THE SECOND MRS. STROM by Kaira Rouda-review

THE SECOND MRS. STROM by Kaira Rouda-review / / / /B&N Paper

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 16, 2024

I don’t want the perfect marriage. I want revenge…

If you had met me a year ago, you wouldn’t have noticed me. A beautiful woman, but a struggling nobody in a tiny apartment, invisible…

Meeting Paul changed that.

And now here I am in Paris, after a whirlwind courtship and a stunning beach proposal. I smile at my handsome husband, my eyes shining in the candlelight, my huge diamond ring sparkling on the starched white tablecloth. Other women look at me in envy. They see a couple completely in love.

They’re wrong.

Despite this incredible luxury vacation, my husband and I can’t escape our problems. I can’t get over what he did with that woman just after our wedding, and my bright smile can’t hide the hardness in my heart.

I wonder if Paul knows the truth. That our first meeting, when we fell in love, wasn’t the coincidence he thinks it was. That what I want from him has nothing to do with his money.

And now that he’s wronged me, I’ll stop at nothing to get it…


REVIEW: THE SECOND MRS. STROM by Kaira Rouda is a contemporary, adult, pyschological thriller focusing on husband and wife Paul and Cecilia Strom.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Paul and Cecilia) using journal entries, present day and memories from the past THE SECOND MRS. STROM follows a few days in the life of married couple Paul and Cecilia Strom. Fifty year old, wanna-be Hollywood producer Paul Strom has whisked his much younger, thirty-year old wife Cecilia on trip to Paris France to celebrate their one year anniversary but all is not as is appears to be. Approximately two years earlier, Paul met Cecilia at the funeral of an elderly friend, a friend who left her entire estate to our story line hero. Cecilia, a struggling artist, began an instant flirtation, a flirtation that would see Cecilia and Paul married within the year but from the start there were issues that threatened their faltering marriage, issues that would inevitably place one another on a path towards betrayal and vengeance.

The world building focuses on the past, the present and a possible future for two people whose lives could not have been more different yet similar none-the-less. The secrets and lies, once revealed, threaten any possibility of a happily ever after; betrayal and vengeance, greed and deception are at the heart of a deadly plan to destroy one another.

THE SECOND MRS. STROM is a dramatic, dark and thought provoking tale of manipulation and madness, power and control. A richly detailed and complex story of greed and determination, THE SECOND MRS. STROM is a tragic and haunting look at years of built up anger and hate.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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