Wild Magic (Magic for Hire 1) by Alexandra Ivy-review

Wild Magic (Magic for Hire 1) by Alexandra Ivy-review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 2, 2024

From a Wyoming ranch to a New Jersey bookstore-café, when old-world demons, modern-day mages, and irresistible attraction collide, desire becomes the most powerful and dangerous weapon of all.

There was a time when demons reigned. That was before they were forced to retreat to the shadows. Today, in hidden corners across the globe their evil blood still pools, and the authority of their new rulers—the Vampire Cabal—must never be challenged. Leave it to a Jersey girl to change ancient
history . . .

At sixteen, when Peri Sanguis’s wild magic first appeared, she was forced to flee her Wyoming ranch—and her suddenly murderous family—to save her own life. On the East Coast, tutored by mages who run the Witch’s Brew bookstore-cafe, Peri’s world seems magically tranquil—until her estranged mother and a coven of witches are slaughtered. Now, to solve the violent mysteries of her past, she must put her trust, body and soul, in a sensual immortal who is every woman’s darkest fantasy . . .

The golden-eyed vampire, Valen, has never wanted more than to claim an untamed female like Peri. Lured into each other’s orbit, and working together against a resurrected evil brings them intimately closer—to danger, blood betrayals, all-consuming passion, and to sacrifices that must be made to save themselves and the world . . .


REVIEW: WILD MAGIC is the first instalment in Alexandra Ivy’s contemporary, adult MAGIC FOR HIRE paranormal, fantasy, romantic suspense series focusing on three friends: Peri, Maya and Skye. This is mage Peri Sanquis, and ancient vampire king Valen’s story line.

Told from omniscient third person perspectives WILD MAGIC follows in the aftermath of the murder of an entire coven of witches, a coven ruled by Peri’s mother Brenda. Having been estranged from her mother and coven since the age of sixteen, and the attempt on her life by both, Peri is reticent yet she needs to uncover the truth. With the assistance of ancient vampire Valen, an assistance Peri is reluctant to accept, Peri goes in search of the truth only to discover an ancient power has been released, taking aim at our story line heroine.

The world building is detailed and complex. We learn some of the back story and history involving Peri and her mother Brenda-Brenda’s need for power, and her attempt to take the life of her only child. As Peri begins to uncover the truth, the past refuses to die, taking aim at our story line heroine.

The relationship between Peri and Valen begins acrimoniously. Valen knows instantly that Peri is his mate, a woman he never suspected in all of his vampire life. Peri doesn’t do relationships; has issues of trust, constantly fearing she is targeted for the powers within. There is one lone passionate $ex scene without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Peri’s friends and witches Maya and Skye, as well as witches Tia and Destiny ; vampire Gabriel Lyon, and mystery man Joe.

WILD MAGIC. Is a story of secrets and lies, power and control, vengeance and betrayal, magic and mayhem, murder, mystery, acceptance and love. The premise is edgy and enchanting; the characters are animated and stubborn; the romance is mostly implied as Peri continues to refuse any and all of Valen’s attempts at seduction and love.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


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