Wicked Envy (The Wicked Horse Vegas #3) by Sawyer Bennett-a review

WICKED ENVY (The Wicked Horse Vegas #3) by Sawyer Bennett-a review

Wicked Envy Banner

The Wicked Horse Vegas #3
by Sawyer Bennett
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: October 27, 2017

Wicked Envy

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play / iBooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 27, 2017

The best of friends.
Two men. One woman.
A sinful playground called The Wicked Horse.

Entrepreneur turned millionaire, Dane Hawthorne, has been known to get his kicks at The Wicked Horse Vegas, and he has no shortage of beautiful women waiting for a shot at him. Driven to succeed, no matter if he’s in the boardroom or the bedroom, Dane never backs down from a challenge.

Avril Carrigan isn’t the type of woman to take risks in her personal life but after a broken heart and too much liquid courage, Avril decides to best way to get over one man, is to get under another. Looking to experience all the debauchery she’s heard about from her best friend and business partner, Dane, she requests one thing of him—take her to The Wicked Horse.

The request seems simple. One friend helping another in her time of need. But now that they’ve crossed the threshold, things aren’t as easy as they once seemed. Not only is Dane looking at Avril in a new light, but so is their other business partner and best friend, Andrew Collings. As Dane’s envy blooms, he wonders if he made the right decision when he agreed to show Avril his wicked world.

What happens when the lines of friendship are blurred and boundaries are crossed? Will their relationships survive or will jealousy tear them all apart?


REVIEW: WICKED ENVY is the third installment in Sawyer Bennett’s contemporary, adult THE WICKED HORSE VEGAS erotic, romance series-a spin off from the author’s The Wicked Horse Series. This is millionaire biotech entrepreneur Dane Hawthorne, COO Avril Carrigan, and business partner Andrew Collings story line. WICKED ENVY can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: WICKED ENVY is an erotic romance story line and thusly contains sexually graphic scenes including oral, anal, MFM sexual situations and implied use of some mechanical apparatus.

Told from three first person perspectives (Dane, Avril, Andrew) WICKED ENVY is a friends to lovers story line that follows three friends from college to seventeen years laters wherein Caterva BioTech Industries is home to our story line trio. Geniuses in their own right, Andrew and Avril would find themselves partnered with their best friend Dane Hawthorne as they set out to rule the BioTech world but success in the business world does not necessarily equate to success in other aspects of their lives. At Dane’s recommendations Andrew reluctantly, and Avril excitedly visit the Las Vegas Sex Club known at The Wicked Horse where all three will discover that business friendships do not always overlap clearly with their sexual lives. What ensues is the building romantic relationship between Dane, Avril and Andrew, and the potential fall out when Dane wants something more from the woman he has always loved but struggles with an inability to trust which threatens everything he had and ever wanted.

Dane, Avril and Andrew have always loved one another as friends but their time together at The Wicked Horse opens their eyes to who, what and why of the palpable sexual energy that has been slowly growing between the story line trio. Andrew Collings is the more reluctant of the friends, and to his dismay discovers that Dane and Avril’s relationship is more than he had bargained for. Boundaries will be crossed until someone pulls pack to allow the blossoming relationship to grow.

The relationship between Dane, Avril and Andrews is one of friendship, family and business partners. Throughout the years the trio never once considered a sexual relationship with one another but one evening at The Wicked Horse finds all three reconsidering the future both in the bedroom and the boardroom. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense. The relationships are purely heterosexual although some M/M sexual situations are covertly experienced.

WICKED ENVY is a story about friendship, family and love; about trust and letting go; about knowing when to step back and walk away. The premise is sexy, spirited and heartbreaking; the characters are passionate and sassy; the romance is spicy, seductive and provocative. WICKED ENVY is an erotic and energetic look at three friends whose lives are intertwined from the past to the present; whose friendship defies the odds when love pushes two of them together.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Wicked Favor
Wicked Wish
Wicked Envy

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Wicked Envy Teaser

About the Author

Sawyer Bennett : Juliette PoeSince the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists on multiple occasions.

A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or a combination of the two.




Wicked Wish (The Wicked Horse Vegas #2) by Sawyer Bennett-Review and Book Tour

WICKED WISH (The Wicked Horse Vegas #2) by Sawyer Bennett-Review and Book Tour

Wicked Wish Banner

The Wicked Horse Vegas #2
by Sawyer Bennett
Release Date: August 11, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary,erotic, romance, BDSM

Wicked Wish

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / ibooks /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 11, 2017

Jorinda Pearce thought she did everything right – graduated from college, married her long-time sweetheart, established a career. But what does she have to show for it now? A degree she doesn’t use, a job she hates, and an ex-husband that broke her heart.

Looking for a long overdue adventure, Jorie takes a walk on the wild side and attends a masquerade event at The Wicked Horse Vegas. It’s exactly the escape she’s looking for, and even better, she can explore anonymously. Drawn to the man masked in black leather with the body of a god, Jorie finds the greatest pleasures of her life at the hands of a stranger.

Walsh Brooks is the most sought after man in The Wicked Horse. Sex is nothing but a game to him and he’s the type that will always leave at the end of the night without looking back. Unfortunately for Walsh, there’s no way he can walk away from the mysterious green-eyed beauty behind the mask of sapphire feathers, because he knows exactly who she is.

Jorie is his best friend’s little sister and there’s not another woman in the world that’s more off limits.


REVIEW: WICKED WISH is the second installment in Sawyer Bennett’s contemporary, adult THE WICKED HORSE VEGAS erotic, BDSM romance series- a spin of from THE WICKED HORSE series. This is thirty six year old billionaire casino owner Walsh Brooks, and twenty eight year old copyeditor Jorinda ‘Jorie’ Pearce’s story line. WICKED WISH can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. You do not have to have read the previous series to enjoy or understand the spin off.

NOTE: WICKED WISH is an erotic romance story line and thusly contains sexually graphic scenes including oral, anal and situations using mechanical apparatus.

Told from dual first person points of view (Jorie and Walsh) WICKED WISH focuses on the best friend’s little sister trope. Walsh has known Jorie all of her life, in fact, Walsh helped raised Jorie following the death of her mother. Best friends with her brother Micah Webb, Walsh knows Jorie is off –limits but a masquerade event at The Wicked Horse Vegas sex club finds Walsh coming face to face with the woman that starred in his fantasies years before. What ensues is the building but forbidden relationship between Walsh and Jorie, and the fall out when Micah discovers the truth about his little sister and best friend’s secret affair.

Jorie Pearce needs to prove that she is nothing like the woman her husband claims her to be, and an evening at The Wicked Horse Vegas has our heroine exploring the naughtier side of life. But finding Walsh Brooks, the man that she has loved all of her life, came nothing short of a surprise that ended when Walsh discovered that the woman he ‘used’ at the club, is his best friend’s little sister.

The relationship between Jorie and Walsh is a friends to lovers romance; a forbidden sexual relationship between two people pulled together by secrets of the past, and a whispered longing that has never been sated. The $ex scenes are intimate, aggressive and intense. Some scenes may not be suitable for all readers.

The world building continues to focus on the sexual scenarios and the people at The Wicked Horse- an exclusive club where discretion and privacy come with a cost.

WICKED WISH is an edgy, seductive and provocative story line. The premise is sultry; the characters are sexy and passionate; the romance is emotional, erotic and intense. WICKED WISH is an intoxicating look at a lifestyle only a few have the chance to experience or explore.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one in the author’s Wicked Horse Vegas series-WICKED FAVOR

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Wicked Wish Teaser


Squaring my shoulders, I march into The Royale and head straight for the concierge desk. I haven’t been in this casino before. Hell, I haven’t been in hardly any of them. Sure, I’d only grown up about forty-five minutes away, but gambling and all-you-can-eat buffets held no interest to me.
From Micah bragging about his best friend over the years, I knew Walsh orchestrated the purchase of the land, then pulled together financing with two other partners to build this casino. It’s one of the most popular on the strip, boasting five-star dining, old-world elegance, and superior customer service. Again, all this from Micah, but honestly… I’m so proud of Walsh, too. We may have lost touch over the years, but I’ll never forget all the ways in which he acted as a big brother to me.
Okay… that’s gross. Thinking of Walsh like a brother.
I scrub my mind clean of that thought and demand myself never to do that again.
Rather, I’ll never forget all the ways in which Walsh provided me friendship and support in my formative years.
Yes… much better.
“Can I help you?” a man behind the concierge desk asks with a genuine and friendly smile. Not snooty as I would expect in a fancy hotel, and I guess that goes to the superior customer service The Royale strives for.
“Yes… hi,” I say as I nervously tuck my hair behind my ears on both sides. “I need to see Mr. Brooks. How do I go about getting access to his apartment?”
Micah told me some time ago that Walsh lives here.
The concierge never loses his friendly smile, but a single eyebrow arches high at my temerity.
“Oh, gosh,” I stammer. “That came out stalkerish. Mr. Brooks… I mean, Walsh… and I are longtime friends. He used to babysit me.”
“Your name?” the man asks as he pulls up something on his computer.
“Jorie Pearce.”
After a moment of scanning, he looks up at me. “Your name isn’t on the approved list.”
“Well, he’s not exactly expecting me.”
“I’m sorry, Miss Pearce,” he says with true regret in his voice. “But our policy is strict. No one gets up to the private penthouse without their name on the list.”
I lean on the desk with one elbow and lower my voice. “Just out of curiosity… are there any women on that list?”
The eyebrow shoots up again.
“No, wait,” I say hastily as I hold my palms toward him in a silent plea to not process my last request either mentally or on the computer. “That’s totally stalkerish, and I didn’t mean that.”
“Miss Pearce,” the concierge says, now with a hint of annoyance. “Perhaps you’d like to leave a message? I can get it up to Mr. Brooks today and he can call you.”
“No, I need to see him now,” I tell him firmly. “And I swear it’s not to cook a rabbit in a pot on his stove. Can you please just call up to his apartment?”
“That’s not our policy—”
“Look,” I snap as I lean across the desk slightly. “I’m a lifelong friend of Walsh’s. My brother is his best friend. We lost touch for a few years, but we ran into each other last night. I really need to talk to him about something that happened last night, and I’m not leaving this hotel until you call up to his apartment.”
The eyebrow doesn’t arch but it does draw inward to meet its match on the other side as he considers what I just said.
“I swear to you,” and here I pause to look at his name tag, “Bentley. Please just call him. He won’t be mad.”
With a sigh, he relents and picks up the phone receiver, punching in a five-digit number. After a pause, he says, “Mr. Brooks… I’m very sorry to disturb you, sir, but there’s a Miss Jorie Pearce here to see you. She says she’s a longtime friend.”
I watch as Bentley listens, but I can’t gauge what’s being said as his face remains blank. Finally, he says, “Very good, sir.”
I take this to mean I’ll be getting an escort to the penthouse suite, but Bentley replaces the receiver and says, “I’m sorry, Miss Pearce. But Mr. Walsh told me to tell you he’s busy and can’t receive you right now.”
My eyes narrow at Bentley. “I don’t believe you. Call back and let me talk to him.”
“I assure you, I just talked to him and that’s what he said.”
“Call him back,” I order as I point to the phone.
“I can’t,” he says almost with a wail. “If I do, he’ll fire me.”
Okay, that hits home. I don’t want to get anyone in trouble, so I say, “Fine. Give me just a moment.”
I take a few steps away from the concierge desk and pull my iPhone out. I shoot off a quick text to Micah. What’s Walsh’s phone number?
I wait a few moments, but I know Micah is awake in San Francisco at this hour. His phone is always on, and he never ignores a text from me.
He responds with the number before I can even start to tap my foot with impatience, adding on, Why?
I hate the lie, but I write back, Came to Vegas for the day. Thought I’d see if he could meet up for lunch. Haven’t seen him in years.
Cool, he writes back. Tell him I said, “what’s up, douche?”
I roll my eyes as I text back, Real mature. Love ya. Later.
After I save the number to my contacts, I open a new text to Walsh. Let me up to see you or I’m going straight back to The Wicked Horse to satisfy some further curiosities I have.
I hit send and then walk back to the concierge desk. I merely lean one elbow on it and watch Bentley with a silent smile. The phone rings about ten seconds after that.
Bentley’s eyes fly to mine as he listens, and then says, “Yes, sir. Right away.”
When he replaces the receiver, he says, “I’m to show you to the penthouse elevator.”
“Thank you, Bentley,” I say brightly.

about the author

Sawyer Bennett : Juliette PoeSince the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists on multiple occasions.

A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or a combination of the two.



Inkslinger 2


Wicked Favor by Sawyer Bennett-Review and Excerpt Tour

WICKED FAVOR (The Wicked Horse Vegas #1) by Sawyer Bennett-Review and Excerpt Tour


The Wicked Horse Vegas #1
by Sawyer Bennett
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: June 5, 2017


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / ibooks /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 5, 2017

Add to your GOODREADS shelf

As the owner of The Wicked Horse, an elite sex club located along the Vegas Strip, Jerico Jameson never spends the night alone. Gorgeous, ripped, and totally alpha, Jerico doesn’t grant favors and will rarely give you the time of day—unless he wants you in his bed. So when the sister of his sworn enemy shows up asking for help, saying no should be easy. But when Jerico takes one look at her and sees an opportunity to help this beautiful woman while exacting revenge on her brother, he’s not about to pass that up.

Beaten and bruised, Trista Barnes is running out of options, and Jerico is her last chance to get out of the mess she’s in. She doesn’t know why Jerico despises her brother so much, but as long as he can help her, she doesn’t care. Jerico offers her safety while opening her up to a sinful world she never knew existed.

As she succumbs to Jerico’s erotic charm, Trista lets herself fall into the wicked world of guilt free pleasure with no regrets. Under his strong alpha hand, she blooms, and so does Jerico’s possessiveness. But what happens when Trista finds out she was a pawn in Jerico’s game all along, and that the price for his favor was steeper than she ever imagined – her heart.


REVIEW: WICKED FAVOR is the first installment in Sawyer Bennett’s contemporary, adult WICKED HORSE VEGAS erotic, romance series focusing on the elite sex club known as the Wicked Horse. Wicked Horse Vegas is a spin off from the author’s The Wicked Horse series. This is club owner and former Marine Jerico Jameson, and Trista Barnes’s story line. You do not have to have read the original series to understand and follow the spin off.

NOTE: WICKED FAVOR contains sexually graphic scenes of M/M, M/F/M situations including anal, oral, and group play that may not be suitable for all readers

Told from dual first person points of view (Jerico and Trista) WICKED FAVOR focuses on Trista’s search for help. With a loan shark threatening her life, Trista calls in a favor from Jerico Jameson-a favor owed to Trista’s brother Jayce Barnes-but a favor that comes at a cost. Enter Jerico Jameson-owner of the elite Vegas sex club The Wicked Horse and The Jameson Group International Security Services-the man with whom Trista will fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Trista and Jerico, but a relationship predicated on betrayal, revenge and fraud.

Trista Barnes is struggling to pay off the loan-a loan that has doubled within weeks of receipt. Her only recourse is Jerico Jameson-a former Marine buddy of her brother’s but a man with an agenda as it pertains to our leading heroine. To pay back the loan Trista must work at The Wicked Horse-doing whatever job Jerico asks. Jerico Jameson is determined to enact revenge for sins of the past-Trista Barnes is his path of vengeance but a path that meanders into dangerous territory.

The relationship between Trista and Jerico begins as a business arrangement but soon begins to turn into something more. Jerico makes no promises for the future-a thirty day work detail to pay back the loan-but thirty days where our couple will fall in love before Trista uncovers the truth behind Jerico’s plans for revenge. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic, and provocative including ménage play, voyeurism, exhibitionism, group play and more.

We are introduced to Trista’s brother Jayce Barnes; her niece Corrine, as well as her mother Jolene; Jerico’s confidant and business partner Kynan McGrath, and an assortment of employees and guests of The Wicked Horse-Las Vegas.

The world building focuses on betrayal and revenge; the building relationship between Jerico and Trista; and the fall out as the truth is finally revealed. The reader becomes a voyeur into the back rooms and playrooms of The Wicked Horse, as the members, guests and owners partake of the offered fantasies.

WICKED FAVOR is a sexy, spicy and erotic romance that follows two people pulled together by sins of the past. The premise is energetic; the romance is carnal and wicked; the characters are colorful, spirited and dynamic. WICKED FAVOR is a story of passion, revenge, betrayal and hope.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy





For three nights, I’ve watched her.
By any definition, I’d totally be considered a stalker.
But from the comfort of my office, I can pull up the security feeds on my monitor and take note of the subtle changes in Trista as she works the condiment tray. Truth be told, I don’t need her working that job and have a much greater need for her to go back to cleaning, but fuck if she doesn’t look a hell of a lot sexier in a thong than a turtleneck and pants.
Part of my training in the military was gathering intelligence, so I can pick up on the slightest of details that could tell me a very important story, and there were a lot of changes I noticed over the last three days with Trista as she settled into her job routine.
The most important and pleasing thing was that Trista’s stopped hiding her sexual curiosity. When she first started working here, she looked around a room in a vague way, not taking in too many details. I think she was afraid to watch.
Afraid of what it would do to her body.
But that has definitely changed.
Now, Trista watches what the patrons are doing. Sometimes, she stares for long moments and much to my delight, the kinkier the acts, the longer she stares. My trained eyes take in her chest rising and falling to keep up with what I’m sure was a racing pulse. She’d adjust the straps covering her breasts in a very minute way either because the pressure on her nipples was too much, or because she wanted to create some friction.
Naughty, naughty girl.
My favorite though was when she would cross one long leg over the other and squeeze her thighs together as she watched, and I had no doubt her clit was probably pulsing with desire.
Trista was getting braver too. She never once took any man up on an offer to join, and there had been some I’d seen. I had told her she could if business was slow, but I also made a spectacle in front of Willis that she was off limits. Perhaps Trista thinks she’s off limits to everyone, and it’s fine by me if she wants to think that.



About the Author

Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists on multiple occasions.

A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or a combination of the two.


Inkslinger 2

