Kill or be Kilt (Highland Spies 3) by Victoria Roberts -Review and Book Tour

KILL OR BE KILT (Highland Spies #3) by Victoria Roberts-Review and Book Tour

Kill or Be Kilt / / B&N / KOBO /itunes / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 3, 2016

Lady Elizabeth Walsingham pined after the same man for years. When she finally realizes the brawny Highland laird doesn’t return her feelings, she decides to leave for London and start anew. It seems that her prayers are answered when she catches the eye of a charming actor at the Globe Theatre – a man who is the complete opposite of the Highlander she once loved.

Laird Ian Monroe spends his time avoiding the bothersome young girl who dreams of their union. But when he travels to London and discovers that she has a new love interest with a dishonorable agenda, his perspective changes. Ian soon realizes that Elizabeth is no longer a child with a crush, but a beautiful woman in need of his help. He may have what it takes to rescue Elizabeth from her scheming beau, but does he have the courage to reclaim Elizabeth’s heart as well?


REVIEW: KILL OR BE KILT is the third installment in Victoria Roberts’s historical HIGHLAND SPIES Highland, romance series. This is Lady Elizabeth Walsingham, and Laird Ian Monroe’s storyline. KILL OR BE KILT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

Told from several third person points of view KILL OR BE KILT is an adventure that takes the reader from the Highlands of Scotland to London, England. It is 1613, and King James sits on the throne of England; Lady Elizabeth’s Uncle Walter, who sat on the King’s Privy Council, has died a tragic death; and the Scottish Lairds including Ian, Ruairi and Fagan are hoping for a meeting with King James’s Court. When Elizabeth declares that she is going to the Court and not returning home following their Uncle’s demise, Laird Ian has no choice but to guard the young woman with his life. What ensues is a series of attacks against the members of the King’s Privy Council, while Ian struggles with his attraction to the woman in his charge.

Elizabeth has loved Laird Ian since the age of fifteen, but the intimidating Laird is almost twice her age, and Ian is a man with little experience at wooing a woman. Not that the man is inexperienced but for all intents and purposes, Ian makes mistake after mistake in his courtship with Elizabeth Walsingham. Ian will battle his attraction to Elizabeth only to discover that jealousy is not an emotion he is willing to feel when not one but two other males vie for Elizabeth’s affections. Several times Ian has chosen the coward’s way out, and found himself on the outside looking in. Meanwhile our heroine’s acerbic personality is a little over the top for a woman of her time.

KILL OR BE KILT has a large ensemble cast of supporting and secondary characters including Ruairi and Ravenna (My Highland Spy), Fagan and Grace (Kilts and Daggers), and Elizabeth’s youngest sister Lady Katherine, who at fifteen, has a lifelong friendship with Torquil. The world building continues focus on the tepid truce between Scotland and England; the political temperament of the times-betrayal, spies, assassinations and potential war; and of course a little bit of ‘enlightened’ history with the British monarchy.

KILL OR BE KILT is an historical love story with a little bit of mystery and suspense; humorous and funny moments as Ian is ‘schooled’ about his treatment of women; secrets and lies. The premise is entertaining and delightful; the characters are inspiring, imaginative and captivating; the romance is a struggle to the finish-Ian’s inability to please Elizabeth, and Elizabeth’s constant need to push everyone around.

READING ORDER and Previous Reviews
My Highland Spy
Kilts and Daggers
Kill or be Kilt

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Killl or be Kilt teaser

Guest Post black and purple

Victoria Roberts Shares Interesting Facts about Scotland in the 1600s

Thank you so much for having me back at The Reading Café! It’s always a pleasure.

With the wild success of Outlander dominating tales about the 1700s-and with more medieval romances unleased to the world than I can count-not many Scottish historical authors write in the early 1600s. That’s exactly why I decided to write stories in this time period, and the Jacobean era continues to hold my interest today.

King James VI and I (Scotland/England/Ireland) was born on June 19, 1566. He was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots and great-great-grandson of Henry VIII. Those two facts alone are interesting to me. As a wee bairn, James succeeded to the Scottish throne at a mere 13-months-old. After Elizabeth I died without issue (no children) in 1603, James also became the ruler over England and Ireland until his death in 1625.

In the late 1500s, James became fascinated with witchcraft. He attended the North Berwick witch trials, which was the first major persecution of witches in Scotland under the Witchcraft Act of 1563. He also supervised the torture of women accused of practicing the dark arts. A visit to Denmark may have sparked his interest in the study of witchcraft, which he considered a branch of theology.

James was determined to establish a single country between Scotland and England with one monarch, one parliament and law. But both countries opposed his views. In 1604, the Commons refused to grant him the title “King of Great Britain.” But with great power comes great responsibility. (I think Spidey’s uncle said that.) James simply assumed the title by proclamation rather than by statute. That same year at Hampton Court Palace, a new compilation of approved books of the Bible was commissioned to resolve any discrepancies among the various translations. Hence the King James Version of the Bible was born and completed in 1611.

In 1605, the infamous Gunpowder Plot came into play. On the evening of the state opening, Guy Fawkes was discovered guarding a wood pile in the bowels of the parliament buildings. But beyond the pile of wood was 36 barrels of gunpowder that he had every intention of blowing up underneath Parliament House. This plot inspired my award-winning novel X Marks the Scot.

The statues of Iona were enacted in 1609, which required Highland lairds to send their heirs to the Lowlands to be educated in English speaking Protestant schools. James also requested the lairds report to Edinburgh to answer for their actions. He firmly believed Highlanders were void of knowledge and fear of God, nothing but barbarians. Therefore, he decided he wanted to abolish the Gaelic language and destroy traditional culture. As a result, several imprisonments followed for men like Patrick Stewart, the Earl of Orkney, and his son, who led an unsuccessful rebellion against James. I’ve used the king’s edict and Scottish uprisings as a basis for my books Temptation in a Kilt, My Highland Spy, Kilts and Daggers, and Kill or Be Kilt. His orders gave me great material to work with because there was a lot of strife between England and Scotland…still is today. This information is only the tip of the iceberg, and there’s still much left to explore. No matter what genre or time period you read, I hope you escape to the destination of your dreams.

Happy Reading!

About The Author

Follow: Facebook / Website / Goodreads/

Victoria RobertsAward-winning author Victoria Roberts writes Scottish historical romances about kilted heroes and warriors from the past. RT Book Reviews named her “one of the most promising debut authors across the genres,” and she was also a 2013 RT Reviewers’ Choice award winner for X MARKS THE SCOT.

Represented by Jill Marsal of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, Victoria is a member of Romance Writers of America® and several local chapters, as well as a contributing author to the online magazine CELTIC GUIDE.

Victoria lives in western Pennsylvania with her husband of twenty one years and their two beautiful children—not to mention one spoiled dog. When she is not plotting her next Scottish adventure, she’s dragging her clan to every Scottish festival under the sun.

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Kilts and Daggers (Highland Spies #2) by Victoria Roberts-Review and Book Tour

Kilts and Daggers (Highland Spies #2) by Victoria Roberts-Review and Book Tour

Kilts and Daggers banner

Kilts and Daggers / / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 5, 2015

Ever since Lady Grace Walsingham discovered her uncle and sister are spies for the Crown, she has yearned for adventure. She’s counting the days until she can leave barbaric Scotland behind, even if she must endure Highland captain Fagan Murray’s company for weeks.

Fagan has a simple mission: escort the haughty Lady Grace back to England. But nothing is ever easy. The sharp-tongued woman needles him at every turn. But when a menacing threat follows them on their journey, Fagan’s grudging tolerance for Grace turns to respect…and into a perilous attraction that could seal their fate.


REVIEW: KILTS AND DAGGERS is the second installment in Victoria Roberts’s adult Highland Spies historical, Highland romance series. This is English Lady Grace Walsingham, and Highland Captain Fagan Murray’s storyline. Grace is the sister of Lady Ravenna whom we met in book one My Highland Spy. KILTS AND DAGGERS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous storyline is revealed where necessary.

Told from third person point of view, KILTS AND DAGGERS follows the building but tumultuous relationship between Grace and Fagan. Following her sister’s wedding to Laird Ruairi Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands, Grace forgoes a return trip to England to stay near her newlywed sister. Grace is betrothed to Lord Daniel Casterbrook but her feelings are ambivalent and confusing especially when a certain Scottish Captain is constantly on her mind. All does not go according to plan when the ‘barbarian’ Highlander Fagan Murray continues to be a thorn in Grace’s snobbish side. When Fagan opts to escort Grace back home, a rogue band of mercenaries will attack and take Grace hostage in a political exchange of prisoners.

The relationship between Fagan and Grace is tumultuous. Grace is a snob; an aristocratic woman raised to be a proper English wife but in this her treatment of Fagan is anything but polite or acceptable. Fagan is an honorable Highlander who has fallen for the acid-tongued beauty, but he is accorded no respect by Grace, due in part to his lack of title and money. As the storyline develops, so too does the relationship wherein Grace will begin to understand her preconceived notions are a little too harsh and without merit. The $ex scenes are intimate and romantic without being too sexually graphic or too erotic but Grace’s need to belittle and insult Fagan Murray got old, real fast, and in this Grace is a difficult character to like.

The world building continues to focus on some of the political temperament of the time-spies, leadership, and the ruling class. Scotland and England are constantly at war and a marriage between a Highland Warrior and the British nobility is never an easily accepted arrangement. Victoria Roberts take the reader through the breathtaking Scottish Highlands, rolling hills, and trickling streams of cool waters and darkened caves. Close your eyes and find yourself in the land of green grass and Highland castles.

KILTS AND DAGGERS is a story of adventure, romance and love. There are moments of lighthearted humor balanced with heartbreak and betrayal. The beautiful Scottish Highlands take center stage in a storyline where two very different people fight a war with words and their heart.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy




“Mister Murray, I don’t feel at ease discussing these subjects with you.”
“Then call me Fagan. Mister Murray was my father’s name anyway.”
Grace looked around and then softened her voice. “Now is that truly appropriate?”
“I told ye before. Ye’re a long way from England, lass. Lest ye forget, ye’re in the Highlands now. We do things differently here.”
She lifted a brow. “How could I forget?”
“Ruairi said ye’ll be staying with us for a few weeks. More to the point, I already call Ruairi’s wife Ravenna.” He turned up his smile a notch. “Ye and I are practically like family. Ye will call me Fagan, and I will call ye Grace, or I could always call ye bhana-phrionnsa. I’ll be kind enough to give ye a choice.”
“Ravenna may permit you to call her by her Christian name, but I certainly do not, Mister Murray. Although you do make me laugh, I’m afraid you and I are far from family.”
When Grace’s eyes smoldered, Fagan knew he shouldn’t get too close to the flame for fear of getting burned. There was still enough time to take his leave. Otherwise, he’d be verbally sparring with a lass in the middle of the great hall. Ruairi would no doubt have his head for causing mischief with his kin so soon after the wedding.
Fagan slapped both hands on the table and casually stood. Instinctively, he took another step back in case the lass suddenly had a strong urge to reach across the table and throttle him—or worse. Nevertheless, once she heard what he was about to say, the table wouldn’t provide enough space between them.
“Verra well then. I think bhana-phrionnsa suits ye quite nicely.” When Grace’s cheeks turned scarlet, Fagan smiled. “Donna say I didnae warn ye. Remember I did give ye a choice.” He winked at her and then turned on his heel.
He had a hard time trying to mask his smile. He turned around slowly and lifted a brow. “Aye?”
Grace flew to her feet, walked around the table, and closed the distance between them. She lifted her head, and by the way she was unsteady on her feet, he swore the daft lass was standing on the tips of her toes in a futile attempt to look him level in the eye.
“England and Scotland have been warring for centuries, Mister Murray, yet somehow Scotland has never won.” Lifting her skirts, she brushed his arm with her shoulder and took a few steps away from him.
That was until he called after her and stopped her dead in her tracks. “Cuine a chì mi a-ris thu, Grace?” When will I see you again? He made certain he said the words as though he spoke to his lover, which obviously had the desired effect because her whole body stiffened, and then she left him without a backward glance. Fagan’s mood was suddenly buoyant. He wasn’t exactly sure why he loved to unnerve Princess Grace, but he had one hell of a time doing it.

Guest Post-Black and Blue

To celebrate the release of KILTS AND DAGGERS, the second title in Victoria Roberts’ Highland Spies series, Fagan Murray, the strong and handsome captain of Laird Sutherland’s guard has agreed to sit down with us and answer our questions so you can know more about this rugged Highlander!

Complete this sentence: Not many people know this, but Grace is really good at ______.
Driving me gray. In all seriousness, she’s really good at telling me what to do.

If you had two weeks to travel and unlimited funds, where would you go?
I already live in Scotland. Why would I want to go anywhere else?


Series Spotlight

My Highland Spy
Highland Spies #1
by Victoria Roberts
Genre: adult, historical, Highland, romance
Release Date: September 2, 2014

ebook ONLY $1.99 : My Highland Spy (Sept / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of MY HIGHLAND SPY

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 2, 2014

This Highland Laird won’t bow to the Crown

Laird Ruairi Sutherland refuses to send his only son away to be educated by the English. And he most definitely will not appear in Edinburgh to pay homage to a liege who has no respect for Scotland. So he does what any laird would do—he lies to the king. The last thing Ruairi expects is a beautiful English governess to appear on his doorstep.

But this lady spy might make him…

Lady Ravenna Walsingham is a seasoned spy who is sent to the savage Highlands to uncover a nefarious plot against the Crown. Playing the part of an English governess—a job easier said than done—she infiltrates the home of Laird Sutherland, a suspected conspirator.

If she doesn’t betray him first

Ravenna soon discovers that the only real threat Sutherland poses is to her heart. But will the proud Highland laird ever forgive her when he discovers the woman he loves in an English spy?

About The Author Black and Blue

Follow: Facebook/ Website/ Goodreads/

Victoria RobertsAward-winning author Victoria Roberts writes Scottish historical romances about kilted heroes and warriors from the past. RT Book Reviews named her “one of the most promising debut authors across the genres,” and she was also a 2013 RT Reviewers’ Choice award winner for X MARKS THE SCOT.

Represented by Jill Marsal of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, Victoria is a member of Romance Writers of America® and several local chapters, as well as a contributing author to the online magazine CELTIC GUIDE.

Victoria lives in western Pennsylvania with her husband of twenty one years and their two beautiful children—not to mention one spoiled dog. When she is not plotting her next Scottish adventure, she’s dragging her clan to every Scottish festival under the sun.


NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the publisher.

Rafflecopter Giveaway
Open April 27 – June 1
Giveaway for 3 copies of MY HIGHLAND SPY by Victoria Roberts

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Kissing the Highlander Anthology – Review, Guest Post & Giveaway

Kissing the Highlander Anthology-Review,Guest Post & Giveaway

Kissing the Highlander Banner

Kissing The Highlander Anthology
by Terry Spear, Eliza Knight, Willa Blair, Vonda Sinclair, Victoria Roberts
Release Date: February 10, 2015
Genre: historical, romance, Highlander

Kissing the Highlander / Barnes and Noble / KOBO /Indigo

by Terry Spear, Eliza Knight, Willa Blair, Victoria Roberts, and Vonda Sinclair
RELEASE DATE: February 10, 2015

KISSING THE HIGHLANDER is an anthology consisting of five Highland historical romance storylines set in the 1600s of the Scottish Highlands. Some of the tales are steeped in Scottish brogues, superstitions and legends of fae, witches and magic. Most of the storylines reference a circle of Standing Stones where legends are born and magic ensues. Because of their fast paced, short length each relationship is a story of insta-love or one of immediate attraction where in the end each of our couples will get their happily ever after. All five short stories can be read as a standalone novella within each respective series but Victoria Roberts’s KILTS AND KISSES ends on a slight cliff hanger leaving the reader wanting to know what happens next.

All of the relationships are love matches; the $ex scenes are intimate without graphic imagery; there is some violence but not vivid. All five authors pull the reader into the sweeping Highlands where green pastures and blue skies make way for building romance between warring clans. Five short stories where Highlanders find their one true love.You can never go wrong with a Highlander !!



His Wild Highland Lass by Terry Spear

Terry Spear:

Lady Sorcha Barclay fled her brother-in-law’s castle because of his unwanted advances. An awe-inspiring circle of standing stones captures her attention and she captures the attention of the laird who owns the land.

Laird Ronan Daziel takes Sorcha to his castle to protect her and give her a home. Before long, he wants much more. He’s duty-bound to take a wife whose clan wishes an alliance with his. So why does he long to have something more? Everyone loves the lass as much as he does. But he has pledged his loyalty to his clan. Taking Sorcha to wife could lead to battle on several fronts. How can he wed another when she stole his heart from the first moment he laid eyes on her near the ancient standing stones on his lands?

REVIEW: HIS WILD HIGHLAND LASS is a prequel novella to Terry Spear’s THE HIGHLANDERS historical romance, (slightly paranormal) series. For fans of the series you may recognize James MacNeil; in the novella James is only five years old.

The storyline follows the introduction and subsequent marriage of Laird Ronan Daziel and Lady Sorcha Barclay. Sorcha is on the run from her brother in law and finds solace in the arms of Laird Ronan. What ensues is a story of insta-love in the Highlands of Scotland. The novella can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. If you are a fan of historical romances blended with Highlander heat, then Terry Spear’s The Highlanders series is sure to please.


The Highlander’s Charm by Eliza Knight

Eliza Knight:

They should be enemies… But passion and love know no bounds.

Returning from France to his family’s manor in England, Samuel de Mowbray discovers that his two younger sisters have been stolen away to the Highlands by the Sutherland brothers. Determined to save his sisters from the hands of vicious warriors, he convinces the king to send him north on a mission. While there he discovers not only that his loyalties are beginning to waver but that a head-strong, feisty lass could destroy everything he believes.

Catriona Buchanan needs to travel north to gain the help of her distant relations in saving her brother and ridding her castle of brutal English knights. Unfortunately, it appears the only way to escape their clutches is by trusting in the very thing she mistrusts the most—an Englishman. Minute by minute, the man who should be her enemy breaks down her defenses. There is something different about him and she can’t help but be captivated by Samuel, and his steamy kisses.

REVIEW: THE HIGHLANDER’S CHARM is an historical, Highlander romance novella focusing on Samuel De Mowbray and Catriona Buchanan. For fans of Eliza Knight’s STOLEN BRIDES Highlander series, Samuel is the brother of Arbella and Aliah Mowbray first introduced in The Highlander’s Reward (book 1) and The Highlander’s Conquest (book 2).

The storyline follows Catriona and Samuel’s escape from Castle Buchanan. When an English regiment invaded the castle, Catriona found her knight in shining armor was none other than one of the Englishman who stormed the castle. A journey across country finds Catriona and Samuel falling in love but not before Samuel’s life is threatened and he nearly dies.

The reader is reintroduced to Arbella and Aliah, as well as their husbands and we get a little more information about their history and story. This novella can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. The epilogue fast forwards the series six months where Samuel will be offered a liaison position between Scotland and England.


Heart of Stone by Willa Blair

Willa Blair:

Riding home after two years away, Gavan MacNabb encounters a lass and her deerhound in a moonlit circle of standing stones. Little does he know the garland of bluebells she weaves and the spell she sings will change the course of his life.

Marsali Murray doesn’t really believe the old wives’ tale that making a chain of bluebells by the standing stones under a waxing moon will bring true love, but she’s desperate to try anything to escape the boring, everlasting sameness of her life. Anything except marrying a man her father chooses for her. When her deerhound, Corrie, insists on following Gavan, Marsali decides that’s the excuse she needs to have the adventure she craves. She’ll go where he goes, whether or not he is the man promised by her spell.

Gavan has already seen much of the world denied to Marsali. He’s ready to settle down. She is eager to spread her wings. Can they find what they need with each other?

REVIEW: HEART OF STONE is a prequel novella to Willa Blair’s Highland Talents historical, Highland romance series. This is Gavan MacNabb and Marsali Murray’s storyline. Some of the series characters are introduced and fans of the Highland Talents will recognize some of the names.

Marsali is a woman who knows her prospects for a husband are slim at the family Keep, so she tempts fate and magic-enter Gavan MacNabb-the man with whom she would start her new adventure but a man betrothed to someone else. While Marsali looks to the future, her father will see that her future is with someone else.

HEART OF STONE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. No prior knowledge of the series is necessary for your enjoyment. The premise looks at family life and duty when your are neither the heir nor ‘the spare.’ Sometimes you have to create a new path from which to carve your own future.


Kilts and Kisses by Victoria Roberts

Victoria Roberts:

Since the deaths of her parents, Ceana Gunn has lived in the shadow of her uncle and his family. She wants nothing more than to see her clan the way it was when her father was still laird. But her uncle has other ideas. Ceana soon discovers that the only refuge to be found is in the last place she expects—the arms of her enemy.

Luthais MacKay wants to be left alone. His only interest is training his prized hawks. He certainly doesn’t have time to listen to the petty squabbling of his clan when his father travels to Edinburgh and leaves him in charge. But when Luthais discovers a mysterious woman on his lands, he’s determined to unravel her secrets…one layer at a time.

REVIEW: KILTS AND KISSES is the second installment and first novella in Victoria Roberts’s historical, romance Highland Spies series. This is Ceana Gunn and Luthais MacKay’s storyline.

Victoria Roberts pulls the reader into a tale of forbidden love between enemy clans. While Ceana believes the magic of the standing stones has brought Luthais MacKay into her life, it is the thawing heart of her cousin Sorcha that seals the deal for our Highland couple.

KILTS AND KISSES is a story of insta-love between Luthais and Ceana. As Ceana longs for a husband and lover, she is doomed to watch from the sidelines as her aunt and uncle bring any number of suitors for her younger cousin. What ensues is a case of mistaken identity and apologetic amends from a woman who has uncovered a lie.

KILTS AND KISSES can be read as a stand alone but ends on a bit of a cliff hanger. I am not sure when and if the story is to be continued, but it does leave the reader wanting more.


My Captive Highlander by Vonda Sinclair

Vonda Sinclair:

Can unexpected passion and a little ancient magic turn enemies into lovers?

During a fierce storm on the west coast of Scotland, Shamus MacKenzie barely survives a galley wreck only to be captured and held for ransom by the enemy MacDonalds.

Aided by the gift of second sight, Maili MacDonald, sister of the ruthless chief, senses the handsome, dark-haired stranger will somehow be important in her life. Compelled to help him, she insists on providing him food and a healer to see to his injuries. She knows she is daft to fall in love with this captivating warrior after one forbidden kiss but cannot help herself. With each visit from Maili, Shamus finds his thoughts consumed by the enchanting lass.

Can he convince her to help him escape the dungeon and prevent the impending battle between the two clans?

REVIEW: MY CAPTIVE HIGHLANDER is a Highlander novella in Vonda Sinclair’s HIGHLAND ADVENTURE historical romance (slightly paranormal) series. This is Shamus MacKenzie and Maili MacDonald’s storyline-a tale of forbidden love between warring clans.

Maili has the gift of second sight and she is drawn to Shamus MacKenzie-a prisoner, held for ransom, in her brother’s dungeons-a man she believes to be her future mate. Beaten but not down, Shamus finds himself drawn to his captor’s sister and pleads with Maili to help him escape but Maili’s brother has other plans for both the prisoner and his sister.

MY CAPTIVE HIGHLANDER is another short story of insta-love between two people from warring Highland clans. Vonda Sinclair pulls the reader into a story of romance where falling in love can be a dangerous thing.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy

Guest Post

It’s wonderful to be back at The Reading Café today. Thanks so much for having us.
Willa Blair, Eliza Knight, Vonda Sinclair, Terry Spear and I are here to celebrate our newest release Kissing the Highlander. The anthology contains five brand new novellas by bestselling authors of Highland romances that will delight you with mystery, intrigue, romance, drama and so much more!

This was such a fun project, especially since we love all things Scottish. Set in different time periods, our five tales share a common theme: that love can be found with a little help from ancient standing stones and a wee kiss or two.

We hope you enjoy the blurbs from our wee tales.



Willa BlairWilla Blair, author of Heart of Stone:
Marsali Murray doesn’t really believe weaving a chain of bluebells within the circle of standing stones under a waxing moon will bring true love, but she’s desperate for more adventure than she’ll ever have in her remote village. Little does Gavan MacNabb know the lass he meets one moonlit night, the spell she sings and her determined deerhound will change the course of his life.


Eliza KnightEliza Knight, author of The Highlander’s Charm
English knight Samuel de Mowbray is determined to save his sisters from the Highlanders who stole them. But while in Scotland his loyalties waver and a feisty, headstrong lass could destroy everything he believes. Determined to save her clan, Catriona Buchanan must travel north to ask for help. Unfortunately, to do so, she must trust the Englishman. But there is something different about him and she can’t help but be captivated by Samuel, and his steamy kisses.


Victoria RobertsVictoria Roberts, author of Kilts and Kisses
Ceana Gunn wants nothing more than to see her clan the way it was when her father was still laird. But her uncle has other ideas. Ceana soon determines that the only refuge to be found is in the arms of her enemy. When Luthais MacKay is left in charge of the MacKay clan, he discovers a mysterious woman on his lands and vows to unravel her secrets…one layer at a time.


Vonda SinclairVonda Sinclair, author of My Captive Highlander
After a galley wreck in a storm, Shamus MacKenzie is taken hostage by the enemy MacDonalds. Maili, sister of the ruthless chief, feels compelled to bring this dark warrior food and see to his injuries. With one forbidden kiss, Shamus steals her heart. Can he convince the enchanting lass to help him escape the dungeon, preventing a battle between their clans and saving many lives?


Terry SpearTerry Spear, author of His Wild Highland Lass
Lady Sorcha Barclay fled her brother-in-law’s castle due to his unwelcome advances. A circle of standing stones captures her attention and she catches the eye of the local laird. Laird Ronan Daziel gives Sorcha a home. He’s duty-bound to take a wife to ensure a clan pact. Taking Sorcha to wife could lead to battle. How can he wed another when she stole his heart?



Giveaway-Black and Yellow

Scotland’s dramatic landscapes have witnessed thousands of years of human history. No one truly knows what secrets the mysterious standing stones hold. What do you believe? One commenter will receive a paperback copy of Kissing the Highlander (US and Canada only, please.)

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. PLEASE answer the following question: Scotland’s dramatic landscapes have witnessed thousands of years of human history. No one truly knows what secrets the mysterious standing stones hold. What do you believe?

4. PLEASE follow and LIKE:
Terry Spear on Facebook.
Victoria Roberts on Facebook
Eliza Knight on Facebook
Vonda Sinclair on Facebook
Willa Blair on Facebook

5. LIKE The Reading Cafe on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

5. LIKE The Reading Cafe on Twitter for an additional entry.

8. Giveaway open to USA and CANADA only

9. Giveaway runs from February 20-24,2015


My Highland Spy (Highland Spies #1) by Victoria Roberts-Review, Interview and Giveaway

My Highland Spy (Highland Spies #1) by Victoria Roberts-Review, Interview and Giveaway

My Highland Spy Banner

My Highland Spy
Highland Spies #1
by Victoria Roberts
Genre: adult, historical, Highland, romance
Release Date: September 2, 2014

My Highland Spy (Sept  14 / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 2, 2014

This Highland Laird won’t bow to the Crown

Laird Ruairi Sutherland refuses to send his only son away to be educated by the English. And he most definitely will not appear in Edinburgh to pay homage to a liege who has no respect for Scotland. So he does what any laird would do—he lies to the king. The last thing Ruairi expects is a beautiful English governess to appear on his doorstep.

But this lady spy might make him…

Lady Ravenna Walsingham is a seasoned spy who is sent to the savage Highlands to uncover a nefarious plot against the Crown. Playing the part of an English governess—a job easier said than done—she infiltrates the home of Laird Sutherland, a suspected conspirator.

If she doesn’t betray him first

Ravenna soon discovers that the only real threat Sutherland poses is to her heart. But will the proud Highland laird ever forgive her when he discovers the woman he loves in an English spy?


REVIEW: MY HIGHLAND SPY is the first instalment in Victoria Roberts new Highland Spies adult, historical romance series set in the Highlands of Scotland. This is Laird Ruairi Sutherland and Lady Ravenna Walsingham’s storyline. Lady Ravenna is a spy for the British Crown and Laird Ruairi is her next assignment.

The focus of the storyline is Ravenna’s attempts to gather information for the King. With Scotland and England in a continuous battle for supremacy, Ravenna must infiltrate the Laird’s estate and report back with any information that may be pertinent to the King. What Ravenna didn’t expect to find is the man who would steal her heart and a young boy with whom she would fall in love. Ruairi is a widower with a young son, and Ravenna is sent to the estate under the guise of a governess to teach the young lad the King’s English.

The relationship between Ruairi and Ravenna is one of immediate attraction but Ravenna is under the impression that Ruairi is newly widowed. Taking Ruairi’s son under her wing, Ravenna begins to develop feelings for the young boy, as well as for the man on whom she is supposed to spy. When the truth about Ravenna’s identity and her assignment are revealed, Ruairi pushes Ravenna away-from his life and his son’s.

The secondary characters include Ruairi ‘s best friend Fagan, as well as a quick glimpse at Ravenna’s sisters-one who may be a possible love match for Ruairi’s friend. There is the requisite evil in the form of Ruairi’s former in-laws, and in the end, everyone will get what they justly deserve.

Victoria Roberts is an amazing writer of Highland historical romance. From her ‘Bad Boys of the Highlands’ series to her latest ‘Highland Spies’, you will become immersed in a land of kilted men and women of desire. All of Victoria’s women are quite capable of handling a Highland Warrior and in this, her heroines are strong-willed, supportive and worthy of a man in a kilt.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy


TRC: Hi Victoria and welcome back to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the success of your Bad Boys of the Highlands series.

Victoria RobertsVictoria: Thank you so much for having me here today, Sandy. It’s great to be back at The Reading Café. *waves*

TRC: We would like to start with some background information for anyone who doesn’t know Victoria Roberts. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

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Victoria: I’m an award-winning author of Scottish historical romances about kilted heroes and warriors from the past. I was named by RT Book Reviews in 2012 as “one of the most promising debut authors across the genres” and was a 2013 RT Reviewers’ Choice award winner for my second novel in the Bad Boys of the Highlands series, X Marks the Scot. I’ve been married to the same man for 21 years—no kidding—and we haven’t killed each other yet. He’s still baffled over the fact that I write about Scottish men when he’s 100% German. I also have a beautiful daughter who is 13 going on 23 and a son who’s 9.

TRC: When last we spoke you had just released the first book in your Bad Boys of the Highland Series-TEMPTATION IN A KILT and September 2013 saw the release of the third book TO WED A WICKED HIGHLANDER. Did you ever think that your ‘bad boys’ would become so popular with the readers?

Bad Boys of the Highlands

Victoria: I was surprised by the amount of love shown to the Bad Boys. I think all authors pray that readers will love the characters we’ve created, and I’m so elated for that. One reader even named her baby after one of my heroines, Sybella, calling her “Ella” like in the book. *blushes* Now that is truly flattering.

TRC: Do you plan on any more instalments in this particular series? If so who and when?

Victoria: Now that is the question. The Bad Boys will always hold a special place in my heart. And yes, I still find myself tinkering with ideas. I’d like to write Colin’s story (Sybella’s brother in To Wed a Wicked Highlander.) I also receive e-mails from readers begging for James Montgomery’s story (Rosalia’s BFF.) Let’s just say there’s a strong possibility that I’ll be returning to the series after dabbling with English spies in the Highlands.

My Highland Spy (Sept  14TRC: September 2014 you will be releasing MY HIGHLAND SPY-the first book in your new Highland Spies series. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Victoria: Lady Ravenna Walsingham is a spy for King James and the Crown, the same as her father had been under Queen Elizabeth’s reign. Ravenna certainly lives in a man’s world, but that’s why she’s so proficient at doing what she does—a mere woman is the last thing anyone would expect. Under the guidance of her uncle, Ravenna is sent to the Scottish Highlands masquerading as a governess. She’s determined to fulfill her duty and obligations to the realm—only if a certain brawny Highland laird doesn’t continue to muddle her thoughts.

Laird Ruairi Sutherland is tired of the English. When he lies to the king and refuses to send his son to the Lowlands, a bonny enchantress shows up on his doorstep to educate his son. He intends to keep Ravenna at a distance, but the thought is easier said than done.

I think “kilts and spies” sums it up quite nicely.

TRC: If you could virtually cast the leading characters-Ravenna and Ruairi-which actors or models would best represent your ideal image?

Victoria: I always have so much trouble visualizing my heroes and heroines as real actors, especially since I don’t base my characters on anybody’s looks in particular. Mmm…that’s a tough one. Andy Whitfield would’ve made the perfect Ruairi though. Ravenna? I’d struggle with that answer for days.

Sandy: I do miss Andy…*sniff*

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the HIGHLAND SPIES series?

Victoria: There will be four books in the series. The Walsingham sisters will each have their own story.

TRC: Will the new series and characters overlap with the storylines in the Bad Boys of the Highlands Series?

Victoria: The new series will not have overlapping characters from the Bad Boys series. Although we are in the same timeframe of King James as he grows weary of the Highland lairds, that’s about it in the way of similarities.

TRC: What challenges or difficulties (research, logistics, background) did you encounter writing this particular book and series?

Victoria: Lord Francis Walsingham was an actual spy for the Crown, but Ravenna is a fictional character. I needed to find a delicate balance to make this woman tough and believable enough to be able to be a spy in the times. For instance, she travels as a single woman to the Highlands, but her uncle’s body guard and his wife accompany her.

TRC: What do you believe is the attraction and appeal of the Highlander to romance readers?

Victoria: I think it’s the same attraction and appeal for anyone who reads regency, westerns, etc. Readers, including me, want to escape. We want to go somewhere different, to be taken away to another time and place. Who can resist that Scottish brogue, those sexy kilts, and those verra large…broadswords? Not me! Oh, yes. And let’s not forget about the castles and beautiful Scottish landscape.

TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

Victoria: Both. I start by directing the characters, molding their behavior so to speak. But when they’re ready, they let me know it. They always take off and have a mind of their own. Most of the time I let them go, but sometimes I have to rein them in. For example, Declan (X Marks the Scot) I had to rein in often.

TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?

Victoria: In order to make readers feel the emotions the characters are experiencing in a book, I believe writers need to draw from personal experience. If an author takes readers just through the motions, readers will notice, and they’ll be pulled out of the story. From my experience, readers want you to take them there. They want to experience the torment, love, agony and heartbreak. I believe a writer needs to understand their characters. I’m inside my character’s heads all the time. I’ve cried, been royally ticked off, and laughed, etc. while writing a chapter. That’s the kind of emotions you want to stir in readers when they read your story.

TRC: What three things would you like to accomplish in the next five years?

Victoria: Well, I’d really like to make “the” list. NYT or USA Today bestselling author sounds delightful. I’m also hoping to have something self-published in the next few years to accompany my traditional titles. And lastly? I need to travel to Scotland. The bagpipes are calling. I need to answer.

TRC: What is something that few, if any people, know about you?

Victoria: I’m a die-hard KISS fan. I even have a custom Ace Frehley Les Paul guitar. Don’t laugh. Men have been kilt, killed, for less.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Victoria: I’m working on a Valentine’s Day Scottish historical anthology with bestselling authors: Willa Blair, Eliza Knight, Vonda Sinclair and Terry Spear. Kissing the Highlander will be available February 2015.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Victoria: I’d like to thank you and your readers for spending time with me today. Those were some great questions, and I hope I gave you some great answers. Enjoy Ruairi and Ravenna!

TRC: Thank you Victoria for taking the time to answers our questions. Congratulations on all of your success and the with the new release MY HIGHLAND SPY.



What’s your favorite spy movie? Sourcebooks will give away one copy of My Highland Spy to a lucky commenter (US and Canada only, please.)

Victoria and her publisher are graciously offering a paper copy of MY HIGHLAND SPY to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered, please register using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook, please post your email address with your comment.

3. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

 4. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

5. LIKE Victoria Roberts on Facebook

6. Giveaway open to USA and Canada only.

7. Giveaway runs from September 2-7, 2014


My Highland Spy by Victoria Roberts-Teaser Tour and Giveaway

My Highland Spy by Victoria Roberts-Teaser Tour and Giveaway


My Highland Spy Day ONE

Amazon.comBarnes and Noble  | IndieBound | !indigo | iBooks


I’m so excited that The Reading Café is the first stop on the My Highland Spy Teaser Tour! Thanks so much for having me back. I hope you’re all enjoying your summer.

My Highland Spy is the first book in my new Highland Spies’ series, and I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. These four English sisters are definitely going to give these Highlanders a run for their money.

My Highland Spy - Promo Image



Excerpt One/Chapter One:
London, England, 1609

She had made a deal with the devil, King James to be precise.

Lady Ravenna Walsingham silently cursed her liege as she stood huddled against the darkened wall of an alley near the London docks. She closed her eyes as a light rain misted her face. Although she felt miserable, she knew the information she sought would assist the Crown in discovering the latest conspiracy against it.

She pulled her heavy cloak tighter around herself, shivering from a sudden chill. The cold could have been due to the scantily clad clothing she wore under¬neath, but she quickly pushed back the thought. All she needed was to catch a glimpse of who dastardly Lord Cobham was conversing with in the latest string of unsavory establishments.

She wiped the drops from her face and had just taken a step forward when a couple of drunken men walked out of the Devil’s Tavern. As the sound of laughter approached her, she backed hastily into the shadows. The men passed her and she studied them closely. To her regret, neither man was Lord Cobham. Although the light barely illuminated their features, she knew the man she sought was shorter—at least a head shorter than she was.

The rain hardened as Ravenna quivered against the wall like a drowned rat. Lord Cobham was more than likely not coming out any time soon. That’s when she decided to hurry things along and make her move. Besides, if she didn’t meet her driver, George, within the hour, he would undoubtedly come looking for her. The faster she could determine the person or persons with whom Lord Cobham was conspiring, the better. She was tired, cold, and wet, and wanted to be home where a warm bed awaited her.

She made her way toward the back of the brick building. The stairs leading to the door were dark. Of course they were. Was it too much to ask for at least one assignment that worked in her favor? She climbed the steps carefully and tried not to stumble over her own two feet. Fumbling for the door, she found the latch and discreetly entered.

The small room looked like a crowded hovel, and she suddenly had a strong desire to bathe. More than a handful of women readied their hair in the looking glass as the sound of boisterous laughter came from the adjoining room. The women wore little clothing, which reminded Ravenna to remove her cloak. She tossed her protective garment into the corner and placed her arm over her chest. She suddenly felt very open to the view of others—not to mention that her laced bodice left very little to the imagination.

A large-bellied man came into the room and waved the women out. “Make haste, ladies. My customers need to be served. You can’t do that if you spend all your time in here pampering yourselves.” As one of the women walked by, the burly man slapped her on the bottom. He looked up, and his cold, dark eyes met Ravenna’s. “You’re the new girl, but you will quickly learn your place. Don’t just stand here staring at me. Get out there.”

Ravenna nodded and rushed past the man, feeling his gaze upon her. She followed the lead of the other women and picked up a tray from the table. As she looked around the smoke-filled room packed with men, she noted the large barrels and ship masts built right into the structure. Being so close to the River Thames, she could see why. The tavern was often frequented by men of the sea, but she knew not to be fooled.
The Devil’s Tavern held many secrets.

About The Book: Release Date September 2, 2014
My Highland Spy
Highland Spies #1
by Victoria Roberts
Genre: historical, romance, Highlander

This Highland Laird won’t bow to the Crown

Laird Ruairi Sutherland refuses to send his only son away to be educated by the English. And he most definitely will not appear in Edinburgh to pay homage to a liege who has no respect for Scotland. So he does what any laird would do-he lies to the king. The last thing Ruairi expects is a beautiful English governess to appear on his doorstep.

But this lady spy might make him…

Lady Ravenna Walsingham is a seasoned spy who is sent to the savage Highlands to uncover a nefarious plot against the Crown. Playing the part of an English governess—a job easier said than done—she infiltrates the home of Laird Sutherland, a suspected conspirator.

If she doesn’t betray him first

Ravenna soon discovers that the only real threat Sutherland poses is to her heart. But will the proud Highland laird ever forgive her when he discovers the woman he loves in an English spy?

About The Author

Victoria RobertsVictoria Roberts writes sexy, award-winning Scottish historical romances about kilted heroes and warriors from the past. Prior to ever picking up a single romance novel, she penned her first young adult novella at 16 years old. Who knew her leather-studded motorcycle hero would trade in his ride and emerge as a kilt wearing Highlander wielding a broadsword? Victoria lives with her husband and their two beautiful children in western Pennsylvania. Visit her at

Buy MY HIGHLAND SPY at:Amazon.comBarnes and Noble  | IndieBound | !indigo | iBooks

Tour Schedule

8/18 – The Reading Café
The Reading Cafe

8/19 – Books-n-Kisses

8/20 – Fiction Vixen Book Reviews
Fiction Vixen Book Reviews

8/21 – Long and Short Reviews
Long and Short Reviews

8/22 – From The TBR Pile
From The TBR Pile Blogspot

8/25 – SOS Aloha Book Blog
SOS Aloha Book Blog

8/26 – The Bookish Babe
The Bookish Babe

8/27 – Fresh Fiction
Fresh Fiction

8/28 – Harlequin Junkie
Harlequin Junkie

8/29 – Urban Girl Reader
Urban Girl Reader


Victoria and her publisher are offering a paper copy of MY HIGHLAND SPY to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

Please answer the following question: Name your best summer vacation spot.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

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3. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

4. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

5. Follow us on Goodreads

6. Like Victoria Roberts on Facebook

7. Giveaway open to USA and Canada only.

8. Giveaway runs from August 18 to 29, 2014


Second Anniversary Celebration-Victoria Roberts Prize Package

Second Anniversary Celebration-Victoria Roberts Prize Package

Anniversary Giveaway Banner

Today’s second SECOND ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION giveaway prize package has been graciously donated by the fabulous Victoria Roberts. Victoria is offering the following:

1. One commenter will receive a paper copy of X MARKS THE SCOT and a Bad Boys of the Highlands T-shirt

2. One commenter will receive a paper copy of TO WED A WICKED HIGHLANDER and a Bad Boys of the Highlands T-shirt.

There will be two (2) winners

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Victoria Roberts Prize Package

REMINDER: ALL giveaways require a comment to be eligible for the prize.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Please tell us to enter you into the giveaway.

4. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

5. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Giveaway is open to US/CANADA only.

7. Giveaway runs from February 26- March 3, 2014

Click HERE for all of our 2nd Anniversary Celebration Giveaways


To Wed A Wicked Highlander (Bad Boys of the Highlands #3) by Victoria Roberts-Review, Guest Post and Giveaway

To Wed a Wicked Highlander (Bad Boys of the Highlands #3) by Victoria Roberts-Review, Guest Post and Giveaway

To Wed A Wicked Highlander Banner

To Wed A Wicked Highlander
Series: Bad Boys of the Highlands #3
by Victoria Roberts
Release Date: September 3, 2013

To Wed a Wicked Highlander

Order Links: / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

Review blue and black

ABOUT THE BOOK: September 3, 2013

Laird Alexander MacDonnell must choose between his duty or
losing his heart forever to the woman who betrayed him—his own wife.

Lady Sybella MacKenzie is forced to search for her clan’s ancient seeing stone under the roof of her father’s enemy. When she finds the precious artifact, will she choose the family who raised her, or will she stand with the man who has captured her soul?


REVIEW: TO WED A WICKED HIGHLANDER is the third storyline in Victoria Roberts’ Bad Boys of the Highland historical romance series. I was first introduced to this particular series through a giveaway of Temptation in a Kilt and I have loved every storyline in the series. Victoria pulls the reader into a world of Highland warriors, lovers and family betrayal. You will laugh and cry and, your heart will break for the men and women from the Highlands of Scotland.

To Wed a Wicked Highlander focuses on Sybella MacKenzie and her arranged marriage to Laird Alexander MacDonnell. The MacDonell and the MacKenzie clans have been at war for years and with this marriage, it is hoped that the bad blood between the two families can be forgotten. But much to Sybella’s surprise she is a pawn in a much larger game that will find she and her new husband the target of an assassin’s arrow. And to complicate matters, Sybella will discover that someone close is hoping to kill the Laird and his new wife.

The relationship between Sybella and Alexander is one that started years earlier when both were but teenagers. Fast forward five years and Sybella finds herself betrothed to Laird Alexander in exchange for what she believes is a peaceful resolution to war between the clans. Alexander is a man of experience when it comes to the bedroom and he must take his time with his new wife. But it is only a matter of days before betrayal and heartbreak will find Sybella on the run and into the bosom of a not so welcoming family.

Several of the previous storyline characters are welcomed back to give the storyline a cohesive feeling to the series. Our hero and heroine are both likeable and relatable; Alexander is an alpha male who quickly grows to love his young bride; and Sybella is a woman who is not afraid to speak up when the circumstances arise. As a couple Sybella and Alexander are sensual together in the bedroom even though it will take some time for Sybella to warm up to her new husband’s actions. There is no angst or hatred between the couple; they have accepted their position as husband and wife, but betrayal will come from both outside and within.

To Wed a Wicked Highlander is a wonderful story of romance and love; betrayal and heartbreak; friend and foe. If you have not had a chance to read the Bad Boys of the Highlands I would suggest you move the series to the top of your TBR pile. The Highland warriors are sensual and romantic alpha males, who by way of a little trouble and heartbreaking realization, will eventually grow to love the bonnie lasses who have stolen their hearts from the very first meeting.

Reading Order
1. Temptation in a Kilt
2. X Marks the Scot
3. To Wed A Wicked Highlander

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy

Guest Post blue

Historical romance. What is it about being swept away by a handsome English lord, a mischievous pirate or a brawny Highland laird that make women swoon? As with any fictional book, I think the main reason is simply escape. In today’s hustling and bustling world, everyone looks to breakout of the mundane. And I’m certainly no exception to that rule. Fortunately, Scottish historical romance provides me with the perfect distraction from everyday life.

Victoria RobertsI didn’t read my first romance until my thirties basically because I was daft. I thought the genre as a whole was nothing but a bunch of bodice rippers and truthfully, porn. One day my phenomenal CP (critique partner) slapped down a Scottish historical romance on my desk and demanded that I read it. I did, and boy was I ever wrong.

Between the rolling hills of the Scottish countryside, the bonny lochs, castles and fierce Highland lairds, I was hooked. I was never so happy to know that I was completely mistaken about the genre. There were actually plots, characterization and development, and darn it if the tales didn’t have me staying up way beyond my bedtime to finish.

As I became more familiar with the genre, I understood there were some historical inaccuracies in the books I read. Most of the time, those historical differences didn’t matter to me. After all, I was reading historical fiction. As a reader, I’m not normally bothered by this as long as I’m not pulled out of the story i.e. woman is wearing jeans in a regency novel. As a writer, I try to be as true to my genre as possible. I want to ensure the MacGregors, bloody Campbells (I couldn’t resist) and MacDonells donned the appropriate tartans. Their battle cries needed to be their own. Gaelic was a must. And although my characters were fictional, the setting was not.

The MacGregors and Campbells were always at odds. We know history tells us the MacGregors were the outlawed clan. While I wrote Temptation in a Kilt, I basically asked myself what would’ve happened if the Campbells were the clan at odds with King James and the MacGregors were seen in a favorable light? Well, this twist of history resulted in Laird Ciaran MacGregor and Lady Rosalia MacGregor finding true love. And in the end, isn’t that what we all secretly desire?

Most writers I know try to be as true to historical accuracy as possible, but remember that historical romance is ultimately fictional. Being engulfed in writing these tales on a daily basis, I’m humbly reminded that most of the swoon-worthy men in my life are fictional characters—well, other than my husband and my father of course.

How important is historical accuracy to you in the books you read? Sourcebooks will give away one copy of To Wed a Wicked Highlander to a lucky commenter.

Giveaway blue


Victoria and Sourcebooks is offering a paper copy of TO WED A WICKED HIGHLANDER to one lucky reader at The Reading Cafe.

1. Log-in or please register using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Please answer this question: How important is historical accuracy to you in the books you read? Sourcebooks will give away one copy of To Wed a Wicked Highlander to a lucky commenter.

4. Giveaway runs from September 4 to September 7, 2013

5. Giveaway open to USA and CANADA only.


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