Tangled Up with the Highlander by Julie Johnstone-review

Tangled Up with the Highlander (Return of the Highlanders Book 2) by Julie Johnstone

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 30, 2024

He thought he would never love again… Then he fell for the lass he must give up to save his clan.

Desperate to keep his children and clan from starving, Laird Alasdair MacLachlan joins the ranks of mercenaries searching for the missing lass of a powerful clan. The mission seems simple—find the lass, return her to her family, and claim the hefty reward. But when fate throws bow and arrow wielding Sorcha MacGregor in his path, he’s about to discover how complicated one mule-headed, beguiling beauty can make things. For a man who has lost and loved and has no interest in doing either ever again, he’s confounded by the desire the opinionated woman awakens in him, and he’s shocked to discover his heart might not be permanently frozen after all. But his duty to his family and clan must come before all else, and that means sticking to the plan. Or is that just an excuse to avoid burying his painful past and taking a risk on a new future? One thing is certain—if he doesn’t figure it out soon, Sorcha will be lost to him forever.

Life has taught Sorcha MacGregor that only a harebrained fool would wish to wed and become a man’s chattel to control. So when she’s kidnapped by a Highlander who intends to deliver her like a trussed pig to a family she’s never known, she instantly decides he’s a selfish barbarian like all other men. Her opinion becomes harder to maintain, though, when the devilishly handsome warrior risks his life for hers. Still, she has no intention of lowering her well-placed guard and making herself vulnerable. But with each act of kindness Alasdair shows her, every moving interaction between him and his children, and the simmering way he looks at her, not to mention the toe-curling kisses, she comes to see the gentle, brokenhearted man behind the hardened exterior, and she does the one thing she swore she’d never do: falls in love. When the time comes for Alasdair to make the ultimate sacrifice for her, for love, will he prove he’s really the man of her dreams or just a fantasy that is too good to be true?


REVIEW: Although second book in the series, and a slight continuation from book one, this book can be read without reading the first one.

With this author you can be assured of a great story. Set in beautifully written backdrops, this historical romance will have you on the edge of your seat with the drama/suspense and romance.

Widower Laird Alasdair MacLachlan is at his wits end! His clan is starving! He sees no other option than to join a band of mercenaries ordered to find a missing woman of another clan. The reward will feed his clan. Sorcha is sick and tired of her life! Her mother 💀 leaving her and her sister to a father who likes to drink and use his fists! Entering a competition will ensure both her future and her sister a dowry to marry the man she loves.

The thing I love the most about this author’s storytelling is her attention to detail. The sights and sounds of the highland can transport you there. Both Alistair and Sorcha have no intentions of marrying, his heart is hardened after losing his wife to childbirth, and she has seen what marriage can do to a woman. But as they spend more and more time together, it brings the best out in both of them, they also see a side to one another that makes them stop and think!

So will Alistair do the right thing? Will he hand over the woman who has made him see the good around him? To become a better father to his own children. Or will he take this opportunity of happiness?

Click HERE for Julie’s review of book one SECRETS OF A HIGHLANDER’S HEART

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Julie B 🦋

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Author Julie Johnstone first fell in love with romance fifteen years ago when she picked up her first romance novel in an airport gift shop on the way to Conroe, Texas for a family reunion and spent her whole weekend reading rather than water skiing, which up until then was one of her favorite things to do.

Julie is staying up way too late and typing furiously on her keyboard to finish her next book or blog with her fellow authors at Ladyscribes. Julie is married to an amazing lawyer and when she is not running her two precocious children to one activity or another she is trying to seek out some time to stay in shape and see her dearest friends.


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