A Vow of Love and Vengeance Pt. 2 by LP Lovell-Review Tour

A Vow of Love and Vengeance Pt. 2 by LP Lovell-Review Tour


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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 31, 2022

I killed my father and started a mafia war.

The marriage I’ve been running from may now be my only salvation. The problem is, I can no longer say I don’t want Giovanni Guerra. And wanting a man like him could prove far more dangerous than my traitorous family.

All is fair in love and war, and vengeance… vengeance will be mine.


REVIEW:A VOW OF LOVE AND VENGEANCE is the second instalment in LP Lovell’s contemporary, adult TAINTED VOWS dark, erotic, Mafia romance duet first introduced in the multi-authored Underworld Kings, set in the author’s Kiss of Death world. This is the continuing story of Mafia boss Giovanni Guerra, and eighteen year old, Mafia princess Emilia Donato. A VOW OF LOVE AND VENGEANCE should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events and cliff hanger of book one A VOW OF LUST AND FURY.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including graphic violence and dubious consent, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Giovanni and Emilia) A VOW OF LOVE AND VENGEANCE continues to focus on the acrimonious relationship between Mafia boss Giovanni Guerra, and eighteen year old, Mafia princess Emilia Donato. Emilia Donato was sold by her uncle to Giovanni Guerra, a move to acquire more power within the Chicago Criminal Underworld but the murder of Roberto Donato at the hands of his daughter Emilia Donato was about to add gas to the proverbial fire and fight for power, a fight wherein the various factions of both the Italian Mafia, and the Irish mob are about to go to war. Meanwhile Emilia and Giovanni’s relationship continues to be troubled and exacerbated by her family connections, and the ongoing pursuit of both her brother and her uncle, a relationship that will be called into question when their marriage of convenience is seen as more of a power play than a love match. What ensues is the building relationship between Emilia and Giovanni, and the potential fall-out as the encroaching war pits family against family, and a hired assassin is called in to finish the deal.

The relationship between Giovanni and Emilia is antagonistic and contentious. Issues of trust begin to bleed into an already volatile situation, a situation that becomes more belligerent as Emilia struggles with what happened and why. Giovanni Guerra doesn’t want his wife to take the blame for the death of her father but the deeper he digs, the more secrets reveal a shaky foundation for the merger between the Guerra and Donato worlds. The $ex scenes are aggressive, intense and passionate.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, charismatic and dangerous secondary and supporting characters including Emilia’s uncle Sergio, and her brothers Luca and Renzo; Sergio’s right hand man Matteo; Giovanni’s men Tommy and Jackson, as well as Nero and Una (Kiss of Death), Una’s brother Sasha, and several members of the Irish mob including Liam O’Hara. The requisite evil has many faces.

A VOW OF LOVE AND VENGEANCE is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, violence and death, acceptance and love. The premise is dramatic, edgy, dark and gritty; the romance is combative and impassioned; the characters are energetic, determined and captivating.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of Part 1-A VOW OF LUST AND FURY

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Lauren Lovell is a ginger from England. 

She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for afterwards. 

Lauren loves a mildly…or not so mildly psychopathic hero, and a dark, twisted tale. 

If you like like your boys very very bad, then hop on in.

Connect w/LP:

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A Vow of Lust and Fury(Underworld Kings) by LP Lovell-Review Tour

A Vow of Lust and Fury (Underworld Kings) by LP Lovell-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 1, 2021.

My uncle may be the boss of the Chicago Outfit, but there’s one man even he fears, Giovanni Guerra. Yet he sold me to him—as his wife. For an alliance. For power.

The boss of the New York family is beautiful and deadly, and he stokes a fire in me that might destroy us both. He may believe he was sold a submissive mafia princess, but Giovanni Guerra is about to find out that I am no one’s pawn.

The only vow I make is one of lust and fury.


REVIEW:A VOW OF LUST AND FURY by LP Lovell is a contemporary, adult, dark, erotic, Mafia, romance found in the multi-authored UNDERWORLD KINGS series, set in the author’s Kiss of Death world. This is Mafia boss Giovanni Guerra, and eighteen year old, Mafia princess Emilia Donato’s story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including graphic violence, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Giovanni and Emilia) A VOW OF LUST AND FURY focuses on the selling of our heroine to Giovanni Guerra.The Chicago Donato Mafia family are desperate for more power, and to ensure an alliance Sergio Donato sold his niece to Giovanni Guerra. An unwilling and uncooperative hostage, Emilia Donato intends to make Giovanni’s life a living h*ll, killing him if necessary, as a last resort. Emilia knows first hand the cruelty and abuse inflicted upon the woman in the mob, nothing more than chattel, possessions to be bought and sold, and in this our heroine would rather die than face a future as a prisoner or a slave but all is not well between the Italian and the Irish mobs, and men will be targeted, with losses on both sides, losses that will affect everyone going forward. What ensues is the building relationship between Giovanni and Emilia, and the fall-out as betrayal and vengeance are the name of the game.

The relationship between Giovanni and Emilia is an arranged marriage, of sorts; a payment for a debt in which Emilia wants nothing to do with our story line hero, a man who is willing to die to protect the woman that calls to his heart but Emilia refuses to bend to the will of Giovanni Guerra, and in this many her attempts to free herself find one final act of desperation that is about to spiral out of control. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense.

We are introduced to Emilia’s father Robert, her uncle Sergio, and her brothers Luca and Renzo; Sergio’s right hand man Matteo; Giovanni’s men Tommy and Jackson, as well as Nero and Una (Kiss of Death). Emilia’s close relationship with Renzo will be called into play.

A VOW OF LUST AND FURY is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, death, torture, abuse, family dysfunction. The premise is dark, gritty, haunting and graphic; the characters are stubborn and wounded; the romance is aggressive, and edgy. A VOW OF LUST AND FURY ends on a cliff-hanger. I do not have any information about the next instalment.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Lauren Lovell is a ginger from England. 

She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for afterwards. 

Lauren loves a mildly…or not so mildly psychopathic hero, and a dark, twisted tale. 

If you like like your boys very very bad, then hop on in.

Connect w/LP:

Website: http://lplovell.co.uk


Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/308860072628711

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lp_lovell/

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Authorlplovell

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Amazon: https://amzn.to/3b04aBV

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/lp-lovell

NL Signup: http://lplovell.co.uk/newsletter


A Thousand Cuts (Underworld Kings) by Anne Malcolm-Review Tour

A Thousand Cuts (Underworld Kings) by Anne Malcolm-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date:November 25, 2021

I did not set out to be a mafia wife.
I came into this home, into this life as a hostage.
He was nothing more than my captor.
A murderer. A criminal. A monster.
Until he was more than that.
He took me as payment for a debt. Nothing more than a pawn in an intricate game of lies, manipulation and death.
He saw the darkness in me. It called to him. Just like his wretched soul called to me.
He was king of the underworld.
And he wanted me to be his queen.
But despite how much the most depraved parts of me wanted that crown, I knew I only had one option.
Take the Catalano family down.
Or die trying.


REVIEW:How is this Anne Malcom’s first foray into the mafia genre? It’s so good! As a long time fan of all of Anne’s books, A Thousand Cuts is a fantastic addition to her repertoire.

From page one, ATC pulls you in with complex characters, killer chemistry and hot sexy scences that will spice up the imagination. Cristian is an over the top alpha, he’s dark and gritty and the hold he has on Sienna; its…carnal. If Cristian is dark Sienna is light, but with her own shadows. Their connection is on another level, more than just steamy scenes, more emotional and intimate.

It was super brave of Anne to dip her toes into the mafia subgenre, and boy oh boy did she knock it out of the park. The characters are awesome, as the plot progresses and the twists and turns happen, as a reader you can’t help but want to know the ending, but be sad at the same time that it’s going to end. I really hope that Lucia and Lorenzo get a story, I feel like Anne left it open to happen. Oh and definitely more Felix!

If you’re looking for a dark, depraved, steamy romance, then look no further than Anne Malcom’s A Thousands Cuts. Four Stars!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah

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Anne Malcom  has been an avid reader since before she can remember, her mother responsible for her book addiction. It started with magical journeys into the world of Hogwarts and Middle Earth. As she grew up, her reading tastes grew with her. Her obsession with books and romance novels in particular, gave Anne the opportunity to find another passion, writing. Finding writing about alpha males and happily ever afters more fun than reading about them, Anne is not about to stop any time soon.

Raised in small-town New Zealand, Anne had a truly special childhood, growing up in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. She has backpacked across Europe, ridden camels in the Sahara, eaten her way through Italy, and had all sorts of crazy adventures. Currently living in London, she’s on a whole new adventure. Watch this space…


Kingdom Come (Underworld Kings) by Aleatha Romig-Review tour

Kingdom Come (Underworld Kings) by Aleatha Romig-Review tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 16, 2021.

They say the price of freedom is learning that you have nothing left to lose.

There was a time when I had it all. Money. Power. Love. And in the blink of an eye, it was gone.

Along the road to my new life, I have a chance meeting with Cecilia Abernathy. Born to greatness, this American princess is out of my league. That doesn’t mean I don’t see her for the woman she is behind the headlines. In a rare glimpse I see not only her outward beauty but her inner determination. I’m moved by her in ways I don’t allow myself to ponder.

Time passes and I’m moving forward, persevering beyond my loss, and making a new name for myself. And then I’m given an assignment.

One job.
One quest.

If I succeed, my kingdom will be at hand.
If I fail, there will be no more chances.

Men like me aren’t saviors, and that isn’t my assignment. My mission is to find the daughter of one of the most powerful men in New York, in the country, and maybe the world. Find her and deliver her to her family’s rival.

Cecilia Abernathy has been kidnapped. All I have to do is exchange her current hell for another. And then I can walk away and claim my reward.

Has my taste of freedom made me willing to sell my soul for a kingdom?


REVIEW:KINGDOM COME by Aleatha Romig is a contemporary, adult, dark, erotic, criminal underworld romance story line found in the multi-authored UNDERWORLD KINGS. This is twenty-nine year old Dellinger hotel heiress Cecilia Abernathy, and Greyson Ingalls aka Kyle O’Brien’s story line. KINGDOM COME can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Kyle O’Brien was first introduced in the author’s DEVIL’S DUET duology.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Greyson and Cecilia) KINGDOM COME follows in the wake of the kidnapping and abduction of heiress Cecilia Abernathy. Hired by a business and powerful rival of the Abernathy family to locate and rescue our heroine, Greyson Ingalls finds himself in the middle of a war for control, and Cecilia is the ultimate prize but as Greyson digs deeper, with Cecilia by his side, a fractured family dynamic comes to light, and Greyson knows that to hand over Cecilia is the proverbial frying pan into the fire. On the run, their every location compromised, and their possessions destroyed, Greyson and Cecilia turn to one another for comfort until it is time for Cecilia to return home. What ensues is the building relationship between Cecilia and Greyson, and the potential fall-out as the truth behind the abduction reveals the dangerous and dark world for the women in the Dellinger-Abernathy family.

Greyson Ingalls is an enigma; a proverbial ghost; a fixer of sorts, hired by the rich and powerful when discretion is required, and danger is a given but Greyson is not the man he presents to the world-that man is long dead and buried, and Greyson walks the fringes of society where the dark and dangerous secrets have yet to be revealed. Cecilia Abernathy works for her grandfather’s chain of Dellinger Hotels but never expected to find herself the victim of a kidnapping, assault and humiliation. Believing her family would do anything to get her back, our heroine will quickly discover that her life is more valuable as an asset than anything else.

The relationship between Cecilia and Greyson begins as a rescue; a forced proximity affair wherein time spent together brings our couple closer together. Both experienced in the world of IT and backdoor espionage, Cecilia and Greyson must work together to uncover the truth, a truth in which Cecilia is the ultimate pawn. The $ex scenes are passionate, erotic and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, energetic and questionable secondary and supporting characters: bartender/former spy Josie Romero, Cecilia’s parents Barron and Elizabeth Dellinger-Abernathy, grandfather Lorenzo Dellinger, her uncle Dante Dellinger, underworld business rival Maxwell Tiller and his son Jethro. The requisite evil has many familiar faces.

KINGDOM COME is a story of betrayal and abuse, power, money, greed and control, manipulation, revelations, determination and love. The premise is dramatic, dark, gritty and haunting; the characters are edgy and tragic; the romance is provocative and intense.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Aleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana, USA. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis. Aleatha has raised three children with her high school sweetheart and husband of over thirty years. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she’s not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time a with her family and friends. Her other pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams and bring your imagination to life!

Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than half a million e-readers. Aleatha released the first of her series TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE, INSIDIOUS, in the fall of 2014. These stand alone thrillers continue Aleatha’s twisted style with an increase in heat.

In the fall of 2015, Aleatha moved head first into the world of dark romantic suspense with the release of BETRAYAL, the first of her five novel INFIDELITY series that has taken the reading world by storm. She also began her traditional publishing career with Thomas and Mercer. Her books INTO THE LIGHT and AWAY FROM THE DARK were published through this mystery/thriller publisher in 2016.

In the spring of 2017, Aleatha released her first stand-alone, fun, and sexy romantic comedy with PLUS ONE, followed by the sweet stand-alone, ONE NIGHT.

Aleatha is a “Published Author’s Network” member of the Romance Writers of America and PEN America.  She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Sign up today to receive her monthly newsletter  and /or text message alerts stay informed.

And if you’re new to ALEATHA, check out her FREE books.


The Bratva’s Heir by Jane Henry & Sophie Lark-Review Tour

The Bratva’s Heir (Underworld Kings) by Jane Henry & Sophie Lark-Review & Excerpt Tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 5, 2021.

Prison’s a dark, bleak place.

But Clare brings me light.

My sweet little bird will be my ticket to freedom.

The first time I saw her, I had to have her.

From her big, dark eyes, to the curves she can’t conceal…

The way she can only hold my gaze so long.

The way she shivers every time I move inside these chains.

And most of all, the way she’ll bend the rules when I order her to…

I know a natural submissive when I see one.

Her degrees and titles don’t change who she is: a woman who will bend to my will.

She doesn’t know it yet, but Clare is mine.

Mine to train. Mine to protect. And mine to control…


REVIEW:THE BRATVA’S HEIR co-authored by Jane Henry and Sophie Lark is a stand alone, contemporary, adult, Bratva romance story line found in the multi-authored Underworld Kings series. This is heir to the US Russian Bratva Constantine Rogov, and psychologist Clare Nightingale.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Clare and Constantine) THE BRATVA’S HEIR follows prison psychologist Clare Nightingale as she used as bait in Constantine Rogov’s escape from prison. Months earlier, Constantine was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison for the killing of his fiancé, a princess in the Irish Mafia, a killing he claims he did not do, and with his escape Constantine is desperate to prove he is innocent of the crime but in doing so, must lay the blame on someone close to our story line heroine. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Clare and Constantine, and the potential fall-out as Clare must uncover the truth, regardless whom she hurts in the process.

Constantine Rogov is not stranger to killing but he did not kill the woman who would one day be his wife. An arranged marriage with the Irish mob is threatened and trashed, and in this, Constantine has been targeted on all sides. His only means of escape is the prison’s new psychologist, a woman who stirs something deep within our story line hero. Clare Nightingale is a bit of an innocent in that she has no idea what to expect at her first day on the job. From the outset, everything is about to go wrong, including a prison escape where she will be held hostage by the man with whom she will fall in love.

The relationship between Clare and Constantine is a forced proximity as Clare finds herself a prisoner of a dark and dangerous man who claims he is innocent of the crime held against him. Using Clare to assist in his endeavor to prove his innocence, Constantine knows immediately that Clare is the woman to steal his heart. The $ex scenes are erotic, dramatic and intense, and not without some early issues of consent, spanking, punishment and the hero’s need to be called ‘daddy’.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including Clare’s parents, Chief Parsons, as well as Constantine’s men Emmanuel, Ilya, Yury, and several members if the Irish mob.

THE BRATVA’S HEIR is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, family, blood, murder and love. The premise is dark, gritty and raw; the romance is spirited and provocative; the characters are stubborn, powerful, and edgy.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

“I’m nothing special,” she says, bluntly.
I don’t know why she’s so intent on considering herself plain—she may not have the
obvious flashiness of a certain sort of woman, but Clare’s beauty is all the more powerful for its
subtlety. The delicacy and luminescence of her skin, like the slightest touch would bruise it…
those large, dark eyes, so liquid that they almost seem tearful…
Her fragility makes me want to do terrible things to her.
And yet, I almost want to protect her, too… like a little bird that could fit in the hollow of
my hand… a nightingale, singing only for me…
“Don’t be modest. You’ve seen the way men look at you. Tell the truth, Clare.”
She bites the edge of her lip, irritated at my use of her first name, and at my commanding
Still, I see the way that tone takes hold of her, compelling her to answer me.
“Men always stare at women,” she says.
“They stare at you more… how could they not?”
“Mr. Rogov,” she says, sharply. “I told you, we’re not here to discuss me.”
“I remember,” I say.
But I think she will discuss herself if I push her. Because no matter how hard Ms. Nightingale
tries to be stern, to maintain professionalism, I see the truth behind her thin façade. I see how she
flinches when I bark, how she squirms under my stare. How her eyes flit up to meet mine when I
use a gentler tone, and how her cheeks flush pink when I compliment her. Clare has been raised
to respect authority. To crave it, even…

About Sophie
Sophie Lark is an Amazon bestselling author who writes intense, intelligent romance, with heroines who are strong and capable, and men who will do anything to capture their hearts. She lives with her husband, two boys, and baby girl in the Rocky Mountain West. 

She has a slight obsession with hiking, bodybuilding, and live comedy shows. Her perfect day would be taking the kids to Harry Potter World, going dancing with Mr. Lark, then relaxing with a good book and a monster bag of salt and vinegar chips.

Connect with Sophie
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2NO2Gn2
Instagram: https://bit.ly/2YoIcDt
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3pwmAAW
Join her Facebook reader group The Love Larks: http://bit.ly/2YtgQw2
Stay up to date with Sophie by joining her mailing list: https://bit.ly/39rZfL9
Website: https://sophielark.com


About Jane 
USA Today bestselling author Jane Henry pens stern but loving alpha heroes, feisty heroines, and emotion-driven happily-ever-afters. She writes what she loves to read: kink with a tender touch. Jane is a hopeless romantic who lives on the East Coast with a houseful of children and her very own Prince Charming.

Connect with Jane 
Website: https://janehenryromance.com/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/jane-henry
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janehenryauthor/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janehenryromance


Tears of Salvation(Underworld Kings)by Michelle Heard-Review Tour

Tears of Salvation (Underworld Kings) by Michelle Heard-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 6, 2021


I was the party crasher.
He was the Devil.

Three months ago, I suffered a moment of insanity and had a one-night stand without even knowing who the man was.
It was hot and unforgettable.
I tried to forget him, but there are moments I swear I can still smell his aftershave.

Little did I know he’s the head of the Bratva.
Alexei Koslov.
My family’s worst enemy.

There’s a thin line between love and hate,
and I’m straddling it.


There’s an even thinner line between the truth and a lie.

As the head of the Bratva and the best assassin,
I’m the devil everyone fears.

I get more than I bargained for when I come face to face with Isabella Terrero.
Instead of the Princess of Terror, she might just be the embodiment of the goddess of mischief and chaos.

For her, I broke all my rules.
For her, I burned down the world.


REVIEW:Tears of Salvation: A Russian Mafia Romance is book five in the Underworld Kings series by Michelle Heard. A stand alone novel that is best read along with the rest of the series!

Alexei Koslov, 32 years old – is head of the Bravata. There is no deadlier assassin than him. He is the sworn enemy of many, but his main nemesis is Sonia Terrero, head of the Terrero cartel.

One night at a club, Alexei meets the woman known as “the party crasher!” The have an amazing one night stand together, but leave without knowing each others names! And neither can forget the other long after the night has ended! But while out scouting for an attack on the Terrero family – Alexei soon realizes his “party crasher” is none other than Isabella Terrero, the princess of Terror. Heir to the Terrero cartel.

But he soon figures out that Isabella isn’t anything like her ruthless mother. There is an immediate and quick attraction between them. But when an accident causes Isabella to have amnesia, Alexei uses the moment to his advantage!

Will Isabella still care for him once she finds out the truth? Will she ever be able to forgive him for what he has done? This has been one of my favorite Underworld Kings story so far!

Fast paced, quick read and probably one of the most emotional ones. I loved the story so much! I am praying Ana gets her happy ending also!

Loving this series, beyond words!

Click HERE for Erin’s review of TEARS OF BETRAYAL

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Erin

Michelle Heard is a Bestselling Romance Author who loves creating stories her readers can get lost in. She might have a slight obsession with alpha heroes who are not afraid to fight for their women.

Want to be up to date with what’s happening in my world? Sign up to receive the latest news on her alpha hero releases, sales, and great giveaways →http://eepurl.com/cUXM_P

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