WYLDE FIRE (100 Proof #1) by Sarah Robinson-Review & Giveaway Tour

WYLDE FIRE (100 Proof #1) by Sarah Robinson-Review & Giveaway  tour


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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 17, 2019

Sam Wylde is ready to prove he’s more than just the privileged son of a wealthy Southern dynasty.

Wyldefire Whiskey is poised to take Nashville by storm—and with any luck, overshadow the scandal of his cheating ex-girlfriend marrying his brother. The only problem? This gruff country boy has no idea how to throw a launch party that will get people talking.

The answer to everything might just be Holly Glen.

A party wrapped up in one tiny woman, Holly is tattooed, tempting, and exactly the event planner Sam needs to liven up his brand—and his life. He can give her what she needs, too.

All it will take is a ring on her finger.

Falling in real love with his fake wife was not part of the plan—but one shot of Holly isn’t going to be enough.


REVIEW: WYLDE FIRE is the first instalment in Sarah Robinson’s contemporary, adult 100 PROOF erotic, romance series focusing on the Wylde family. This is eldest son and Wyldefire Whiskey partner Sam Wylde, and events planner Holly Glen’s story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Sam and Holly) WYLDE FIRE focuses on the building relationship between Wyldefire Whiskey partner Sam Wylde, and events planner Holly Glen. With the launch of Wyldefire Whiskey just around the corner, and the events planner bailing at the last minute Sam finds himself desperate enough to ask a complete stranger for help but a stranger who is widely respected in the world of events planning. Enter Holly Glen, and the woman with whom Sam would fall in love. Needing a plus-one for his brother’s wedding, a wedding to Sam’s ex-fiance, Sam makes Holly an offer she cannot refuse: an engagement and marriage of convenience that will take the pressure of the wedding off our story line hero. What ensues is the quick building relationship between Sam and Holly, and the potential fall-out as Holly finds herself the victim of a set up by Sam’s cheating brother.

Holly Glen has been in love with Sam Wylde since she first saw him in high school years before but Sam never knew Holly existed. Having fallen in love with his high school sweetheart, Sam’s life would be destroyed when his younger brother took from Sam his happily ever after.

The relationship between Sam and Holly is one of immediate attraction; an insta-lust/love romance that turns into something more when Sam offers marriage and forever to the woman with whom he will fall in love. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to the large and colorful extended Wylde family: brothers Caleb, Sterling, and Grady, and their sister Bethany ; parents Earl and Grace Wylde: uncle Duke Wylde; cousins Noah and Ruby; Nana Willie Lou Wylde and husband Caesar; Wyldefire business partner Caleb Daughtry; Sam’s ex fiancé Jane, and Holly’s friend and partner Amelia Eldridge. The camaraderie between family members is flirty and fun, but at times strained and reluctant.

WYLDE FIRE is a $ex filled and imaginative story of family, betrayal and vengeance; lust and love; impulsive, amusing and happily ever after. The premise is entertaining and captivating; the characters are feisty and sassy; the romance is steamy and hot.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Sarah Robinson is the bestselling author of The Photographer Trilogy and the Sand & Clay rock star series. A native of Washington, D.C., Robinson has both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in criminal psychology. She is married to a local police officer who is just as much of an animal rescue enthusiast as she is. Together, they own a zoo of rescue and foster animals.

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