Tempting Devil (Saint Trilogy 2) by TK Leigh-review

TEMPTING DEVIL (Saint Trilogy 2) by TK Leigh-a review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 22, 2024

After five years, I’m finally about to get everything I’ve dreamed of… Revenge against the men who destroyed my life.

There’s just one tiny complication.

Imogene Prescott.

She was just supposed to be a tool, someone I’d use then toss out with the trash I thought she was.

She wasn’t supposed to get under my skin.

She wasn’t supposed to give me a reason to live.

But she did.

Now I have a choice to make.

Love or revenge.

But no matter what I chose, I fear it won’t be enough to protect her from the dangerous truth I’ve hidden from her.

Confucius warned to dig two graves when embarking on a journey of revenge.

I didn’t plan on one of those graves belonging to her.


REVIEW: TEMPTING DEVIL is the second instalment in TK Leigh’s contemporary ,adult SAINT dark, erotic, romantic suspense trilogy focusing on billionaire Gideon Saint, and athletic trainer Dr. Imogene Prescott. TEMPTING DEVIL should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up after the events of book one CRUEL SAINT.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers .

SOME BACKGROUND: Five years earlier, Imogene Prescott lost the love of her life to a fatal gun shot wound but a new job and a move to the west coast would bring Imogene up close and personal with billionaire investor Gideon Saint. From the outset Imogene struggles with the guilt of moving forward but something about Gideon pulls at our story heroine but all is not as it appears to be, and Gideon is a man set on claiming our heroine, while exacting revenge for everything he has lost.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Gideon and Imogene) TEMPTING DEVIL continues to follow the building but struggling relationship between our story line couple. Imogene is battling her attraction to our story line hero, who reminds her so much of the man that she lost but as Gideon continues his journey of vengeance, the familiarity grows so much so that difference between the past and the present begins to blur. With the help of his best friend Henry Fontaine, Gideon ongoing hunt reveals the truth about the people who destroyed his life.

The world building continues to focus on betrayal and revenge as Gideon takes down those who left him for dead, and Imogene’s realization that all is not as it appears to be.

The relationship between Gideon and Imogene is one of second chances-of a sort. Gideon is determined to reclaim the woman he once loved but knowing he may not survive to see is own happily ever after. The $ex scenes are passionate and intimate.

We are re-introduced to Imogene’s best friends billionaire Liam Pierce, Melanie; Imogene’s mother Julia, and step father Lachlan Hale, and Gideon’s best friend Henry Fontaine. The requisite evil has many faces.

TEMPTING DEVIL is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, greed and madness, acceptance and love.The character driven premise is dramatic and intense; the romance is seductive ; the characters are determined, dynamic and charismatic. TEMPTING DEVIL ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one CRUEL SAINT

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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