Wicked Bite by Jeaniene Frost – a Review

Wicked Bite by Jeaniene Frost – a Review


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Some promises are meant to be broken…

Veritas spent most of her life as a vampire Law Guardian. Now, she’s about to break every rule by secretly hunting down the dark souls that were freed in order to save Ian. But the risks are high. For if she gets caught, she could lose her job. And catching the sinister creatures might cost Veritas her own life.

Some vows are forever…

Ian’s memories might be fragmented, but this master vampire isn’t about to be left behind by the woman who entranced him, bound herself to him, and then disappeared. So what if demons, other Law Guardians, and dangerous, otherworldly forces stand against them? Come hell or high water, Ian intends to remind Veritas of the burning passion between them, because she is the only person seared on his mind–and his soul…




Wicked Bite by Jeaniene Frost is the 2nd book in her Night Rebel series. Being a major fan of Frost’s Night Huntress, I was thrilled to return to this world in the first book, Shades of Wicked.  Ian, the man we loved to hate, was the hero, and to my surprise, I did fall in love with Ian and Veritas.  The first book ended in a cliffhanger, making Wicked Bite a highly anticipated read.

Veritas, our heroine, managed to save Ian’s life by freeing his soul from the demon, Dagon, and was determined to find him and kill him.  In order to prevent Ian from looking for her, she put a spell on Ian to block his memories that they were married, and went searching for Dagon. 

Ian, our hero, is slowly starting to remember things, and is desperate to find Veritas. He decides to go on his own, especially with his new found powers (teleporting, etc), and ignores his friends (Bones, Cat, Mencheres, Leila, Vlad ) trying to stop him.  It is always great to spend time with those we loved from the previous series.  Ian will go through any lengths to find Veritas, as he can feel their bond.

What follows is an exciting, nonstop action and an amazing story that has Veritas and Ian working together to find the Dagon. They will find themselves in dangerous situations throughout the book, coming up against powerful enemies.  There were so many different forces trying to stop them, but I loved how Ian convinced Veritas that their passion was real, and to use all of her god like powers to defeat the enemy, as he will always be there for her.  Emotional and so very well done.  To tell too much more would be spoilers, as this is one book you need to read for yourself.  Veritas and Ian are so worth it.

The last half of the book was exciting, dangerous, sexy, fun and I loved every moment of it, as I raced to finish the book.  The romance was intensely passionate, and I absolutely loved Ian and Veritas together.    Wicked Bites was another fantastic addition to this wonderful series.   I will add that there is another sort of a cliffhanger, though the story does come to a nice conclusion with a new problem to be explored in the next book. Kudos to Jeaniene Frost for giving us a super couple, whom we never imagined loving and rooting hard for them. 

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





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