The WildFire Girl by Carolyn Arnold – Review

The Wildfire Girl by Carolyn Arnold – Review

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The woman panics as the thick smoke starts to curl under the locked door. She can’t breathe and desperately tries to open the window, but it’s been sealed shut. Falling to the floor, she finally accepts there’s no way out of this room alive. And as her vision starts to fade, she prays she dies before the flames find her.

When human remains are discovered behind a dumpster in Woodbridge, Virginia, Detective Amanda Steele rushes to the scene. Her heart drops when she arrives and is hit by the unmistakable stench of gasoline. Soon, her worst fear is the victim was burned alive.

With only an engraved gold wedding band surviving the blaze, Amanda knows it could be days before they have a confirmed ID. But when her partner Detective Trent Stenson arrives, he pales at the sight of the ring, recognizing it as belonging to his Aunt Gertrude’s husband, Don.

Trent is convinced his aunt isn’t involved, but as more is unearthed about her troubled relationship with her husband, and she fails to provide an alibi, Amanda isn’t so sure. Desperate to prove his aunt’s innocence, Trent soon discovers someone from Don’s past is back in Woodbridge—someone who wants revenge. But Amanda and Trent are shaken to their core when that person is discovered brutally murdered.

Convinced the cases are linked, Amanda knows she has to find the cold-blooded killer before they strike again. And as Trent becomes even more emotionally entangled in the case, she’s terrified he could become the next victim…




The Wildfire Girl by Carolyn Arnold is the 11th book in her wonderful Detective Amanda Steele series. I am a big fan of Arnold, having read most of her books, and I love this series, which continues with another great addition.  Amanda Steele, our heroine, is a homicide detective in Dumfries, Virginia Police Department. Amanda and her partner, Trent are called to the scene of a violet murder, as a man was burned to his death. Upon arrival, Amanda is hit with a terrible stench of gasoline, with the knowledge that the victim was burned alive.  Trent reveals to Amanda that he recognizes the victim’s wedding ring, which belongs to his Aunt Gertrudes abusive husband, Don.

Despite his believe that his aunt isn’t involved, more clues do point at the aunt being the possible perpetrator, especially with her not revealing a few lies, such as being in the vicinity at the time of her husband’s death. Amanda worries that Trent isn’t being objective.  Another woman is found murdered, and Amanda and Trent learn that the woman who was stabbed is someone from the husband’s past, whom he brutally abused, causing severe burns on the woman’s face years ago. Was this woman out for revenge, and did Don kill her before he was killed?

Amanda and Trent are a great team, and I like them together. Amanda is a great detective, very strong, independent, and always able to solve any case. Amanda has an adoptive daughter, who she worries about a lot, because of her always busy on a case.  She seems happy with Logan, who always watches over Zoe.

What follows is an exciting, suspenseful, intriguing, tense mystery, that kept me unable to put the book down, as this was a fantastic thriller. From the start, you become engrossed into the story, as Trent was determined to prove his aunt’s innocence, and Amanda doing her best to protect him from being too involved. The storyline was very interesting, especially the abuse by the victim against his wife, and former woman of the past. To say too much more would be spoilers.

The Wildfire Girl was a fantastic crime thriller, that was another gripping addition to the Detective Amanda Steele series. It was a compelling intricate suspenseful plot, excellent police procedural, great characters, edge of your seat thriller, with some surprises at the end.  The Wildfire Girl was once again so very well written by Carolyn Arnold, which is the norm for this author; as I am loving this series. If you like mystery thrillers, police procedural, then you need to be reading this series.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for Review


CAROLYN ARNOLD is an international bestselling and award-winning author, as well as a speaker, teacher, and inspirational mentor. She has several continuing fiction series and has many published books. Her genre diversity offers her readers everything from cozy mysteries, police procedurals, and thrillers to action adventures. Her crime fiction series have been praised by those in law enforcement as being accurate and entertaining. This led to her adopting the trademark: POLICE PROCEDURALS RESPECTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT™.

Carolyn was born in a small town and enjoys spending time outdoors, but she also loves the lights of a big city. Grounded by her roots and lifted by her dreams, her overactive imagination insists that she tell her stories. Her intention is to touch the hearts of millions with her books, to entertain, inspire, and empower.

She currently lives near London, Ontario, Canada with her husband and two beagles.



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