is engaging and intriguing; the characters are charismatic and colorful; the $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and passionate.

Own a copy

Reviewed by Sandy


She wanted this. All of it. The reservations that clung to her like cobwebs from the moment she decided on this path went up in flames. Who the fuck cared what the future brought? They had right now, and right now Meg needed these two men. She needed to be with them together and separate and to be able to watch at her leisure just like she was now.
Except the feeling pounding through her blood wasn’t leisure.
It was desperation.
“Theo.” Her voice came out hoarse and broke in the middle of his name so she swallowed and tried again. “Theo, please.”
He rolled onto his side and ran a hand down Galen’s chest. Galen stretched into the touch, a giant wolf of a man. “She said please.”
“It was such a nice please, too.” Theo grinned, his blue eyes hot on her. “Apparently she liked the show.”
“Mmmm.” A word that meant everything and nothing.
Theo gave a stretch of his own and rolled off the bed. He offered Galen a hand and hauled him to his feet. “You’ve held on this long, princess. Hold on a bit longer.” And then the bastard walked into the bathroom. Seconds later, the shower turned on.
Galen stared after him and then spun on his heel and stalked toward her. She lost sight of him as he moved behind her, and Meg forced herself not to try to twist to follow his movement. It wouldn’t work and she’d look like an idiot. She couldn’t stop the shivers of need racking her body, though.
“Desperate little mouse.” And then his voice was in her ear, its vibrations drawing her nipples to hard peaks. He ducked under her arm and sat on the edge of the bed. “Spread.”
Meg nearly sagged in relief and then scrambled to obey. She spread her legs wide, fighting to keep from cursing him for taking so long to touch her.
He saw it, though. Of course he did. He reached down and pushed his middle finger into her, cupping her pussy with his big hand. “Do. Not. Move.”
She bit her bottom lip, half sure she’d taste blood. Her need pulsed through her like a live thing, demanding she take this pleasure and grind against his palm until she orgasmed. She was so turned on, it would take a grand total of five second and it would all be over.
Galen’s lips twitched. “Good girl.” He withdrew slowly and pumped his finger back into her. “You like this.”
“Yes.” She vibrated with the need to move, pleasure dancing closer with each drag of the pad of his finger over the spot deep inside her. “Galen, I’m—”
“Don’t you dare come,” his voice lashed her, sharp enough to fight back the budding orgasm. “You take what we give you, mouse, and you don’t have permission to come.”
It took her three tries to find her words. “I don’t think I’m into BDSM.”
“BDSM?” He smirked. “Baby, this isn’t even close. You broke the rules, and that deserves a punishment.” He kept fucking her slowly with his finger, his forbidding gaze daring her to break his command. “Do you feel contrite, mouse?”
“Yes,” she sobbed. “Galen, please, I’m so close, please.”
His expression softened and, for one eternal heartbeat, she thought he would be merciful. “No.” He gave her one last pump and withdrew. Holding her gaze, he lifted his hand and sucked his middle finger into his mouth, tasting her. She moaned, a desperate animal sound that Meg couldn’t have controlled if she’d tried—and she didn’t even think to try.
“Mmmm.” He looked down his body, and she followed his gaze to where his cock was hard once more. “How close are you to coming, mouse?”
“Close,” she whispered.
He stood and pressed a devastatingly soft kiss to her mouth. “Good.” Galen sifted gentle fingers through her hair, his dark eyes unforgiving. “Next time you get off to the idea of me watching you while you fuck Theo, you better make damn sure I’m in the room.” He brushed his lips against her forehead. “I’m going into that shower and I’m going to brace Theo against the wall, and then I’m going take his ass. He always loses his mind when I hit the right spot, and you’ll hear him moaning though you won’t get the same show you did just now.”
Her throat tried to close and her eyes burned. “Galen, I’m sorry.”
There it was again, that softening that hit her like a sucker punch. He smoothed her hair back. “I’m not. I’m just as much of a selfish bastard as Theo is, and I’m not sorry that he reeled you back in and that you’re stuck with us for the time being.” He gave her a slow smile that held a hint of meanness despite looking at her like he wanted to devour her whole. “But I’m a spiteful asshole and so, fuck yeah, I’m going to punish your pretty pussy until you’re begging for mercy, and we’re all three of us going to enjoy every minute of it.” He laughed, low and sinful. “Well, I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. You’re going to stand here and suffer a little bit longer before you earn that reward of yours.”
He dropped to his knees, hitched her right leg over his shoulder and then his mouth was on her, fucking her pussy the same way he’d fucked her with his finger. Warm and wet and wanton, moving up to tongue her clit in deliciously slow circles designed to make her loose her mind.
He told her not to come.
Meg bit her bottom lip again, harder this time, fighting against that slow slide toward oblivion. She couldn’t help it. It was too good and on the heels of his harsh words, too damn forbidden. Her hands flailing in the cuffs, grasping at air as her knees went out, and then Galen was holding her weight, lifting her to his mouth to get better access.
Oh god, she was going to orgasm.
She writhed, planting her free foot against his shoulder and kicked, wrenching him away from her. He hit the bed and the bastard had a shit-eating grin on his face. He swiped a thumb across his bottom lip. “Good girl.”
He ducked back under her arm and gave her ass a stinging slap. And then he was gone, disappearing after Theo into the bathroom. Several long minutes later, low moans echoed through the space, proof that Galen was as good as his word.
Meg sagged in her cuffs. She closed her eyes, her pussy pulsing in time with her racing heart, her body crying from adverted pleasure. She should hate them. She should scream and fight and curse until they let her down so she could suffer the rest of her humiliation in peace.
And yet…
She shivered, the faint sound of flesh meeting flesh coming from the bathroom. Of Galen fucking Theo. She could see it perfectly in her mind, exactly as he’d described. Theo’s hands braced on the wall, Galen’s on Theo. His big cock disappearing into Theo’s ass with each savage thrust. Meg moaned and her hips moved of their own volition, seeking friction, practically humping the air with her need.
The shower turned off.
She opened her eyes as, seconds later, Theo and Galen strode back into the room. Galen took up a nearly identical position as he’d been in when she walked into the room, against the head of the bed, one hand tucked casually behind his head. The only difference was that he was gloriously naked now. Theo moved behind her, a presence she felt even before he stroked his hands over her body, along her sides up to cup her breasts and then back down to her hips, one dipping to explore her pussy. “Poor Meg. Aching and empty and teased until pleasure becomes pain. You’ve suffered admirably, and you’ve followed our Galen’s orders so sweetly.” His thumb brushed her clit and he pressed his body against her back. “Are you ready for your reward, princess?” 


New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her 2015 title, The Marriage Contract, was a RITA finalist, and RT Book Reviews named it ‘a compulsively readable book with just the right amount of suspense and tension.”  When not writing sexy contemporary and romantic suspense, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her children, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Connect with Katee at: Website | Facebook | Twitter| GoodReads | Instagram  | BookBub

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour promoter

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