To Reject a Mate (Redwood University)by Poppy Ireland-review tour

To Reject a Mate (Redwood University 1) by Poppy Ireland-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 2, 2023

Welcome to Redwood University, where the creatures that go bump in the night really do exist… and they’re hiding in plain sight.

Attending a small college in the middle of nowhere was never my plan, but when I was offered free tuition and the promise of an excellent education, that plan changed.

It would’ve been nice to know I would be one of the only humans on campus.

It’d be even better if a certain bossy shifter didn’t claim me as his fated mate.

Alexei is arrogant, acrimonious, and the worst A-word of them all: an alpha.

But I can’t deny the way my body responds to him. No matter how many warning flags are waving around in my head, we gravitate toward one another. It’s primal. Passionate.


Because regardless of what the fates think, or the supposed destiny we share… Alexei and I could never be.

So, if Alexei won’t reject our bond… I’ll have to do it for him.


REVIEW:TO REJECT A MATE is the first instalment in Poppy Ireland’s contemporary, new adult REDWOOD UNIVERSITY paranormal, romance trilogy focusing on heir to the Redwood Pack Alpha Alexei Koenig, and eighteen year old Nicole Fairweather.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Alexei and Nicole) TO REJECT A MATE focuses on eighteen year old Nicole Fairweather as she vows to pledge the Beta Phi sorority at Redwood University, the sorority of which her late mother was a member. When her father was offered a position in the genetics research labs at Redwood University, Nicole was disappointed in the face of not going to NYU. Free tuition, and room and board were her father’s selling points but within hours of arrival Nicole knew something wasn’t right about Redwood University. A truth spell would reveal the existence of the supernatural, and the crown prince was her fated mate but Alexei Koenig knew shifters were not allowed to mate with lowly humans, and Nicole found herself a target of the mean girls, bullies, and the man in charge. What ensues is the building but forbidden romance between Nicole and Alexei, and the fall-out when Nicole is targeted, and her father’s life hangs on the line.

Nicole Fairweather is human, or at least she thought she was human, but something more is slowly evolving. Looking into the truth about her past, Nicole will discover that she is the ‘something more’ and her powers are just coming into play when her life and the life of her father are threatened. Alexei Koenig has been prepared to take over the mantle of Alpha since he was a young boy but his brutal father sees him as nothing but a failure, a failure that will expose Nicole to the betrayal and cruelty of the beings at Redwood University.

The relationship between Nicole and Alexei is one of fated mates but a forbidden relationship as Nicole is believed to be a human, unworthy in the eyes of the Alpha Pack leader, a man who is willing to kill to protect the purity of the shifter species. Alexei Koenig knows immediately that Nicole Fairweather is his mate but from the outset Alexei struggles to push Nicole out of his heart and his mind but his inner wolf demands they claim Nicole as their own. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate and intense.

We are introduced to Nicole’s father Dr. David Fairweather; Redwood University president and Pack Alpha Jones Koenig and his ‘luna’ Anya; Alexei’s best friend and Beta Corbin, and his sister Mara, as well as witch Juniper, wolf Hunter, vampire Christian, and Nicole’s familiar Macey. The requisite evil, including bullies, mean girls, and malevolent adults, has many faces.

TO REJECT A MATE is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, bullies and discrimination, speciesism and hatred, acceptance and loss. The premise is intriguing and action-packed; the romance is seductive and fated but struggles in the face of rejection; the characters are numerous, magical, and charismatic. TO REJECT A MATE ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Poppy Ireland is an author of paranormal and fantasy romance. She is the fictional brainchild of two longtime friends and USA Today Bestselling Authors who like to use their freaky mind melding powers to write spicy romantasy stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

If you’re wondering who we are, well, that’s a secret we’ll never tell.

Xoxo, Poppy

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