WICKED DEMANDS (Kingdom of Sins 3) by Jordan Marie-review tour

WICKED DEMANDS (Kingdom of Sins 3) by Jordan Marie-review tour


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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 21, 2023

He rescued me when I had nowhere else to turn.
Now, this filthy talking man is demanding payment, but he doesn’t want money.
He wants me in his bed, obeying his every command.

All my life, I wanted to be loved. Instead, I was ignored.
My father gave me what I wanted so he could go back to ignoring me.
Once I understood that, life became easier.
When he arranged to marry me off to the son of his biggest ally, I didn’t mind.
Marco was the older brother of my best friend and honestly, he made me burn.
I wanted to belong to him.
I wanted in his life, his bed and definitely in his heart.
It didn’t quite work out that way.

Marco treated me just like my father did—maybe worse.
Being tolerated by the man you love is a level of pain that I couldn’t endure.
So, I left.
The fact Marco didn’t fight to keep me was horrifically painful.

When one really bad decision lands me in hot water.
I reach out to the only person who has ever cared about me, my best friend Lina.
Too bad, she’s also Marco’s little sister. Marco rescues me, but he’s no white knight.
He’s a monster.


REVIEW: WICKED DEMANDS is the third instalment in Jordan Marie’s contemporary, adult KINGDOM OF SIN dark, erotic, Mafia romance series. This is Greek Mafia heir Marco Stratakis, and Helena Kratos’ story line. WICKED DEMANDS can be read as a stand alone but for backstory and cohesion I recommend reading book two SAVAGE INTENT-The events of WICKED DEMANDS run parallel to, and cross over with the events of SAVAGE INTENT.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there will be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Marco and Helena), covering approximately four years, WICKED DEMANDS follows the arranged engagement and marriage between Greek Mafia heir Marco Stratakis, and Helena Kratos’. At sixteen years of age Helena Kratos was promised to Greek Mafia heir Marco Stratakis, a promise of which she was wholly on board but as Marco’s life spiralled out of control, he left his young fiancé alone, to protect her from the life that was taking him down. Taking control of his father’s business and Mafia connections, Marco would bide his time before claiming our story line heroine but Helena was struggling with her fiance’s apparent rejection, and her loneliness forced Helena to take a stand but all was not well in the world of the criminal underworld, and Helena would find herself a pawn in a much larger game of winner takes all. What ensues is the slow building relationship between Marco and Helena, and the potential fall-out when Helena discovers her life as she knew was all a lie.

The world building continues to focus on the dangerous and deadly life of the criminal underworld. From the Greek Mafia, the Italian Mafia, and the Russian Bratva, Helena’s naivety is about to threaten any semblance of independence and peace for our story line heroine. Months and sometimes years would pass before Helena had any contact with the man that she loved, and the loneliness would push our heroine to take back control.

The relationship between Marco and Helena is an age-gap, arranged marriage between two powerful Greek Mafia families. Helena is best friends with Marco’s sister Melina (Savage Intent), and Marco is determined to protect both the women in his life. Having suffered at the hands of his father, Marco is willing to die to safeguard the lives of Melina and Helena. Helena knew Marco was the man she would marry but struggled in the wake of Marco’s absence and the job that required him to leave for extended periods of time. The $ex scenes are intimate, provocative and intense.

Once again, there is a large ensemble cast of colorful and powerful secondary and supporting characters including the head of the American Italian Mafia and Marco’s brother in law, Antonio De Luca, and Marco’s sister Melina Stratakis (Savage Intent); Marco’s brothers Sebastian, Gio and Elias; their father Dracos Stratakis; Helena’s father George Kratos, as well as Bratva members Ivan Levkin and Zervas Cirillo; MC member EZ and his wife Liberty; and bodyguard Victorio. The requisite evil has many faces.

WICKED DEMANDS is a story of abuse and murder, power and control, betrayal and greed, forgiveness and acceptance, family and love. The premise is dramatic, dark, gritty, and haunting; the romance is edgy; the characters are broken, desperate and animated.

Reading Order and Previous reviews
Carnal Vows
Savage Intent

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


I’m just a simple small town country girl, haunted by Alpha Men who talk in my head 24 hours a day.

I knew I wanted to write when it became clear I couldn’t be happy with just viewing other people’s stories. I always wanted to rewrite them.

Like why did Jack have to die? Why couldn’t Rose move her butt over? Because that was a huge piece of wood she was on, people.

Happy Endings should be fought for, but they should always happen. Mine might take some curves and twists, but they eventually get there.

Having published over fifty stories, it always feels surreal that this is my life. Hitting USA Today had me crying for days, but nothing is more special than hearing from readers that they loved one of my books.

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