The Quest for Excalibur (Guinevere Book 5) by Fil Reid-review

The Quest for Excalibur (Guinevere Book 5) by Fil Reid-review / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 6, 2023

Twelve years ago, 21st-century librarian Gwen decided to remain in the Dark Ages with the man she loves above all else – a man around whom endless well-known tales of legend and magic have been spun. King Arthur. Over the years, she’s carved a life for herself by her husband’s side, gently steering him in the direction she wants him to go, but always with an awareness that he’s a Dark Age king with a Dark Age view of the world.

Equipped with her prior knowledge of Arthurian legend, Gwen’s sole aim has long been to save her husband from the legendary fate she dreads hangs over him. But always, at the back of her mind, is the nagging doubt that whatever she does is already set in stone, and nothing she can do will change his future which is already her past.

Now, in book five of the Guinevere series, she’s all too aware that time is marching on, and that this fate might well be drawing closer to the man she gave up everything for.

Danger lurks in the most unexpected places, and long-hidden secrets threaten to rise to the surface. After a long, cold winter in their hilltop fortress, Gwen’s pleased to welcome traveling players to Din Cadan. But these players are hiding secrets of their own, and one of them has come with black deeds in mind. Gwen will have to fight harder than she’s ever done to save herself and thus her husband. And all evidence points to the hand of Morgana, Arthur’s wicked sister, manipulating everything from afar.

Throughout all of this, simmering in the background, is young Medraut, Arthur’s nephew. Unnoticed, despite still being only a boy, he’s been exerting his malignant influence over those around him, in particular, Gwen and Arthur’s son and heir. The wedge he succeeds in driving between Arthur and his son will carry forward into the cataclysmic events of the final book, The Road To Avalon.

But even Morgana can’t prevent Gwen discovering the truth behind the story of Excalibur and setting the legendary sword in her husband’s hands.


REVIEW: Quest for Excalibur is the fifth and (I think) the penultimate book in this series. And I have to admit I’ve not read the previous books, but after reading this one, I’m definitely going back to read the rest…

Gwen, is a librarian from the 21st century and had landed in the times of King Arthur. She became Guinevere. (I’m not sure what happened to the actual Guinevere.) And had fallen for the legend/king/man Arthur.

There is lots of action and drama in this book, I did feel I was missing a little backstory (probably given in the previous books) but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the story. Lots of subplots that had me griping my kindle in places.

Gwen is a smart individual, she remembers enough of the story to not try to change the story too much, but also trying to make sure he doesn’t die an early death!

I liked Arthur, although technically a fictional character, this author brought him to life really well. He worried about being a good king and to being a good father to his two children he had with Gwen.

Morgana and Arthur’s nephew Medraut, are the main protagonists, but watch out for players that are hiding in the shadows, all are plotting to overthrow Arthur from his throne! They are definitely keeping Gwen on her toes!

A few plots were a little predictable, but others caught me off guard completely. It flowed really easy, and I could have read more pages.

It’s more of a teen book, but I loved it.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Julie B ?


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