Wild Ride (Rookie Rebels 9) by Kate Meader -review tour

Wild Ride (Rookie Rebels 9) by Kate Meader -review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 26, 2024

Chicago Rebels hockey player Dex O’Malley has been a naughty boy … again.

Only his latest stunt isn’t quite like when he was caught with his pants down at a nightclub or was cited for drag-racing on Lake Shore Drive or even that time he said a few critical things about his teammates on a hockey podcast. Oops. This time, Dex is in real trouble, the kind that could get him kicked off the team and out of the league. And that cannot happen. Hockey is the only thing he’s ever been good at. The only thing he cares about. He’ll do whatever it takes to rehab his rep, even if it means cleaning up dog poop and suffering the steely-eyed disapproval of his new no-nonsense “boss” at the animal shelter, Ashley Adams.

Ashley has enough on her plate between her low-paying job, her high-maintenance family, and a love life she’s trying to resurrect after her divorce. She’s already mom to an amazing nine-year-old; the last thing she needs is mothering a celebrity volunteer with more money than sense. But the troublemaking f-boy needs Ashley to sign off on his good deeds so he can get back to what he does best: lighting up lamps both on and off the ice. And while a guy like that could never interest her mind, it seems her body is not on the same page. Sure, Dex O’Malley is too young, too hot, too flighty for Ashley to take seriously, but maybe a brief ride on the wild side might fit the bill …

Only that’s not enough for Dex. What happens when this notorious player decides the older, single mom is the hottest woman he’s ever met and that he wants to light her lamp … forever?


REVIEW: WILD RIDE is the eight instalment in Kate Meader’s contemporary, adult ROOKIE REBELS erotic, hockey romance series- a spin off from the author’s CHICAGO REBELS series. This is twenty-five year old hockey player Dex O’Malley, and thirty year old single mother/ animal shelter manager Ashley Adam’s story line. WILD RIDE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from omniscient dual third person perspectives (Ashley and Dex) WILD RIDE follows in the wake of a PR nightmare for Dex O’Malley, and the Chicago Rebels. Dex O’Malley is the proverbial bad boy and his latest stunt has landed him with a suspension, an injury and possible jail time but ‘volunteering’ at a local no-kill shelter finds Dex up close and personal with his future in the guise of single mother Ashley Adams. Ashley is the manager of the local animal shelter and wants nothing to do with Dex and his reputation both on and off the ice but as Dex slowly winds his way around Ashley’s heart, their mutual issues of trust and low self-esteem begin to take a toll on their growing relationship. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Dex and Ashley, and the potential fall-out when Dex struggles with Ashley’s attempts to uncover the truth about his past.

The world building focuses on issues from the past; Dex’s career and probable jail time for assault, and the growing love Dex has for Ashley, and her daughter Willa.

The relationship between Dex and Ashley begins acrimoniously as Dex is forced to volunteer in an effort to clean up his reputation. Falling for Ashley was never in the equation but Dex finds himself falling for a woman that will break his heart. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, familiar and antagonizing secondary and supporting characters including several of the previous story line couples, management and friends. We are introduced to Ashley’s ex husband Greg, and their daughter Willa.

WILD RIDE is a story of secrets and lies, struggle and betrayal, family and friendships, acceptance and love. The premise is intriguing and captivating; the slow building romance is seductive and energetic; the characters are broken, determined and charismatic.

Previous reviews
Good Guy
Man Down
Fore Player
Dear Roomie
Rebel Yule
Jock Wanted
Superstar Rookie


Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Kate Meader

Originally from Ireland, USA Today bestselling author Kate Meader cut her romance reader teeth on Maeve Binchy and Jilly Cooper novels, with some Harlequins thrown in for variety. Give her tales about brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron or a fire hose, and she’s there. Now based in Chicago, she writes sexy contemporary romance with alpha heroes and strong heroines who can match their men quip for quip.


Wild Ride (Black Knights Inc #9) by Julie Ann Walker-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

WILD RIDE (Black Knights Inc #9) by Julie Ann Walker-Review, Excerpt and Giveaway

Wild Ride Banner

Black Knights Inc #9
by Julie Ann Walker
Release Date: April 4, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, military, romantic,suspsense

Wild Ride

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / ibooks /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 4, 2017

The hero we’ve all been waiting for…

Ethan “Ozzie” Sykes

Former Navy SEAL

Underground operator for Black Knights Inc., the covert government defense firm disguised as a custom motorcycle shop.

In a black-on-black international mission that went seriously sideways, Ozzie was badly injured—now he’s stuck at BKI headquarters in Chicago, champing at the bit to get out into the field again. To his disgust, he’s tasked with distracting Chicago Tribune ace reporter Samantha Tate, who’s been trying to dig up the dirt on BKI for years. Turns out Samantha’s beauty, intelligence and sense of humor are a seriously big distraction, and Ozzie’s losing his desire to keep her at bay.

Ozzie’s tired of hiding, and Samantha may be the best-and worst—person to share his secrets with…


REVIEW: WILD RIDE is the ninth installment in Julie Ann Walker’s contemporary adult BLACK KNIGHTS INC romantic suspense/military, action series focusing on an elite group of ex Navy SEALS, FBI, CIA and military heroes headquartered at a custom motorcycle shop known as Black Knights Inc. The men and women of Black Knights Inc are so far under the radar that they are blacker than Black Ops. This is underground operator /computer hacker Ethan ‘ Ozzie’ Sykes, and journalist Samantha Tate’s story line. WILD RIDE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Ozzie has been present throughout most of the series but falls into trouble during FULL THROTTLE (BKI #7) wherein our story line hero almost lost his life during a rescue mission that went to h*ll.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Ozzie and Samantha) WILD RIDE follows journalist Samantha Tate as she endeavors to uncover the truth behind the Black Knights Inc connection to a local MC involved in a series of crimes and unsolved murders including an informant who went missing and was found dead. As Samantha struggles to gather information about the men of BKI, our heroine finds herself targeted by the same MC she has been hoping to expose. Enter Ozzie Sykes, the man who calls to Samantha’s heart, and the man who risks his life for a woman out to destroy his family and friends. What ensues is the building relationship between Ozzie and Samantha, and Samantha’s battle between her heart and her head.

Ozzie is a man used to rejection and losing Samantha was something Ozzie never expected the day she walked away without a backwards glance. Struggling with his slow healing injuries, unable to go out into the field as before, Ozzie finds himself at odds about his future and the woman that calls to his heart. Samantha Tate is determined to get her story; to uncover the truth about the secrets hidden behind the walls of BKI but a truth that when revealed is a secret that she must take to the grave.

The relationship between Samantha and Ozzie begins six years earlier when our heroine first lands a story about BKI. Fast forward to present day, and Samantha’s fascination with Ozzie is fractured when she believes he may be responsible for the death of her friend. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive without the use of sexually graphic language and text.

A small number of the previous story line characters play secondary and supporting roles as most of the members of BKI are on assignment over seas. We are reintroduced to Becky, Michelle and Delilah, as well as newcomers former British SAS agent Christian, and one time CIA operative Emily Scott, BKI’s new secretary and the woman who may or may not have more than a passing interest in the former British intelligence agent. There is plenty of sexual tension between Christian and Emily, something not missed by the members of BKI.

WILD RIDE is a story of family, friendship, heartbreak and love. The premise is riveting and intense; the characters are charismatic and colorful; the romance is provocative and emotional. WILD RIDE is awash in 80s pop culture from song lyrics to movie line quotes making for a ‘wild ride’ into the past as Ozzie and Samantha banter back and forth making for some humorous moments.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


It was half past eight on a Wednesday night, so pickings were slim. Most of the patrons were single dudes looking to tie on a buzz before heading home to fall into bed, catch a few z’s, then wake up and start the daily grind all over again. A few couples were snuggled into the booths or sitting at the high-tops having a nightcap before calling it a day. And then there was the foursome of ladies playing pool. In their late twenties and dressed to the nines in business attire, they seemed the answer to Christian’s prayers. Except for the fact that they were hooting and hollering, kicking off their high heels, and doing their best to get sloppy.
Girls’ night out.
Ozzie knew better than to intrude on that.
“You might be out of luck,” he lamented to Christian, eyeing one of the pool players as she stumbled toward the jukebox. “And worse still, this one looks like a Taylor Swift fan.”
Christian glanced over his shoulder at the woman as she drunkenly studied the jukebox’s screen. “If she plays sodding ‘Shake It Off,’ I grant you permission to un-holster my Walther and shoot me in the face.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
They waited, shoulders tense, as the jukebox loaded the woman’s selection. It was “Shake it Off.”
“Right-oh. Never mind the shot to the face,” Christian declared. “I have a better idea. Let’s get good and pissed and then ring up a cab to take us home. Delilah, luv, fetch us two vodka shots, yeah?”
“You’re both pathetic,” Delilah declared after plunking the vodka down in front of them. “It’s not like they wanted to leave either of you behind.”
And by they, she meant the Black Knights. The most select, most secretive group of covert operators ever to sign up to do Uncle Sam’s dirty work. They were Ozzie’s teammates. His friends. And they were all now half a world away, disrupting the Islamic State’s supply lines in order to weaken the group’s defensive and offensive capabilities.
Well, except for Zoelner. He was in London helping to hunt down a mysterious underworld crime lord aptly named Spider.
But that’s just splitting hairs. Because whether it was chasing ISIS or shadowy international figures, it all came down to one thing. Every Black Knight was engaged in making the world a safer place. Every Black Knight except for Ozzie and Christian. And Christian would be heading into the field again soon. His burst eardrums, courtesy of a recent mission when he’d been forced to fire a 50-cal. in an enclosed space, were mostly healed.
And there they were again, the self-pity and remorse. Ozzie tossed back the shot and welcomed the burn of the liquor, hoping it would pickle those stupid pits in his stomach.
“It’s not that we feel sorry for ourselves,” Christian said after downing his shot. “It’s that we’re sharks. If we stop swimming, we die.”
“Oh, for the love of tequila.” Delilah’s expression was unsympathetic. “Neither of you needs to do anything but what you’re doing, which is healing up. Besides, we like having you around, Christian. You brew a freakin’ mean cup of tea.”
“God save the Queen.” Christian winked and saluted her with his beer.
The we Delilah mentioned were the wives and girlfriends of the Knights—Delilah being one of the former. All the ladies had taken to gathering in the big warehouse in the evening, because at precisely seven p.m. local time, one of the guys in the field would make an encrypted satellite call back home to say a quick hello to his better half and let the other better halves know that everyone in Syria was A-okay. The tension in the shop in the minutes leading up to that phone call each day was palpable. Just one more reason he and Christian were sitting at a bar in the middle of the workweek. Just a little nip to take the edge off.
Ozzie lifted his beer to wash down the bite of the shot. No sooner had he set his glass on the bar than the front door burst open and a Tasmanian devil, otherwise known as ace reporter Samantha Tate, came barreling in. Her right shoulder drooped under the weight of one of her giant oversized handbags, which was stuffed full of the myriad piles of crap she carried around.
Christian took one look at her, turned to Ozzie, and started whistling the tune to “Me and My Shadow.”
Ozzie elbowed him.
“Watch yourself, wankstain.” Christian pretended to reach beneath his jacket for his Walther.
“Please. You wouldn’t shoot me. I’m the only one who’ll go to Fadó’s to eat bangers and mash with you.”
“True,” Christian admitted. “Still, remind me why you think it’s a jolly good idea to go mucking about with a reporter? I cannot wrap my mind around you knowingly shagging someone who could blow your cover. You off your trolley, or what?”
“First of all,” Ozzie assured him, “I’m not shagging her.” Although every time I see her, I’m damned tempted.
“Well, that is a first,” Christian said.
“And second of all,” Ozzie went on as if Christian hadn’t spoken, “you have nothing to worry about. I treat her like a mushroom.”
“I keep her in the dark and feed her shit.” Which is really starting to bother me. I fucking hate lying to her. Of course, Ozzie kept that to himself.
Christian narrowed his eyes. “You filched that line from a movie.”
Ozzie feigned a playfulness he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Movie quotes and song lyrics, home slice. They’re my bread and butter. Besides, you know that old saying.” Ozzie saw the moment Samantha spotted him and started heading in his direction. The woman had a way of walking that reminded him of female sailors. They had hips so they moved like women, but their naval training taught them efficiency of motion. That was Samantha Tate in a word. Efficient. And beautiful. Last weekend, when they met in Lincoln Park for a picnic on the grass, the sunlight had dappled through the leaves of the trees, bringing out the auburn and gold highlights in her curly, mink-brown hair, and he had been so stunned by her simple loveliness that he hadn’t been able to breathe.
“Which old saying would that be?” Christian asked.
“‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.’”
Christian narrowed his eyes again. “You expect me to believe she’s your enemy? That all these lunch dates and coffee dates are…what? A smoke screen?”
They had started that way. But it’d quickly become…more.
“So you got me,” Ozzie admitted. “I like her. The woman burns words the way a magician burns flash paper—quickly and with a lot of show. It stimulates my brain.”
“I’m certain it stimulates something,” Christian scoffed, the end of his sentence a bare whisper as Samantha closed in on them.
“I see you have your boyfriend with you tonight, Ozzie.” She hopped onto the barstool beside him. Her soft, powdery-smelling body lotion reached out to him, filling his nose and triggering a cascade of goose bumps. It happened every damned time she got close. He’d scoured the shelves at Walgreens, sniffing every bottle of body butter and balm they sold trying to find out which brand she used so that he could…what? Use it to whack off with? For the love of Spock’s ears. He was pathetic. “Good to see you again, Christian.” She waved across him at the Brit.
“Ah, Christian’s not gay,” Ozzie assured her, ignoring his body’s interest at her nearness and focusing on the lively banter she had come to expect from him. “He’s just really pretty. But I can see how you’d make that mistake, what with the hair product and the tailored clothes.”
Christian grunted.
Samantha nodded, waved her hand through the air, and was on to the next subject. “Well, gents, it’s official. The zombie apocalypse has started. On my beat today, I covered a police-on-police shooting, a ten-car pileup on the Kennedy Expressway, an outbreak of salmonella brought on by a restaurant knowingly serving tainted sushi, and a string of B and E’s where the perps turned out to be two thirteen-year-olds who claimed to be in love”—she rolled her eyes at this—“and fancied themselves the modern-day Bonnie and Clyde.” She signaled Delilah. “Make Momma one of your specialties, would you, please? Extra dirty with three olives.” Then she turned back to Ozzie and Christian. “But you two have nothing to worry about. Zombies eat brains, so you’ll both be fine.”
See. Verbal flash paper. Crackle! Poof! Ahhhhh! Ozzie felt a smile—a real smile—tug at his lips.
Christian harrumphed. “I shouldn’t think you know me well enough to judge my mental acuity.”
“Maybe not. But you have to be a little lacking in the IQ department to willingly pal around with this one.” Samantha hooked a thumb toward Ozzie. The sparkle in her dark eyes was positively mercenary.
“That’s a bit like the pilot calling the hippie high, yeah?” Christian raised brow.
“Oh, you think I want to spend time with Mad Scientist Hair here?” Samantha pretended incredulity. “No, no. I feel sorry for him. I mean, who wouldn’t? Just look at him.”
Ozzie made a face and gifted her with a terse hand gesture that used his third digit.
“Spoken like a true scholar,” she said.
A crack of laughter blasted out of him. And when Samantha turned to thank Delilah for the martini, he took the opportunity to study her profile.
She was beautiful. Her brown eyes glowed with intelligence, and she had one of those faces that drew you in. No one feature stood out as terribly arresting or unique, but all her features fit together to make an enchanting whole.
And then there was the gap between her two front teeth. It was small. Just a sliver of space. But it was totally, wonderfully her.
Samantha tipped back her martini glass and took a giant sip, eagerly sucking down the gin and olive brine like it was a gift from on high. When she lowered her glass, she wiped the back of her hand over her mouth and let loose with a dainty, feminine-sounding burp. “I am woman. Hear me drink.”
Another bark of genuine laughter shot out of him, and all he could think was… God, that feels so good. Most of his jocularity was forced these days. But when she was around, he felt…more like his old self.
Then it occurred to him. Samantha Tate, the woman he and the rest of the Black Knights had avoided for years, the woman he should probably still be avoiding, had somehow wormed her way into his life, under his skin, and in so doing had become…his friend.
Who’d a thunk it?

About The Author

Julie Ann WalkerFOLLOW Julie: Facebook / Goodreads / Website / Twitter

Julie Ann Walker is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of award-winning romantic suspense. She has won the Book Buyers Best Award, been nominated for the National Readers Choice Award, the Australian Romance Reader Awards, and the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award. Her latest release was named a Top Ten Romance of 2014 by Booklist. Her books have been described as “alpha, edgy, and downright hot.” Most days you can find her on her bicycle along the lake shore in Chicago or blasting away at her keyboard, trying to wrangle her capricious imagination into submission.

Be sure to sign up for Julie’s occasional newsletter at: http://julieannwalker.com

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Wild Ride (Wind Dragon MC #4.5) by Chantal Fernando-a review

WILD RIDE (Wind Dragons MC # 4.5) by Chantal Fernando

Wild Ride

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 11, 2016

Talon has a complicated relationship with the Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club. He’s the president of their rival club, the Wild Men, but he’s also related to one of their members—who hates him. He could handle that, but he’s also got problems in his own club; someone is leaking information and disrupting their business, but Talon can’t find the mole. So the last thing he needs is even more complication in the form of a beautiful single mother who’s bolder than half the bikers on his squad. But he can’t take his eyes—or his hands—off her…

Tia’s always been a little reckless, up for a good time wherever she found it, but she’s also a great mom to her young son. So even though she thinks Talon is basically sex on a stick, when she realizes she wants to be more to him than just a club groupie, she has to take things a bit slow. Plus, a momentary attraction, no matter how smoking hot, isn’t worth risking her son’s happiness in any way. Is there any chance that Talon might be up for a more permanent arrangement? Or has Tia leapt before looking once again?


REVIEW:  WILD RIDE is a novella length story in Chantal Fernando’s contemporary, adult WIND DRAGONS MC series focusing on the men and women of the Wind Dragons motorcycle club. This is rival MC president Talon, and Tia’s story line. WILD RIDE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty although I recommend reading the series in order for cohesion and backstory. Tia is Bailey’s (Rake’s Redemption) best friend, and Talon has played a secondary role throughout the series.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Talon and Tia) WILD RIDE is a story of forbidden romance between the Wild Men MC’s president Talon, and Tia-a dental assistant under the protection of the Wind Dragon MC. Tia has pined after Talon since their first meeting but Talon is not willing to risk the tepid truce between the Wind Dragon MC and the Wild Men he leads. When attraction and need pull our leading couple together, Talon knows he is going to face the wrath of Rake, a man almost as close as the brother’s in the Wild Men MC. But trouble is brewing for Talon when one of his men is killed, and the murderer may be someone on the inside. Hoping to uncover a possible mole, Talon calls in a marker from the Wind Dragons MC. Wind Dragon prospect Vinnie and Shayla’s story is next -Wolf’s Mate August 2016. Shayla is under the protection of Wild Men’s president Talon.

WILD RIDE is a fast paced, friends to lovers, quick building romance that looks inside the lives of the rival MC. Talon is a man determined to protect the woman that he loves and keeping her safe means keeping private his relationship with Tia. Because of the novella length of the story, I felt the character building was lacking, and I wanted more of Tia and Talon.

We are introduced to several members of the Wild Men MC; Rake and Bailey (Rake’s Redemption) play secondary and supporting roles, as well as a few cameo appearances by a number of the Wind Dragons MC.

The world building continues to focus on the dangerous and competitive world of the motorcycle clubs: the members, the illegal activities, violence and death, and the women they love. The premise is entertaining but lacks the intimate details and building relationship between our leading couple; the characters are colorful and animated; the romance is a quick build to a happily ever after for now-I am hoping for more of Tia and Talon in the upcoming stories.

WILD RIDE sets up the next book Wolf’s Mate wherein Talon calls in a marker in his quest to uncover a mole within his MC.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Dragon’s Lair
Arrow’s Hell
Tracker’s End
Dirty Ride 3.5
Rake’s Redemption
Wild Ride 4.5

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy
