To Tame a Warrior Princess by M.A. Abraham – a Review

To Tame a Warrior Princess by M.A. Abraham – a Review


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Surrounded by a hostile environment, Shemaine has needed to fight for her very existence all of her life. Things are about to change.

Ranolf was only after revenge, not a potential bride. Nor was he about to accept one as a peace offering from a homicidal maniac. Things are not as they first seem, nor are the people who surround his prize who or what he thought.

As secrets unfurl, thoughts change, and so does the playing field. Can either side learn to live with the world that is changing around them? Or will they be forever enemies




To Tame the Warrior Princess by M.A. Abraham is a standalone novel. Shemaine, our heroine, has had a tough life, as her Father hated her, since he lost his wife during her birth.  The Father wanted to have her killed at birth, but the brother and sister, stopped their father, and from then on he treated her like garbage.   Over the years, her brother and sister brought her up, and trained her to become a powerful warrior.  With war on the horizon, her Father made plans to offer Shemaine to an enemy King, and despite help from her brother and sister, King Ranolf accepts the offer.  But to everyone’s surprise, Ranolf kills the father, as payback for the murder of his family. 

Ranolf finds himself very attracted to Shemaine, though he knows he needs to go slow with her; especially since she has always learned fight, as a warrior.  Helen, her sister, tries to convince her to open herself to Ranolf; and her brother, now King Allender is determined for Shemaine to marry Ranolf.  The relationship between Ranolf and Shemaine starts off bad, but slowly she realizes how caring Ranolf is, and a slow burn relationship will change everything for her. 

What follows is an army heading their way to start a war, and both Helen and Shemaine realizing that the visiting females have been plotting against them.   Ranolf will call his army, as well as Rogan’s to fight off the enemy.  The battle is violent, with many deaths,  but more help is on the way; and Shemaine was seriously injured.  I did like Shemaine, though I did think early she was annoying. I really liked both Helen and Allender, who protected Shemaine all her life, from their terrible father. I also loved Ranolf, who was the perfect man for Shemaine; as he was kind, caring, loving, and willing to allow her to slowly fall in love with him.  To say too much more would be spoilers.

To Tame the Warrior Princess was very well written by M.A. Abraham.  I read this story in one day, as I could not put the book down; as I really enjoyed To Tame the Warrior Princess. I wholly suggest you read this story, as it was an excellent story line.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for review
